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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like porn.
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: how are u
You: good how are you
Stranger: im fine
You: thats good
You: so can i ask you something
Stranger: yeah n sure
You: whyd you put porn
Stranger: umm idk wbu?
You: because i put in my favorite artist childish gambino first and then i put in porn and there way barely any people with him as the search but appearntley a lot of people like porn haha
You: appearently
Stranger: i was bored so i put porn idk lol
You: haha alright why are you on omegle still bored?
Stranger: yeah sadly
Stranger: :c
You: i at least understand that a lot
Stranger: wbu
You: bored like really bored
Stranger: same
You: yeah where do you live for conversation purpose
Stranger: Where am i from?
You: yeah
Stranger: im from California
You: oh nice me too haha
Stranger: that's cool
You: yeah
Stranger: what ru up to
You: looking for things to do online
Stranger: oh haha i see
You: haha yeah any suggestions
Stranger: idunno worlds hardest game xD
Stranger: lol
You: lol sike tried that hated it got so mad haha
Stranger: its funny xD
You: i hate it
Stranger: i gotten to lvl 5 then Rage Quit xD haha it was bs
You: yeah ahah i just got so mad i was just playing slenderman then i got scared haha
Stranger: Slenderman is creepy the farthest i got was one :c
You: really aha
Stranger: its scary lol
You: thats why i quit haha
Stranger: my heart was pumpin fast that day lol
You: haha that must have sucked
Stranger: I played it at 2 in morning
You: awful haha
Stranger: Really ;p
Stranger: especially in dark
You: haha yeah witht ehe sound up
Stranger: Lmao shuddup bout slenderdick xD
Stranger: I hate him
You: slenderdick really cx
Stranger: ahaha yes
Stranger: xD
Stranger: Lmfao
You: nice name cx how can you be afraid of the name slender dick cx
Stranger: idk something cx aha
You: haha wyd
Stranger: Layin on my bed talking to you about SlenderDick lol
Stranger: its 1:51am
You: 9 minutes slenderdick will come for you cx
Stranger: Shush
Stranger: :c
You: dont look outside dont look through a camera haha
Stranger: i have a curtain im not
You: okay just making sure haha
Stranger: i have my window locked too
Stranger: ohh noo /. my closet
You: uh ohhh youre done
Stranger: its closed but a pinch isn't
You: thats all that he wants
Stranger: nooo/.<
You: so he knows it will get in your head cx
Stranger: shut tf up oh my god haha :(
You: nothing can save you now haha cx
Stranger: ima get my bat
You: can hurt that tall nigga cx
Stranger: i'll hit him in his slenderdick
You: ouch thats cold
Stranger: make him 4'11 my height
Stranger: xD
Stranger: then i'll throw hands
You: ouch for you 411 cx put the paws up
Stranger: shuddup
Stranger: meanie im short
You: haha how old are you cx
Stranger: im 16 lol
You: haha me too nice haha no go get slenderdick cx
Stranger: im funsized get it straight -.-
You: lol you sound so much like my friend its insane cx
Stranger: im cereal u better get it straight b4 i hit u in your slenderdick xD
Stranger: lmao
You: better not touch my slender dick cx
Stranger: what!
Stranger: oh noo
You: what?
Stranger: lmao
You: what haha
Stranger: im not goin to do that
You: you said that you would hit me so you wont hit me youre not being clear lol
Stranger: im confused stop xD
Stranger: U hurt my bwain
You: my bad cx
You: do you know where bakersfield is
Stranger: it was :P n no
You: well its the most boring place in california
Stranger: Lmao im in Colorado right now but from L.V
You: cool haha
Stranger: its cold
You: you dont have a blanket
Stranger: yes but im still cold
You: get anotherlazy hah
Stranger: shush up lol
You: haha got your funsized ass up haha
Stranger: shut
Stranger: your wordhole lol
You: good comeback cx
Stranger: thanks i appreciate it xD
You: welcome cx
Stranger: your dumb xD haha
You: thanks c:
Stranger: Lmao it wasnt a compliment
You: took it as one c:
Stranger: Im soo done
Stranger: lmao
You: haha do you know who childish gambino is
Stranger: no
You: -.-
Stranger: :D
Stranger: ahaha
You: haha umm can i just say my name is jaden hi c:
Stranger: im Jennifer or Jenni lol PopTarts
You: im sorry what hahaha
Stranger: lmao hi
Stranger: I like poptarts have u ate one b4?
