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* statuesque-prose ([email protected]) has joined
<statuesque-prose> hello
<statuesque-prose> i need help
<wtf_igo> hey statuesque-prose
<wtf_igo> whats up?
<statuesque-prose> im way too high
<statuesque-prose> i took 4 tabs
<wtf_igo> what did you take?
<wtf_igo> okay
<statuesque-prose> double dosed
<wtf_igo> how long ago?
<statuesque-prose> and 4 grams
<statuesque-prose> of shrooms
<statuesque-prose> like 3 hours ago
<wtf_igo> right
<statuesque-prose> i think im dying
<wtf_igo> i stright up dont believe you
<statuesque-prose> should i call 911
<Minx> Hey
<Minx> Your not dieing
<wtf_igo> and frankly think its pretty digusting that you would come here and waste out time when we spend it helping others
<wtf_igo> as volunteers
<statuesque-prose> what
<Minx> I'm a very experienced tripper, I can assist you
<wtf_igo> ~quiet statuesque-prose troll
<tripbot> Quieted statuesque-prose. Remember: don't be a coconut.
* tripbot sets modes [#tripsit -v statuesque-prose]
* tripbot sets modes [#tripsit +q *!*]
* Nuloc ([email protected]) has joined
<Minx> wtf_igo: we don't do that here


<wtf_igo> hi
<wtf_igo> who are you?
<Minx> You have to assume they are telling the truth
<wtf_igo> i dont take orders from you
<wtf_igo> frankly
<wtf_igo> you want to waste your time with the troll be my guest
<wtf_igo> ive been up all night helping people who actually need it
<Minx> Your being really unproffesional, you should take a break
<wtf_igo> you know what
<wtf_igo> ive been running this place all on my own all night
<wtf_igo> i dont knwo who you think you are
<wtf_igo> but i really dont care about what you have to say
<wtf_igo> to be honest
<wtf_igo> who the fuck even are you?
<Minx> I'll be happy to discuss it with you another time
<wtf_igo> yeah ill pass
<wtf_igo> keep it to yourself next time
<wtf_igo> and let me do my job
<wtf_igo> yeah you believe a person on that amount of psychedelics can communicate that coherently you are delusional
<wtf_igo> you havnt been around much these past few years I guess
<wtf_igo> def not the last year
<wtf_igo> but we are suffering with a massive troll problem
<wtf_igo> so congrats on passing the troll test
<Minx> We don't know they are on that amount of psychedelics
<Minx> People get ripped of all the time
<wtf_igo> lol
<wtf_igo> 4 hits
<wtf_igo> and however many grams of shrooms
<wtf_igo> if those were 50ug hits
<Minx> the tabs could of been ruined, left out in sun light
<wtf_igo> he wouldnt be able to type
<wtf_igo> 3 hours in
<Minx> and 4g of wet weight is nothing
<wtf_igo> 3 hours in.
<wtf_igo> are you stupid?
<Minx> No, but it seems you are
<wtf_igo> lol
<wtf_igo> k
<wtf_igo> later
<Minx> Might want to get that checked out m8
<wtf_igo> might want to either sign up to staff
<wtf_igo> or fuck out of my inbox
<Minx> negligence & irrational
<wtf_igo> sure sure
<wtf_igo> swans in here like you own the place
<wtf_igo> you have no idea whats happening on this netowkr
<Minx> I don't need to know what's going on to know when somethings fundementally wrong
<wtf_igo> no shit
<wtf_igo> so the last thing i need is someone like yourself telling me what to do
<Minx> Why?
<wtf_igo> when im doing everything i can to help fix it
<Minx> maybe your trying to do too much
<Minx> you sound stressed out
<wtf_igo> maybe
<wtf_igo> i dont need your advice
<wtf_igo> i dont know you
<wtf_igo> but all you have done is anfered me
<wtf_igo> so sorry
<wtf_igo> but i dont want to talk to you
<Minx> you dont need to know someone to take advice
<wtf_igo> lmao
<wtf_igo> just like
<wtf_igo> leave me alone
<wtf_igo> please
<wtf_igo> if you want to help
<wtf_igo> sign up for staff
<Minx> If you dont want me to talk to you, why message me again?
