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# /acp aliases: /autocommands, /autocommandsplus
# /acp reload
# /acp set <listname> <enabled/disabled>
# /tellp (alias is /raw) (it's cool! Especially for command blocks)
# Random players are different for every list!
# Command '/acp set ...' removes all comments
# and shuffles the variables in this file :(
# I recommend you to enable/disable lists here yourself
# and use /acp reload.
# PLACEHOLDERS (don't work if PlaceholderAPI enabled):
# %player%, %playername% are the same, but %playername% shows player's displayname (with prefixes)
# Use %player% placeholder in commands, and %playername% in messages
# %online%, %maxplayers%
# %balance% (requires Vault)
# %randomplayer%, %randomplayername% (see above, WORKS EVEN IF PLACEHOLDERAPI IS ENABLED)

# you can enable or disable whole plugin by changing this and running /ac reload
enabled: true
# use PlaceholderAPI only (disables all placeholders above but random player placeholder)
usePlaceholderAPI: false
# use it if you want to see a lots of strange messages in your console
debug: false
enabled: true
interval: 2
type: random
minimumPlayers: 0
- '&e&l[Server] Maasiniz yatirildi'
- /eco give 60 bosinsanlar
enabled: false
interval: 120
type: random
minimumPlayers: 2
permission: messages.receive
- '&e&l[AutoCommandsPlus] &fDonate to us! &b&l/donate'
- '&e&l[AutoCommandsPlus] &fEnjoy our minigames: &b&l/minigames'
- '&e&l[AutoCommandsPlus] &fWant to relax? Write &b&l/warp beach'
enabled: false
interval: 300
type: default
minimumPlayers: 0
permission: none
- '&bAll items on ground will be removed in 5 minutes!'
- '/lagg clear>;&bAll items on ground have been removed.'
- '/lagg unloadchunks>;/lagg gc>;&bMemory has been cleaned!'
enabled: true
# 60 seconds = 1 minute, 3600 seconds = 1 hour, 86400 seconds = 1 day
interval: 60
# only default is supported now
type: default
# if bigger than 0, commands will be ran only if there are minimum players on the server
minimumPlayers: 0
# player will need this permission to 'hear'/run the commands or messages (starting with '@') with the player
permission: none
# if you want to just send message to all players, put it as a command (without / or something)
# in message you can use such parameters as $ and !
# you can run multiple commands using >;
# '@' runs command to every player (you can use %player% placeholder)
# '$' reselects random player (placeholder is %randomplayer%)
# '!' runs command or shows the message only to random player
# you can also use %randomplayer% after the command with $-prefix (every command with $-prefix will reselect(!) random player)
# '#' runs command as player (use with '@' or '!')
# '-' excludes random player from '@'
# %randomplayername% and %playername% are display names with colors and prefixes (if used)
- "@>/title %player% subtitle "&lRandom player is &b&l%randomplayer%"
@>/title %player% title "&lYour name is &b&l%player%"
%player%, we've shown you a title! Cookoo :D"
- "Hi, %player%! It's just a message :) &bYou can use color codes, &emakenmultiline messages."
- "It's long message.
You can write it and write it (it's not multiline)."
- |-
It's multiline message. Every line here is new line in game.
Isn't it nice?
- "$!>Hey, %randomplayer%, only you can see this message."
- "!>Hey, %randomplayer%, it's me again!"
- "Omg, %randomplayer% is ignoring me! >:(>;$>Okay, i'm going to disturb %randomplayer% now.."
- "-@>This message sees everyone excluding %randomplayer%."
- "Placeholders: %player% (and %playername%), %randomplayer% (and %randomplayername%),
%online%/%maxplayers%, %balance%"
- "And now I'm going to show you top of balances!>;@#>/balancetop"
- "$!>%randomplayer%, i want you to give money to the admin ;)>;!#>/pay admin 500"
- "$!#>/me is stupid! Or not..."
- "-@#>/tell %randomplayer% Woop woop. Yep, we've all sent a message to you, %randomplayername%."
# Supports UTF-8 text
noPermission: '&a&l[AutoCommandsPlus]&r &cYou don''t have enough permissions for this!'
wrongTellp: '&a&l[AutoCommandsPlus]&r &fUsage&7: &b/tellp <player> <message>'
pluginReloaded: '&a&l[AutoCommandsPlus]&r &fPlugin has been successfully reloaded!'
wrongEnabled: '&a&l[AutoCommandsPlus]&r &fUsage&7: &b/ac enabled <listname> <true/false>'
listEnabledChanged: '&a&l[AutoCommandsPlus]&r &fList &b%list%&f is now &b%enabled%&f.'
enabledTrue: 'enabled'
enabledFalse: 'disabled'
help: '&a&l[AutoCommandsPlus]&r &fAvailable commands: &b/acp reload&f, &b/acp enabled <list> <true/false>&f, &b/tellp'
version: "&a&l[AutoCommandsPlus]&r &fVersion of the plugin: &b&l"
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Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 14 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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