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...Anonymous (ID: nop00O+L) CF
Based music
07/31/19(Wed)15:34:06 No.221282945
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Lets post some white male positivity music. Hail Odin. [Open] [Open] [Open] [Open]
...Anonymous (ID: It/qZrSH)
07/31/19(Wed)15:40:42 No.221283407 [Open]
>>221283631 #
...Anonymous (ID: It/qZrSH)
07/31/19(Wed)15:42:30 No.221283537 [Open]
...Anonymous (ID: nop00O+L) CF
07/31/19(Wed)15:43:45 No.221283631
>>221283407 #
That song is good too. I saw this mini-series about Carolus Rex the other day btw, quite interesting stuff. [Open]
>>221285797 #
...Anonymous (ID: 8+6G87cR)
07/31/19(Wed)15:49:34 No.221284040 [Open]
>>221284727 #
...Anonymous (ID: kknAiFzS)
07/31/19(Wed)15:57:07 No.221284607
Check out The Golden One's spotify playlist.
...Anonymous (ID: 2yQhD9u4)
07/31/19(Wed)15:58:48 No.221284727
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>>221282945 (OP) #
>>221284040 #
Came here to post this fucking ANTHEM. Nicely done Spaniardbro, excellent song.
...Jewsus saved me (ID: jFWPKDWI)
07/31/19(Wed)16:01:57 No.221284956
55 KB
My sweet satan... You are the one!
>>221285511 # >>221285708 #
...Anonymous (ID: seh89Ou7)
07/31/19(Wed)16:07:01 No.221285305
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>>221282945 (OP) #
Wants to download based music? Talk to redpilled people? Join the SoulSeek chatroom.
>>221285965 #
...Anonymous (ID: MOUHtRn2)
07/31/19(Wed)16:08:56 No.221285441
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Thread is degenerate so far.

Richard Wagner the greatest artistic genius to ever of breathed the air of man. For Wagner shall always be the total peak of all Western art, culture and music in general - The Third Reich was the last continuation of this Aryan spirit birthed forth from an ideal nature in reactionary form, considering Wagner to be the prophet of their movement. [Open] [Open] [Open] [Open] [Open]

Keep in mind the predominant number of Wagner's music was not intended to be heard alone, rather as a culmination of the arts yet so much more. Hence the reason for my supplying of preludes alone. Wagner's immensity in genius cannot be understated - how he magnificently wrote his music, his libretto, his poetry of both sound, vision and ideal. All with psyche in mind, to have a philosophical and psychological undercurrent still debated upon today. Look to the leitmotif or Tristan cord as example. Now a piano transcription of Wagner's music by Liszt his great friend and whom Wagner was a son in law to. [Open]

Hitler himself and the Third Reich were both inspired by and based themselves upon Wagnerian aesthetics - to such a degree it may be said the latter Reich would not of existed without him. Aesthetic's not alone of the senses but of the ideal - the the ideal of the Aryan both of the masculine and the feminine, the ideal of the Machiavellian jew. All presented in the art of Opera yet only a grain of sand in comparison to so much more which is present. And the sacred as the core within the Wagnerian for it is what truly assert life and man pertaining within that duality a reciprocative element of constant flux.
>>221285496 # >>221285846 # >>221285851 #
...Anonymous (ID: MOUHtRn2)
07/31/19(Wed)16:09:36 No.221285496
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>>221285441 #
Wagner's philosophy and so art influenced by the entirety of Aryan culture and history - as the culmination of it - yet most greatly by the men known as the German Idealists. Most famously known (though no more influenced than by the others) as an admirer and follower of the pessimist Arthur Schopenhauer's writings. A statement that shall be better understood by the knowing of Richard Wagner's struggle with depression throughout his life.

"My King, I am not well: life has become a burden for me, and my artistic labours are far from easy. The whole effort, moreover, of reviving so strange a work as Tristan has left me very tired. What depresses me is not the malice of the world -- but the extreme difficulty of working effectively and creatively, so that I feel like a stranger, almost like a fool, in this world of ours, and in this century." Munich, 5 July 1865, to King Ludwig II of Bavaria

