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Write a note in this area. It's really easy to share with otheBefore I go, I'll say my own piece.

I don't hate Sae. I don't hate anybody in this situation, really. I tried my best to come on to Another when I could at first since I genuinely wanted to improve myself for the sake of the chat. It was the first big time chatroom I entered on chatzy and it just makes me sentimental to still be there.

And I'm not saying I'm not guilty of trash talking people either, since most of course know what happened in the gc and I won't excuse it. It was a shitty mentality that we all fell into...

Now my say on this whole thing.

I talked to Sae after they left the group. I was still worried about them because of what happened, since admittedly I was a bit mixed on who to side with- since Sae, Sophie, and Macey are all my friends. I'm not going into the drama- as that's something I don't feel comfortable explaining personally- but wanted to be friends with both of them, and at first sort of sided with Sae since I felt bad for them- but I also felt bad for Sophie.

But as I watched stuff go on, Sae's attitude towards others just felt... Two-faced, to me when it was pointed out.

They used to talk some of these people that they were friends with and trash talk them in our gc with us. This was all when they were in the gc, admittedly, so I can't say what they think of you all now but... How do you go from liking these people who you used to trash talk a lot on a daily basis pretty easily?

As I said before, there is the chance that this could be true but this is my own opinion on the matter. : /. And the reason why I haven't been active and talking to people as much is just because I don't feel comfortable there, as I said before. It's admittedly my own fault for not saying this to anyone on the mod team but I just... Don't feel trusting of telling people outside of my comfort zone about my feelings and just feel comfy doing so in certain servers/situations, like when I need to get that thing off my chest or I'll figuratively explode.

I still apologize though. I didn't mean to put any extra pressure on the chat on anybody. I'm sorry if this is too long-since it is lol- but this is my own feelings."rs. Click here ...
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