You: have i ate a poptart before are you drunk jennifer haha
Stranger: I do get high and no not yet cx
You: haha you do cx and if you do hit me up cx
Stranger: Nah xD
You: dick -.-
Stranger: kay
You: haha so now that i somewhat know you youre personality doesnt seem porny haha cx
Stranger: im Bi hehe
Stranger: and no
You: youre bi cx and so youve never watched porn?
Stranger: i seen what it was bc my gf who i was with told me to look up something n well it ended up on a site i didnt know of n yea .-.
You: so you dont watch porn? and wait she told you to look up porn cx
Stranger: i guess like i didnt know what it was shuddup xD stop it lol
Stranger: i dont watch it
You: you didnt know what porn was xD
Stranger: i was 14 lol n no >.< it was gross though like ewww seriously
You: first of all still xD second of all porn is beautiful XD
Stranger: umm no
Stranger: That day scarred me
You: haha so how do you drink andsmoke and not know what porn is cx
Stranger: Because ima pothead xD n well i dont drink as much n idk shush
You: ahah sooooooo trying to think of conversation things x
Stranger: lmao u made my night haha ^.^
You: haha thats good c:
Stranger: lol
You: how did i c:
Stranger: for being dumb lol
You: thats how i make everyones night haha
Stranger: Your the most nicest person i met on here so far lol
You: yeah most people just hope im a 20 year old female whos feeling frisky haha
Stranger: Lmao are u? o.o
You: am i 20 female feelings frisky cx
Stranger: are u haha xD
Stranger: im scared lol
You: im a 16 year old boy cx
Stranger: lmao okay haha i was kind of frightened
You: yeah instead of slenderman it was me a 20 year old girl feeling frisky cx
Stranger: actually i might of /would have liked this lol but o.o damn
Stranger: liked it*
You: liked what talking to a 20 year old frisky girl?
Stranger: yeah haha
You: thats just
You: really hot cx
Stranger: lmao but your awesome ^.^
You: haha thanks if i could i would be a 20 year old frisky girl for you cx
Stranger: haha i would love that
You: damn cx
Stranger: Jokes on u Slenderdick didn't come
You: just wait cx
Stranger: He's not going to be here ima be sleeping perfectly cx
You: lucky cx
Stranger: Like an Angel xD
You: haha cx
You: so your bi cx can i please ask you some questions cx
Stranger: sureee
Stranger: xD
You: alright number 1 which do you like more guys or girls and sorry cxx
Stranger: Girls ^.^♡¤♡
You: haha why cx
Stranger: umm idunno
Stranger: lol but i prefer them better sowwie
You: haha okay what type of girl cx
Stranger: hmm?
You: like blonde brunette like what do bi girls look for in girls cx
Stranger: sorry im doing something n Brunette
Stranger: i like Brunette ;3
You: its cool wyd? and oh haha c; haha
Stranger: privacy stuff dude lol
You: lol my bad haha
Stranger: yeah ;p
You: haha cx
Stranger: shush up
You: never
Stranger: yes
Stranger: Go f yourself xD
Stranger: lol
You: lol never cx
Stranger: yes
You: no you cant tell me what to do
Stranger: yes i can
You: tell me something to do then
Stranger: Idk
Stranger: lol
Stranger: i cant think ;p
You: lol cmon anything ill do it haha
Stranger: why u said i cant xD
You: i mean i wont i thought we were playing truth or dare for a second cx
Stranger: wanna?
