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<kline> hey i dont remember asking that brgore
<kline> maybe caise i forget becaude of thr benzos
<kline> u a bitch tho
<wtf_igo> yeah thats not a good way to get unbanne
<wtf_igo> d
<wtf_igo> so i think a week off here might suit you better
<kline> do u eany me to worship u
<kline> to get unbannned
<wtf_igo> if you want to come back you are going to have to change your ways its that simple
<wtf_igo> no
<wtf_igo> i want you to play fair
<wtf_igo> like everyone else does
<wtf_igo> and not act like a spoiled child
<kline> ok i will
<kline> sry
<wtf_igo> dont say sorry
<wtf_igo> take a week to think about it
<wtf_igo> and come back when you want to play nice
<kline> told u i gorgot i already Sked the combo wuestion
<kline> im on a venzo binge
<wtf_igo> irrelevant
<wtf_igo> grow up
<kline> big ego
<wtf_igo> yes
<wtf_igo> exactly the problem
<kline> its unfair
<kline> a week?
<wtf_igo> you got every chance
<kline> for some stupid shit
<wtf_igo> this is what happens when you try to play hard ball in life
<wtf_igo> own it
<wtf_igo> learn from it
<wtf_igo> grow up
<kline> u grow up
<wtf_igo> lmfao
<wtf_igo> k we are done here
<wtf_igo> if you want to be perma banned
<kline> you arr acting like a child
<wtf_igo> keep going
<kline> i want to speak to a managet
<kline> manager*
<wtf_igo> you will find them in there ^
<kline> bodyblow u were capping
<kline> i did a hit and im alive and well
<wtf_igo> i dont care
<kline> bunch of liers
<wtf_igo> mhm
<wtf_igo> k
<wtf_igo> settles it
<wtf_igo> you are done here
<wtf_igo> buh bye now
<kline> cap
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

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Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

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Regards; Team

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