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Emma is a kind, empathetic, intelligent and loving individual who has a huge drive not only to succeed at everything she puts her mind to, but to help those around her succeed as well. She has a positive and encouraging attitude, is extremely mature, and has a level of initiative that I predict will far exceed your expectations.

Emma often chooses to spend whatever free time she has volunteering at our school. I have had the unique ability to watch her interact with the school community, including fellow teachers, staff, administration and students. She goes above and beyond to listen and learn, taking in every bit of information presented to her, and applying her newfound knowledge immediately and successfully (particularly when given direction in the classroom to help support the children). When working with children, she shows great patience and kindness, ensuring she not only listens to what they tell her, but that she follows through to help them in any way she can. She connects to the children by asking about their interests and does her best to ensure they understand their work and successfully complete it (e.g., she might use a real-life scenario of something they can relate to and understand, in order for them to complete the required work).

She has an amazing ability to make each person she interacts with feel as though they are being heard, as she presents herself as a compassionate and caring individual who truly wants to help, wherever necessary. She contributes her insightful opinions when appropriate, and does so with empathy, compassion and kindess. She also retains any information provided to her, and applies it when necessary, to help her succeed at eack task presented to her. Emma always follows through when making a committment, and does so with passion and a drive to not only succeed, but to succeed to the very best of her ability. She is a very determined individual, who never gives up and consistently strives to do better.

I believe Emma would be a highly valued and great asset to Wilfrid Laurier's Master of Social Work program. She is a highly motivated young lady who has a natural ability to communicate and collaborate with those around her, and is accepting and values all ideas, advice and suggestions provided to her. She works extremely well independently, putting in as much effort as necessary to get the job done, but is also not afraid to seek and ask for help when needed. Emma understands the importance of working as a team to accomplish goals that are to be met, and would apply all of her knowledge gained through volunteering at our school to any and every possible learning situation while working to complete this program. She gives 110% of herself to successfully achieve her goals, and I fully believe she would do the same to successfully complete the Master of Social Work program. She has a passion to work with others, and a strong willingness to help. She's not only motivated herself, but is also one to motivate those around her, due to her positive outlook on life. Emma is not afraid to work hard and to work through difficult situations. She is persistant and pushes herself to find a way to overcome difficulties, and does so with kindness, love, and respect to all those involved.

I know for a fact that Emma would be successful within the Master of Social Work program, and I know how important it is to her to do well. She has a clear outlook on what she wants to achieve in life, sets goals for herself, and accomplishes them with greatness. Being accepted to this program would be another valuable and important stepping stone on Emma's path to achieving her lifelong goal of changing the lives of others for the better. She truly wants to make a difference in the world, one person at a time, and will apply everything you teach her during this program to her daily life, and will do so successfully. Emma desires to be a part of something great and life-changing, and I honestly cannot think of a better candidate for your program.

Emma has selflessly volunteered her time to work at Anne J MacArthur Public School whenever possible. She has been kind enough to support students within the class, under teacher supervision, in a variety of different ways. She has taken the time to support the students and teachers during academic learning oppurtunities, while participating in learning situtations with other classes and teachers, and when interacting and problem-solving during nutrition breaks on the playground.

I have known Emma Smith for approximately 7 years. She is the daughter of one of my co-workers. I have spent a lot of time with Emma under a professional setting (while she volunteered at our school) and have had the ability to witness her professionally interact with fellow staff, admin and students.

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