You: yeah lets go
Stranger: u first
Stranger: tell me
You: truth
Stranger: u tell me truth or dare so u say n i'll say ex:Dare
You: oh okay ahha truth or dare
Stranger: dare lol
Stranger: im feelin frisky cx
You: lol yes! i dare you to think of your fantasy and search it in google cx
Stranger: no
Stranger: im not
Stranger: not that one please
You: thats a dare have to respect the rules cx
Stranger: i retire
Stranger: xD
You: lol fine okay you have the hottest guy in your phone cx
Stranger: ummm
Stranger: why
You: its just a dare cx okay fine give me examples of dares you your talking about cx
Stranger: skip me umm truth or dare
You: ugh fine ummm truth
Stranger: Is it true that im awesome? ^.^
Stranger: lmao
You: very true cx
Stranger: yaay
You: haha okay truth or dare cx
Stranger: truth ima play safe ;P
You: is it true that im fun to talk to c:
Stranger: yes ^.
You: yayyyyy cx ummmm dare im feeling risky c:
Stranger: I dare u to call Jenni "Daddy" ;D
Stranger: Lmfao cx
You: you want me to call you daddy cx
Stranger: yes
Stranger: cx
You: okay .... daddy cx
Stranger: ahaha
Stranger: dare fuck it ;D ahaha
You: haha i dare you tooo haha call me sexy cx
Stranger: Shit /. Okay Sexy! >.<
You: for the rest of the conversation too xD
You: haha alright truth cx
Stranger: what!
You: you have to call me sexy like throughout the conversation cx
Stranger: That's scan lmao wtf
You: scan?
Stranger: is it true you like me? n Scandalism lol Scan for short
You: like how /. and ohh cx
Stranger: i hate the word short -.- n as a fwend
You: ohhhhhh cx and yeah your cool c:
Stranger: thanks u are too
You: thanks c:
Stranger: umm dare i guess
You: okay i dare you too idk look in your window for slenderman cx
Stranger: he can fuck himself
You: look in the window cx
Stranger: im not looking out
You: youre so difficult -.- i like that c: alright you have to do the first dare cx
Stranger: fine i'll take a peek /.
You: okay good cx
Stranger: my windows are foggy :[
Stranger: nothing there f you
Stranger: xD lol
You: lol wow cx alright umm idk ask me anything or dare me to do something cx
Stranger: i dare u to dry hump one of your pillows xD
You: really cx
Stranger: u heard Daddy :P
You: shouldnt i buy it dinner first cx
Stranger: lmao xD
Stranger: i guess
You: alright fine cx
You: hold up cx
Stranger: haha
Stranger: kay
You: done cx
Stranger: u took 3 mins wow u must've had fun :P lol
You: i took 1 minute wow cx i had to explain its a one night stand cx
Stranger: Lmao ahaha
You: alright truth or dare cx
Stranger: dare
You: i dare you to say dont stop oh my god dont stop cx
Stranger: umm
You: have to cx
Stranger: i really hate u right now
Stranger: xD
You: do it cx
Stranger: okay sugar tits
Stranger: lol
You: wow cx
Stranger: Don't stop ! Oh my gawd! Don't stop!!
You: yes! xD
Stranger: wow that was awkward .-.
You: i think it was fun cx
Stranger: please dont make me do that again
Stranger: /.
You: its truth or dare cx haha okay dare cx
Stranger: I dare you to sleep commando xD
You: alright then im down for it but i dare you to do the same thing xD
Stranger: i am jk n why
You: lol you have to and so i have something to do tonight .... xD lol cuz i have to too cx
Stranger: Nasty
Stranger: noo
Stranger: i have a long t-shirt on is that ok?
Stranger: lol
You: lol cx and ummmmm nooo either no bra or no panties cx
Stranger: fuck
You: have to cx
Stranger: i'll take my bra off /.<
You: oooooooooo c;
Stranger: shit /.
