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September302008(13)-caulfields leave to seattle
September302008(13) to october302008(13)-ryan and vanessa become more distant because of arguments (vanessa is cheating on him)
October302008(13)-ryan files for divorce and moves away, the same day, vanessa and jefferson (the person vanessa was cheating on with) marries jefferson
October302008(13) to november252008(13)-max and jefferson get closer, he brainwashes her by giving her photography lessons
November252008(13)-max is taken away by sean and jefferson and put in sean's bunker while vanessa is given money
November252008(13) to july242013(17)-max is physically and sexually abused, sold off to other people, but (jefferson being the weird guy he is) jefferson only allows non-diseased people to do it saying it keeps her pure, she is drugged constantly with a mechanical pump to keep her lucid as well, jefferson also does weekly photo shoots starting from the first week she is taken to capture her innocence
July242013(17)-during one photoshoot, max is tied up on the floor, but the dosage is too low so max slowly breaks out. She takes jefferson's deagle, $500 and copies all of his computer's data
July252013(17)-while walking away from seattle, max nearly gets hit by car, but her rewind unlocks saving her. So she uses it to steal a car
July272013(17)-while max is in portland, she sees someone gets stabbed as she is sitting on a bench so she tries to rewind to save them. But her limit is blocked causing multiple rewinds causing freeze allowing max to go grab the knife saving the person. But she is extremely weak afterwards
July302013(17)-max arrives at the price household while david and joyce are at work meeting chloe telling her the story including time power. When they come home, max uses her rewind to stop arguments and tells story without time power
July302013(17) to september32013(17)-max and chloe become girlfriends, david and joyce help hide max, max and chloe train max's power, max gets a dorm at blackwell which david and joyce pay for, max mends the relationship between david and chloe too with power

vanessa never cared about max, but acted like she did

her room in the bunker is horrible as it is dirty and unclean with max being chained by both hands and ankles naked to the floor. She is drugged constantly with a mechanical pump to keep her lucid. She is only given a small glass of water, a stale piece of bread and soup to eat morning and night

while max is in bunker and after she escapes there is no missing person case and she is claimed to be home schooled. Ryan tries to visit but is shut down as well as his lawsuits. So after max escapes, prescott, jefferson and vanessa try to find her calling everyone (but max evades with time power)

deagle has multiple modifications including extended barrel, silencer, recoil compensating stock, extended mag and night vision reflex sight

max's fake name at blackwell is Jane Noir (crossed over Jane Doe and Noir Angel) with david and joyce being her parental guardians and wells is not corrupt

every day max briefly trains her power and at the weekend, max and chloe trains for longer

david and joyce do notice max getting paler during some conversations and max and chloe sneaking off together to wipe away her blood at the beginning and max 'glitching' later on creating suspicion

max and chloe also finds records of ryan's search for max as well as his lawsuits so meet him around september82013(18)

12 light years away at Tau Ceti, there is a made up planet called TC-129B with a diamater of 1250km (over 10 times smaller than earth), it has no moon and it very nice (colourful and flat with some hills) that has been dead for over 5 million years. When max resurrects TC-129B, she calls it bob, it takes around 1.5 hours to fly and 1 minute to fold (

rewind-july252013(17),accident (nearly hit by car, rewind unlocks)
freeze-july272013(17),accident (tries to save someone getting stabbed, but freezes time and takes knife)
photojump-august52013(17),accident (jumps to picture of that day and convinces william not to go, but after move, her parents are dead from shooting in cafe and william and chloe died in another car crash so she is in foster home constantly bullied)
suspend-august292013(17),accident (block bullet while chloe is training in junkyard)
age-september82013(17),testing (chloe gets an idea from rewind and freeze to combine them for individual objects)
fold-october72013(18),accident (max is snuggling with chloe, but chloe starts tickling her while max needs a toilet so max subconsciously thinks of the bathroom and folds there)

rewind-up to a day alone and up to half a day with others. No ageing while doing
freeze-can create massive power when hitting. No ageing while doing
photojump-needs to be a picture she has taken or is in or is in the vicinity at that moment
suspend-can enable momentum to carry on or stop and can enable movement meaning that head, hands and feet can move but body can't on other people (can be changed by holding onto max while she bubbles herself)
age-can put stuff backwards or forwards in time
fold-needs to be a memory as in a place she has been to, a picture of a place (different activation to photojump as photojump is more focusing) or a map of the place (can be satellite or other styles)
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