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I dont really know what to say but Id like to know where it went wrong...
was it when you kissed her? or was it when I went and fought fire with fire?
See I dont think you get it, Im sitting here trynna figure out what the hell is going on in my head lately,
I can't tell if i'm hurting because I miss you or because I hate you. *laughs* I dont think I could ever hate you. Damn, i'm over here trying to figure out what you helped me with...because all I recall is doing everything for you, getting you up in the morning, making us food when you didnt want to move, calming you down when all you wanted to do was yell. All I remember from you is the anger, I shut myself out from the world just to make you happy, I hardly even went to go see my family just so you wouldnt get hit that night, I protected you to the point I would argue with anyone just to defend what we had, or.. what I thought we had. Sure we had our laughs and dumb moments but why are those so blurry? Why do I still fucking miss you? Why do I still fucking love you bro? Why do I crave coming home and being in our bed? Why does my heart still hurt? Ever since you, I cant love like how I loved you, I hurt people just like you hurt me. Do you ever think of me? of us? ever? Fuck. You know how they say there are a few steps to moving on? Denial, Saddness, Anger, etc some shit like that? Yeah well I think im going through all of them, all at the same time, all the time. I miss you, I hate you, I love you, Im over you but then again im not over you. Lately im so confused, so fucking confused and see, id still do anything to go back and fix things but I cant. I even vented to your mom the other night. She misses me... but I wish it were you
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