Frequently telling Liszt that he had wished to die.
>>221285851 #
...Anonymous (ID: p3FGcsZG)
07/31/19(Wed)16:09:42 No.221285508
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>>221282945 (OP) #
> Hail Odin
> Sabaton fan girl
> is a guaranteed Mutt
Why are American niggers larping as European pagan descendants every single time so cringe worthy?
...Anonymous (ID: tm+SZYre)
07/31/19(Wed)16:09:44 No.221285511
>>221284956 #
King fucking rules
...Anonymous (ID: NOpBN0Wf)
07/31/19(Wed)16:11:00 No.221285599
>>221282945 (OP) #
Extremely gay
...Anonymous (ID: e3HhgW95)
07/31/19(Wed)16:11:11 No.221285613
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>>221282945 (OP) # [Open]
...Anonymous (ID: oXpFyIXU)
07/31/19(Wed)16:11:59 No.221285673
>>221282945 (OP) #
Looks like a bunch of homos.
>>221285920 #
...Anonymous (ID: MOUHtRn2)
07/31/19(Wed)16:12:31 No.221285708
>>221284956 #
Why are heavy rock names always so pseudo - like who the fuck that isn't a 10 year old kid create the name "merciful fate" and think it doesn't sound ultra cringe worthy.
...Anonymous (ID: EXqU/jk1)
07/31/19(Wed)16:12:55 No.221285736 [Open]
...Anonymous (ID: zTqsdv96)
07/31/19(Wed)16:13:58 No.221285797
>>221283631 #
Try Massies' Peter the Great , good stuff on that war and a great read
...Anonymous (ID: 2yQhD9u4)
07/31/19(Wed)16:14:31 No.221285846
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>>221285441 #
>Richard Wagner the greatest artistic genius to ever of breathed the air of man.
Objectively wrong. Also, while his music is excellent and his talent is incredible, unique times call for unique styles of music. When you ride into battle, you won't want to be listening to the Tannhauser Overture. Classical is true beauty in music form. A gorgeous embodiment of everything that western culture represents. Still, it's not fair to instantly dismiss other styles and artists as inferior.
>>221286033 # >>221286049 # >>221286583 #
...Anonymous (ID: XVs+j/mx)
07/31/19(Wed)16:14:34 No.221285851
>>221285441 #
>>221285496 #
Based Wagner poster.
>>221286033 #
...Anonymous (ID: cLHul0Dp)
07/31/19(Wed)16:15:29 No.221285920
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>>221285673 #
youd fuckin know wouldnt ya leaf
...Anonymous (ID: abxQ6c81)
07/31/19(Wed)16:16:01 No.221285965
>>221285305 #
Based soulseek user
>>221286258 #
...Anonymous (ID: MOUHtRn2)
07/31/19(Wed)16:16:55 No.221286033
>>221285846 #
Never said other artists were bad you mong, don't get me wrong I love Bach and Beethoven - Beethoven being the peak of "music" in itself however there is no doubt Wagner reigns as the absolute unquestioned supreme.

>>221285851 #
thoughts on Wagner Siberia-bro?
>>221287025 #
...Anonymous (ID: S9kqsZj9)
07/31/19(Wed)16:17:05 No.221286049
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>>221285846 #
>>221286583 #
...Anonymous (ID: xg4hQXpR)
07/31/19(Wed)16:18:24 No.221286156 [Open]
...Anonymous (ID: seh89Ou7)
07/31/19(Wed)16:19:37 No.221286258
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>>221285965 #
>>221285965 #
Join us, aussiebro.
...Anonymous (ID: MOUHtRn2)
07/31/19(Wed)16:20:39 No.221286352
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Tell me what do you perceive? To all Pagans, Atheists and Christians - see through to the inner kernel of figurative truth. Their archetypal presentation of mans innate. Do not lose sight of that for the formal separation of Mother Mary/Frigg. See only the continuing recurring patterns of man - and God.
...Anonymous (ID: LplIJu9S) PR
07/31/19(Wed)16:21:23 No.221286408
>>221282945 (OP) #
> pro communist
> pro israel
> no assad or russia ( praise against isis)
...Anonymous (ID: 2aij4LT+)
07/31/19(Wed)16:22:19 No.221286476
>>221282945 (OP) #
Ok now this is cringe
...Anonymous (ID: ivUfThaJ)
07/31/19(Wed)16:23:43 No.221286582
>>221282945 (OP) #
Dude, this shit is angry as fuck. I don't want to become a rage faggot. Upbeat and positive stuff turns me into a higher drive to make something out of myself. I am sticking with Beethoven and Rachmaninov.
>>221286715 #
...Anonymous (ID: MOUHtRn2)
07/31/19(Wed)16:23:44 No.221286583
>>221285846 #
And yea as this anon>>221286049 # said, Wagner was Romantic not classical. It's just the masses use the term classical to describe the common practice period.
...Anonymous (ID: 5dlocQde)
07/31/19(Wed)16:25:05 No.221286677
/pol/ anthem [Open]
...Anonymous (ID: 4QmkH2qy)
07/31/19(Wed)16:25:14 No.221286689
>>221282945 (OP) #
As much as I love /pol/, I find a lot of the preferred music to be garbage
>>221286888 #
...Anonymous (ID: MOUHtRn2)
07/31/19(Wed)16:25:30 No.221286715
>>221286582 #
He was okay and really good at times but I found him to be too chaotic at times beyond the necessary reins of harmony within music.
...Anonymous (ID: e3HhgW95)
07/31/19(Wed)16:27:53 No.221286888
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>>221286689 # [Open]
Here's a refreshing /pol/ approved redpill song about music.
Bonus for having one of the most technically talented drummers in the world.
...Anonymous (ID: RR2tlh0A)
07/31/19(Wed)16:28:14 No.221286919
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>>221282945 (OP) #
Is that Steve C?
>>221287207 #
...Anonymous (ID: XVs+j/mx)
07/31/19(Wed)16:29:54 No.221287025
>>221286033 #
Im Nietzschean, Wagner was a peak of the european nihilism (and culture btw) exactly in his "Parsifal", and after Wagner there is no european culture.
...Anonymous (ID: aTmVAuha)
07/31/19(Wed)16:30:07 No.221287044
Check out GG Allin, very conservative musician.
...Anonymous (ID: uvwu4Si3)
07/31/19(Wed)16:31:10 No.221287116
>>221282945 (OP) #
...Anonymous (ID: 2IutkIgo)
07/31/19(Wed)16:32:26 No.221287207
>>221286919 #

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