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Digital Sun's Moonlighter is a great start for the independent game studio, but the game still has a few flaws I would like to point out.

In Moonlighter, you play as Will. During the daytime he is a shopkeeper. As a shopkeeper, you have to adjust your prices to the demand of the people. This can prove to be a challenge, but once you find the sweet spot, you can expect to make a lot of gold. Of course, the wares you're selling don't just appear out of thin air. At night, you venture into the dungeons to slay enemies and collect their loot. This loot can be used either for selling in your shop, or crafting new weapons and armor.
The core gameplay of Moonlighter is a fresh take on the dungeon crawler genre, mainly because of the shopkeeping addition. Going into the dungeons can be quite repetitive though, since you have to gather a big amount of gold and crafting items before you can craft that one weapon or piece of armor you want. The combat feels a bit clunky at times. I wish you could cancel the attack animation as soon as you press the dodge button. The weapon and armor choice in Moonlighter is very limited in my opinion. I hope the developers add more weapons and pieces of armor in the game.
The music is very well composed, but I feel like it doesn't fit the game that well (with the exception of the town music). The music feels like the type of music you'd hear in the cutscenes, but not while playing.
The graphics of Moonlighter are delightful. The animations are smooth, and the general aesthetic of the game feels great.
I've stumbled upon a few bugs in the game, but luckily they didn't ruin the experience too much for me.
Overall, I'd say that Moonlighter is a well-developed game. The game doesn't have a lot of replayability, but the first run through the game is a great experience. The game is priced fairly well at 20 bucks. I give the game a 7.3/10. If dungeon crawlers with an element of management gameplay are your cup of tea, you should pick up a copy of Moonlighter.
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