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For me the nature of God can be observed both in terms of the Macrocosmic (the Above, the Outer world) or the microcosmic (the Below, the inner world).
In the macrocosm God isn't an entity, as communicated in the exoteric religions, but is more akin to a higher reality; the Source from which we all emanate from, and through which we are all connected. It is the Impersonal principle in life which made all things, and drives us internally toward forming higher and higher conceptions of ourselves.
In the Microcosm, God in action is the Human Imagination. "Be still and know that I AM God". Your I AM-ness, your unconditioned awareness of Being, is God. "My Father and I are one, but my Father is greater than I." Consciousness is the Father, and that which you are conscious of being is the Son bearing witness of God, the Father. The unconditioned consciousness is greater than the conditioned state or conception of oneself, which is in flux and forever changing depending on your thoughts, whereas your Being is permanent.
By this everything is made that is made. Your consciousness bears witness to all your manifestations in life. In other words, you become and express what you are (in consciousness). Every man automatically expresses that which he is conscious of being, and by this we create the conditions of our lives.
This dance between the Macrocosmic and Microcosmic world is demonstrated by the Law of Correspondence in the Hermetic tradition. "That which is above is like that which is below, and vice versa." As (within) you feel in your heart, so (without) you objectify in the world as manifested conditions. As (Below) electrons spin about a nucleus, so (Above) planet's orbit star systems. By understanding ourselves, we can understand the cosmos, because we are apart of the whole and are all connected.
This is also reflected in Alchemy, an occult tradition taught through allegory. The alchemical process (of Mind) is the transmutation of base modes of consciousness (base metals) into Pure consciousness (Gold) achieved through aligning Thought, Emotion and Action (the holy trinity) toward the development of the individuated Self (Alchemical Gold)
Christ / Unity consciousness is the process of forming the holy trinity within ourselves, where our thoughts and emotions are not out of line with the person we would like to be and correspond with the required Action to make it happen. It is about not being in contradiction internally & creating a whole, balanced Being within, and that is how we create Heaven on Earth. And that is God's work on the internal landscape. By becoming aligned we can then understand the external Macrocosm as we are more in line with our intuition and FOLLOW it.
It's this intuition, this creative/generative principle that connects us to the Source, our higher Self, however you want to call it. Logic won't help gain an appraisal of God or divinity. It is accessed through intuition, or as the mystics would say: direct experience of a transcendent God or reality is accessed within by means of contemplation.
The positive Generative force in Man is Love (not romantic love), which births a thirst for knowledge (truth seeking), and gives rise to sovereignty within the individual, which on the external plane expresses itself as Freedom.
The negative Generative polarity in Man is Fear, which leads to ignorance & confusion and manifests as a desire for Control, which leads to chaos and Evil.
The aggregate mode of human consciousness is expressed in the macrocosm as the current human condition.
So are we a species expressing the polarity of Love or Fear? You could say we are disconnected from God, and I mean that symbolically in the individuated sense of humanity having a deep enough knowledge of Self to realise we are all one, and doing harm to another is only harming oneself
The above are the core principles of the mystery traditions regarding the nature of God and becoming One with God, which is really just a process of self becoming; embodying the best version of ourselves in this life. That is doing God's work on Earth and what connects us to the whole. "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you." It is the state of conscioisness where I AM a supreme being & my Thoughts (the Father) marry my Emotions (the Mother) and give birth to Action (the Son) in perfect divinity in correspondence with my ideal Self.
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