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Hello Algert, I've been thinking a lot and I think it actually is better to move on from you. You've caused me a lot of pain and I know exactly why, now. Remember that guy, Leonardo? He loved me with all his heart and he would've died for me. I rejected and left him, for you. He's been through what I'm going through now and that's karma. ''Karma said: You will fall in love with someone who doesn't love you, for not loving someone who did.'' Karma will come for you, too. You weren't love, you were a lesson and I learned from it. This is going to be the last time you hear from me cause I'm blocking you everywhere and I promise you and swear to my sister and mom's life that I'm not going to unblock you ever again. I'm done with you once and forever, for good. Thank you for those nice months and thank you for hurting me in the exact same way my ex did. It's okay, you know? ''Everything that breaks you down can also build your character.'' I'll be better, way better, without you. You probably won't even bother to read this or you read it and just get one point that you could go against me with. But that's okay, I'm used to it, haha. Last time you told me to listen to a few songs you like. It's your turn now and I hope you care enough to listen to them and understand them like I did. NF - Trauma, NF - Nate, NF - Mansion, NF - Paralyzed and NF - If you want love. Those are depressing songs but they will help you understand what you did to me, the person you said you loved. Actually listen to Hi-Rez - Used to, too. Also says a lot. ''There ain't nothing I could do to change the way that you been actin’: like a fool. You only want me when I'm playin' by your rules. Still think of lying even when I tell the truth. I could really really really use a break. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I got, I got used to being used. Do not talk unless you been up in my shoes'' Take a minute, grow up and understand. Girls aren't toys you can play with when you're bored and throw away when you don't want them anymore. You've been doing this since months now. Everytime when you crashed into me moving on. Tactics, right? Georgia and me talked about this yesterday but at the end we both agreed to ''no matter what we say now, we will run back anyways''. That's true so don't ever even bother to message me anymore cause I wanna move on from you. You were wondering why I've been sad and down since days, right? I've told you a lot of times why, but you didn't understand. Georgia said that she could see it from miles away. It's all your actions, Algert. Actions speak louder than words. You say ''I love you'' soo many times but barely or never showed it. But you know, it's okay. You're just not ready to be in a relationship, yet. Listen to the songs, take some time for the person you destroyed. You owe me that, now. Goodluck in your life, I wish you the best and please don't treat your next girlfriend like you treated me. It'll destroy her, like it destroyed me. You always act like such a nice person but in reality you could be the devil. But you know, you're forever gonna be my baby that I once fell in love with. Ti je dashuria ime. A last thing: ''I swear to god that I hate you and it wouldn't be hard to replace you. But I don’t want someone to fuck, I want someone I can trust. Maybe that’s the only reason why I date(d) you'' -Anth. Goodbye, I love you ❤
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