You: thank god finally c; cx
Stranger: truth or dare SlenderDick
Stranger: -.- lol
You: lol cx ummmm dare cx
Stranger: Okay Sexy -.- I dare u to put ice on your D lol xD
You: yayyyy you called me sexy cx and ohhhhhhhhh cmon really cx dont i have to get hard first cx
Stranger: yes really
Stranger: ;p
You: i have to get hard tho and i dont have one so cx
Stranger: fine do however u do but get an ice
Stranger: ice cube lol
You: i cant do it im not hard cx
Stranger: get hard idk lol
You: lol how cx
Stranger: idk u tell me lol cx
You: idk cx you have to i guess xD
Stranger: fine change smack your D >.<
Stranger: god this sounds weird
You: no its cool just get me hard real quick xD and really .-.
You: and yes it does cx
Stranger: yes really
You: ugh fine -.-
Stranger: haha cx
You: oww /.
Stranger: what's wrong? wouldn't u like that? cx
You: smacking my D?cx no i wouldnt cx
Stranger: a girl doing that xD u ass
You: im confused cx
Stranger: dare
Stranger: im risking it :p
You: alright i dare you too tell me your fantasy cx
Stranger: No just shuddup about that
Stranger: tell me something else
You: lol fine i dare you too look up porn cx
Stranger: im speechless o.o
You: have too cx
Stranger: i'ma close my eyes /.
You: still have to tho cx
Stranger: why
You: cuz its truth or dare cx
Stranger: Go f yourself lol fine i'll do it
You: lol yess cx
Stranger: oh god :(
You: what did you search cx
Stranger: im soo done i cant handle it
You: what did you cx
Stranger: im crying /. why J?
You: nu uh its why sexy cx lol what did you search cx
Stranger: im laughing as well wtf?
You: cuz you hate that you love it cx
Stranger: i fuckin hate u Jayden lmao
You: lmao alright i dont care turht or dare either for me c:
Stranger: i dare u to look up porn n put it on full blast for a second
You: omg fine cx
Stranger: dont get caught cx
You: shutup cx
Stranger: aha cx
You: ohhhhh god its gonna be loud cx
Stranger: oh my god xD
You: shes using a strapon it litterally looks like shes screaming cx
Stranger: oh god cx
Stranger: hahaha
You: wow this is actually kinda hot cx
Stranger: shut tf up :o
You: just saying it is cx
Stranger: no its not
You: yes it is cx oh god it was so loud cx
Stranger: noo its not and u can stop it now
You: i know i did cx
Stranger: okay well dare im all out
You: alright all out?
Stranger: yeah i guess
You: alright i dare you to say something like super sexy cx
Stranger: *facepalm* oh my god really?
You: yes really cx
Stranger: well what do u want me to say -.-
You: lol idk just say like sexy stuff cx
Stranger: no more sexual terms after ok
You: lol okay cx
Stranger: Ohh my gawd it's soo deep fuck my tight little pussy >.<
Stranger: /.
You: omg /. nu uh you have to keep going a little bit cx
Stranger: mmmm pound that shit hard ohh fuck yes ouu im almost there im soo fuckin wet
Stranger: /.
You: still gotta cx by the way thats super fucking hot /.
Stranger: mmmm keep fucking my tight pussy ohh yess ima cum oh my god ohh stop yes yes yes im cumming ahh fuck ouuuu its all over your dick mmmm
Stranger: /. no more
You: still have too cx wow..... i can honestly say im pretty turned on /.
You: cmon please /.
Stranger: mmm ok
You: yayyyyyy cx youve done this before havent you c;
Stranger: just shush up <3
Stranger: im sowwie
You: lol for what? and can you keep doing this i like love it cx <3
Stranger: mmm i want u to cum on my tits baby keep fuckin me good ouuu mmm its soo fuckin big ohh my gawd ahh fuck i'll hold my tits together mmmm cum all over them
You: hey idk about this but youre really cool and i want to like talk to you after this c:and i actually have a boner like wow omg /.
