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Apex Legends Level 4 Equipment (Gold Armor + Knockdown Shield Update Concept)

Hey guys sethly here back with another apex legends video, I hope your all having a fantastic day. In this video I wanted to cover the level 4 equipment in apex, aka the gold backpack, helmet, shield, and knockdown shield. We all know that these gold items can be absolutely amazing, but some of them can be completely useless. I have always believed the gold armor and knockdown shield have been complete wastes of potential. There are so many different types of abilities each could have, and im sure you guys agree with me. Recently, FrozenFroh, posted a concept on reddit that got over 7,000 upvotes. So I wanted to show off the concept to you guys so I can see what the community thinks about these ideas. Respawn have definitely listened to the community about certain types of updates and taken community suggestions, so I wouldn't be surprised if some changes were made to these items in an upcoming update.

Ill make sure to link the reddit post down below, but lets get right into it. Obviously, both the gold helmet and backpack are very useful items. The gold backpack allows you to heal 50% faster and the helmet reduces your ability cooldown times, which can be super useful on characters like pathfinder. Then we get to the level 4 armor, which sounds and looks amazing but is extremely underwhelming. The ability allows you to refill your shield when you use a finisher on a downed enemy, which can take up to 5 seconds. So if you think about it, it would just be faster to use a shield battery. In reality, the level 4 armor is rarely used so here are some ideas to improve it. First, is the obvious. A potential ability could be gaining 1 shield bar per knockdown. As well as possibly, gaining all of your shield back if you squad wipe or finish off the last person in a squad. The last idea is that the gold armor would make finishers take half the amount of time, so you can practically use it in combat situations.

On to the knockdown shield. I have always thought of it as a decent item and I have gotten some good use out of it. However, I often find myself getting immediately thirsted because the enemy sees the gold shield and kills me so I can't self revive. An idea to change the knockdown shield could be that the shield glows purple for a few seconds before turning gold so the enemy might not notice you have a level 4 knockdown shield. Another concept would be to have the self revive animation take half as long so you can successfully self revive quickly. The last concept is that the gold knockdown shield would give you shield when downed based on the level armor you have. This would make it take longer for enemies to finish you.

Thats all of the concepts for level 4 equipment changes. Make sure to let me know what you guys think down in the comment section below. If you enjoyed the video then make sure to hit that like button, it really does help me out a ton and if your new to the channel then hit that sub button and turn on the notification bell for daily apex videos. its the best way to support the channel. Its been your boy sethly, and im out.
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