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He said to me, I am ready.(1)
He told to me that he is ready.
√ He told me that he was ready
Option Third : He told me that I am ready.

Question : Client has emailed you requesting for an important data to be shared. Your supervisors are not marked on the email. You will:(1)
Option First : Share the data immediately with the client
Option Second : √ You will check with your manager before sending the data
Option Third : You will ask the manager to send the data
Option Fourth :
Question : Occupancy is expressed in terms of(1)
Option First : Hours
Option Second : √Minutes
Option Third : Seconds
Option Fourth :
Question : Which of the below is not one of our organizational Values(1)
Option First : Integrity
Option Second : Professionalism
Option Third : √ Team Work
Option Fourth :
Question : The full form of BPM is(1)
Option First : Business Processes Matters
Option Second : √ Business Process Management
Option Third : Business Process Meeting
Option Fourth :
Question : Feedback and Coaching is to be conducted by the following:(1)
Option First : Quality Analyst
Option Second : Team Leader
Option Third : √ Quality Analyst and Team Leader
Option Fourth :
Question : I wouldnt have got flowers for you if I ___ that you dont like them(1)
Option First : Knew
Option Second : √ had known
Option Third : know
Option Fourth :
Question : The meaning of astonished is (1)
Option First : Confused
Option Second : √ Surprised
Option Third : Angry
Option Fourth :
Question : One dollar is equal to 70 Indian Rupees. How many dollars is INR 1,05,000?(1)
Option First : 7000 dollars
Option Second : √ 1500 dollars
Option Third : None of the above
Option Fourth :
Question : You have rostered 20 CSAs for the shift. However, only 17 CSAs are present, 2 are absent and 1 has taken a planned leave. What will be the shrinkage percentage ?(1)
Option First : √ 15%
Option Second : 10%
Option Third : 11%
Option Fourth :
Question : An employee will be considered absconding in the event of continuous absence from work without informing the Supervisor.(1)
Option First : √ TRUE
Option Second : FALSE
Option Third :
Option Fourth :
Question : I _ my work. What next?(1)
Option First : Will do
Option Second : √ Have done
Option Third : Do
Option Fourth :
Question : Full form of SLA is(1)
Option First : Standard Level Agreement
Option Second : √ Service Level Agreement
Option Third : Service Log Applicable
Option Fourth :
Question : How do we calculate Unscheduled absenteeism percentage(1)
Option First : √ Total unscheduled absence per locked schedule released / total staff scheduled in the locked schedule.
Option Second : Total approved leaves in the locked schedule / (total approved leaves in the locked schedule + total staff scheduled)
Option Third : None of the Above
Option Fourth :
Question : The following is not a metric in our business(1)
Option First : Schedule Adherence
Option Second : Occupancy
Option Third : √ Miles per hour
Option Fourth :
Question : Abandonment rates is calculated as(1)
Option First : √ Calls abandoned / Total calls offered
Option Second : Number of calls answered within service level or X seconds / total number of calls offered
Option Third : None of the above
Option Fourth :
Question : Disciplinary action plan, DAP, can be issued to an employee on which of the following scenarios?(1)
Option First : Quality – Accuracy
Option Second : Abusive Language
Option Third : √ Compliance violations
Option Fourth :
Question : Formula to add 2 or more cell is …………(1)
Option First : √ SUM(cell 1+ cell2)
Option Second : SUM(cell 1 plus cell2)
Option Third : SUM(cell 1cell2)
Option Fourth :
Question : Internal Customer are(1)
Option First : Client
Option Second : √ Admin, Security, Training
Option Third : Customer who knows clients personally
Option Fourth :
Question : How to calculate Occupancy ?(1)
Option First : √ total active time/time on system
Option Second : Net Login /Agent Time
Option Third : Active Time/Net Login
Option Fourth :
Question : 6 7 9 13 21 ?(1)
Option First : 27
Option Second : √ 37
Option Third : 17
Option Fourth : 19
Question : Formula to calculate attrition percentage is ?(1)
Option First : √ Number of employee Attrition/(Opening Headcount closing headcount)/2)
Option Second : Opening Head count + closing headcount)/Number of attrition x 100
Option Third : Number of Attrition/Closing Headcount x 100
Option Fourth :
Question : On Time processing is calculated as(1)
Option First : Total processing time/ total transactions processed.
Option Second : Total time waiting for transactions / total staffed time
Option Third : √ % of invoices raised on time versus total invoices raised
Option Fourth :
Question : A CSE has attended work on 20 days of January. Considering that there were 25 working days in January, what is the attendance percentage of the CSE(1)
Option First : 100%
Option Second : √ 80%
Option Third : 75%
Option Fourth : 0.85
Question : The current CEO of Teleperformance DIBS(India Unit) is(1)
Option First : √ Bhupender Singh
Option Second : Daniel Julien
Option Third : Susir Kumar
Option Fourth :
Question : How do we calculate shrinkage?(1)
Option First : √ No of Absent / Rostered Count
Option Second : No of Absent+PL /Rostered Count
Option Third : No of PL+SL/Rostered Count
Option Fourth :
Question : A Team Leader must do the following(1)
Option First : Set goals clearly for team members
Option Second : Review performance regularly and share feedback
Option Third : √ Both
Option Fourth :
Question : The opposite of Courtesy is(1)
Option First : √ Rude
Option Second : Free
Option Third : Quiet
Option Fourth :
Question : 3% of 49 (1)
Option First : 45
Option Second : 2.56
Option Third : 4.46
Option Fourth : √ 1.47
Question : On time resolution of complaints is calculated as(1)
Option First : Number of client complaints awaiting to be resolved within agreed period / total number of client complaints in the month which are greater than agreed period since receipt
Option Second : √ Number of client complaints resolved within agreed period / total number of client complaints in the month which are greater than agreed period since receipt
Option Third : None of the above
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Regards; Team

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