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There was a party-ball-gala whatever being held for all of the new trainers going on their journies through Galar. Every young trainer that had been endorsed was there.

Including Andi.

Andi had visited Galar because she heard it was cool. She accidentally got into a fight, some boy saw her and said she should do the gym challenge. This boy was Hop, the younger brother of the champion, Leon. Andi decided "screw it, sure". She had more than enough vacation days from Aether saved up, so that wouldn't be a problem. Hop ended up introducing Andi to his friend, Sword (until the official name is revealed or whatever, we call him Sword).

All three of them had gotten endorsed to do the gym challenge. Andi couldn't believe she going on yet another adventure but here she was.

As for Kana?

The person who knocked on her door was a talent agent. This talent agent suggested that Kana go to auditions for a girl group being formed.

And Kana got in.

For the past month or two, she had been traveling and performing in a girl group called RYK which standed for each of the girls' names. Rio, Yuki, and Kana. They had also been hired to perform at the Endorsement Party.

For the first time in months, Andi and Kana would see each other again. Saying that they were excited was an understatement.

"I got the punch!" a very excited Sword yelled.

Hop laughed. "Geez, Sword, why are you so excited by punch?"

"I don't know... I get excited about everything at things like this..." Sword said with a nervous laugh placing the three glasses of punch down. Andi gave a quick nod to say "thanks" and chugged her punch at a stupid speed.

"Well," Andi said after gulping down the last of her punch "I don't see the point of them. It's like, 'lets crowd around in a big room whilst wearing uncomfortable clothes so we can eat, drink, and dance what a good ol time!'"

"Exactly! It's fun!" Sword said, trying to prove his point. And failing. Andi can not be moved.

"So when is your friend-sorta-sister coming again?" Hop questioned.

"Her group should be on any minute now." music started. "Yep. There she is."

Three girls stood on stage. On the far left was a girl with shoulder-length black hair and a dark green dress - Rio. In the middle stood a girl with dark brown hair in a bun, wearing a scarlet dress - Yuki. And on the far left was a girl with a light mauve dress, her hair long, blonde, and a little wavy - Kana. The music was one of their songs. "Do You Feel the Same."

Here I'm lookin at the moonlight
Thinking about my feelings
And wondering
Do you feel the same

Scared to
Admit that I
Love you
What do I
Do I stay quiet or
Do I tell you
O-oh oh why...

Baby cause I've been
Down before
And it hurts more
Than you know
Baby yeah I
Maybe I just
Haven't got a chance

I need you

Do you need me

Are these feelings exchanged
Do you

Love me
You love me
You love me

Why am I so
So timid
So timid
So timid
This isn't me

So shy
Wanna cry
But I have to know

If I revealed my true feelings
Would you
Return this devotion

There's just one thing I need to know

Baby do you feel the same-

And at this point, this specific point, Kana looked Sword straight in the eye and winked. Not to mention that the dance move Kana did when she said "the same" was one of the specific set of dance moves Kana always did that just totally messed with people. Sword blushed furiously and turned to look away from the stage. He quickly took a sip of his punch to try to make everything seem normal. Hop stifled a laugh. "You okay there, mate?"

"I-I, um, yeah-"

"I know exactly what happened here. Kana was being all sexy wasn't she?" Andi said completely calmly.

Sword almost choked on his drink. "W-whAT!? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT."

"Oh she talked to me about this before. That girl in the green dress, Rio, she told Kana that some of the dance moves she did in some of their songs were like the most seductive crap she had ever seen, and how Kana pulled it off flawlessly because she always seemed super innocent and sweet at first. They were able to figure out that those moves, combined with eye contact and a wink RUIN people. It's hilarious. She had a pretty trashy relationship experience in the past and ever since has decided she's going to focus on her career and that 'love is dumb and a waste of time'. Basically? She uses her strange Arceus-given sexy abilities to mess with people and she and Rio find it to be the funniest thing ever. Aaand I kinda sorta told her that she should try to do it to one of you. It's funnier because I know you guys."

Sword looked very confused (still blushing) and Hop was dying of laughter now.
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