<Minx> I don't need to be staff to help
<wtf_igo> yeah
<wtf_igo> people like you are the issue though
<wtf_igo> everyone thinks they know whats best
<wtf_igo> no one wants to out in any real effort though
<Minx> its called rationality
<wtf_igo> nah
<wtf_igo> its called being a no it all
<wtf_igo> know*
<Minx> Are you just butt hurt because i reported what happened to staff?
<wtf_igo> lmao
<wtf_igo> lololololol
<Minx> A power tripper like you might feel your position thretened, maybe you need purpose in your life and being staff here is that?
<wtf_igo> yeah
<wtf_igo> sure
<wtf_igo> whatever you say
<Minx> (:
<Minx> take a look in #sanctuary
<Minx> that person is barely coherant
<wtf_igo> yeah
<wtf_igo> im there
<wtf_igo> you wanna take over actually?
<wtf_igo> please be my guest
<Minx> theres others there
<wtf_igo> but i guess you dont have time or some shit ight?
<wtf_igo> yeah]
<wtf_igo> someone else will handle it
<wtf_igo> typpical
<Minx> I do what I can
<wtf_igo> lol
<wtf_igo> so far you have been a pest as far as im concerned
<wtf_igo> slowing me down with the actual people im helping here


<Crystal> wtf_igo, why did you mute that user in #tripsit
<wtf_igo> Crystal, dont start
<Crystal> No
<wtf_igo> they are on obvious troll
<Crystal> I'm a bit worried about your handling
<wtf_igo> im not
<wtf_igo> i know the user you were talking to
<wtf_igo> frankly they are out of line
<Crystal> You cut to the chase, without giving them a chance
<wtf_igo> dude
<Crystal> and then you mouthed off Minx
<wtf_igo> its a troll
<wtf_igo> yeah i did
<wtf_igo> mouthed off good and proper
<wtf_igo> not sorry about it either
<Crystal> No
<Crystal> wtf_igo, know your place
<Crystal> You are a tripsitter
<wtf_igo> you wanna take over the 6 actual cases i got going on here/
<wtf_igo> ?
<wtf_igo> be my guest
<Crystal> You mouthed off Minx
<wtf_igo> dont care
<Crystal> You should care
<wtf_igo> why
<Crystal> Because you have a responsibility to be patient with other people
<wtf_igo> dud3
<wtf_igo> this whoe network is going to shit
<wtf_igo> ive just spend all nightbusting my ass
<wtf_igo> so im not going to take any shite off some blow in who thinks they know whats happening around here
<Crystal> "[11:58:17] <+wtf_igo> and frankly think its pretty digusting that you would come here and waste out time when we spend it helping others"
<wtf_igo> yeah
<wtf_igo> i do
<Crystal> Not exactly friendly to your fellow tripsitters
<wtf_igo> that wasnt to a tripsitter
<wtf_igo> that was to a troll
<wtf_igo> not taking shit shit Crystal
<wtf_igo> no way
<telegram> <realitone> it's a hard problem, what's the value in being patient with a troll except that it wastes your time
<wtf_igo> thank you
<wtf_igo> and Mix is way out of line coming on here
<wtf_igo> ive never once seen this person
<wtf_igo> and they want to tell me im doing a shitty job
<wtf_igo> you want to see the log of all the people i helped tonight
<telegram> <realitone> minx has been here forever
<Crystal> wtf_igo, yeah
<Crystal> but I don't think its a troll
<wtf_igo> they wont even take over in sanctuary now
<Crystal> Look in #sanctuary
<wtf_igo> Ive been insanctuary all night
<wtf_igo> look there yourself
<wtf_igo> im out
<wtf_igo> someone else can clean the shite up
<wtf_igo> im fucking done
<Crystal> *sigh*
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