Stranger: ahaha cx damn am i good?
You: yes youre really good like damn girl youre sexy haha c;
Stranger: ahaha ;3 thank you
You: like my dick is really hard /. can you keep going /.
Stranger: i need my fan on lmao its really hot n sure i guess
You: yayyyyyyyy and lol get it then cx we should talk like some othere time too c:
Stranger: shush up dude ;) lol foreal your gettin me mad >.<
You: okay as long as you keep going c; and how cx
Stranger: just playin with u xD that's my sense of humor ;P
You: oh okay cx i dont even get how you did that tho
Stranger: did what?^.^
You: like get me hard /.
Stranger: umm idont know either ^.^
You: haha are you gonna keep going?/.
Stranger: sure but cereally shush up
You: got it
Stranger: let me sit on that big dick baby mmm ohh yess god this feels soo good i want u to cum inside me fuuck its deep as fuck cum inside my tight pussy for me mmmm cum baby cum ohh gawd ouuu that feels soo good i love nice white cum inside me ;3 mmm i'll try to push it out that was amazing thank you ohh my goodness :* <3
You: omg fuck thats sexy my dick is so hard /.
Stranger: haha umm wow that's crazy ^.^
You: keep going some more?
You: pretty please haha /.
Stranger: i dont think i can
You: why not /.
Stranger: haha
You: haha please haha cx
Stranger: i guess but idk
You: omg yes :D
Stranger: i said idk shush up
Stranger: i get on my knees and start stroking that dick fast then i put my lips around it mmmm suddenly i start to suck on it mmmm my saliva falls on it as i start to slobber ohh its yummy finger my ass ohh gawd
Stranger: do it fast while i make u cum on my beautiful face ;3
You: omg im gonna jack off /.
Stranger: mmmm i keep sucking on it i suck on the tip then i start to put it down my throat mmmm suddenly i gag ohh fuck i spit on it then i go back to sucking and stroking it fast wise mmmmm stroke your dick for me i open my mouth cum baby mmm please cum i wanna taste you hehe mmmm ;)
You: omg i want to fuck you thats like omg /.
Stranger: i start licking all the cum off and clean your dick off with my tongue mmmm its tasty ;)
You: omg yes my dick is so hard /.
Stranger: hehe ;3 oops
You: dont say oops i just dont want this to stop /. i want to fuck you /.
Stranger: mmhehe c;
You: keep going baby /.
Stranger: umm no thanks ;3 n i cant
You: why not /.
You: ill shututp haha /.
Stranger: umm idk
You: please /.
Stranger: Your beatin your meat huh? .-.
You: yes i am cx
Stranger: i knew this was a bad idea
You: do you want me to stop ? and how is this a bad idea haha
Stranger: it all started cus u wanted me tease u lol
You: lol and then it got like super hard lol haha
Stranger: ohh my god /.^ lmao
You: haha so will you /.
Stranger: umm
You: my dick is hard and /.
Stranger: for a bit then your a lil bitch ;D ahaha
You: ahaha how about till i cum :D
You: and as long as im yours cx
Stranger: i get on all fours mmm im ready fuck me doggy style baby mmm my god pull my hair back fuck yeah im your dirty slut baby ohh my goodness make me squirt please baby god yes mmm yeah im about to cum ohh my fuuck its soo fuckin deep in my tight little pussy babe spank my fuckin ass im cumming baby ohh shit /. mmm your soo good baby ohh my ..... ahh stop please my juice starts leaking out mmmm i giggle n smile back at u ^. it was soo great baby
Stranger: i get up and my juice drips to my leg
You: omg im close /.
Stranger: i cant take it anymore im tired im so sorry :(
Stranger: im still here but my eyes r dead
You: haha its cool c: this sorta sucks tho its like last time were gonna talk :/
Stranger: i kno
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