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{~}Takuro Funere{~} | ★ WeaponLast Sunday at 1:51 AM
She had looked around, she couldn’t help but feel happy. You could feel her head snuggle into your shoulder. She had looked up at you, she felt embarrassed to have her master be doing work for her and she seemed vocal about it. She started off by apologizing.”I’m sorry you had to carry me all the way here I’m truly sorry.” She had that confusing expression on her face it was a mix of a positive behavior and anxiety.
Ketsueki | One Star MeisterLast Sunday at 1:54 AM
He opened and closed the door, and locking it, having her in his arms he watched as her flustered expression had gotten embarrassed. He saw himself getting more welcoming by the second, as much as he hated having a soft side it was alright if it was with his partner, both meister and weapon and in other terms. He had let her go and drop her, but this time it wasn't to the floor but rather his bed. He hopped right on top of her and pressed lips with her again without any valuable explanation, he cupped her hand with her cheek. And soon pulled the covers over them both, what's up next is DMs.
Ketsueki | One Star MeisterYesterday at 8:30 PM
@{~}Takuro Funere{~} | ★ Weapon
He rested on the bed below the covers, panting heavily before it had calmed down into a monotone vibe. There was complete silence before the sound of the covers moving as he had raised his back. He turned over to look at Takuro, petting her head and realizing they where a little to loud, he was anxious if anyone heard them but it seemed like nobody noticed. Maybe the room was sound-proof he guessed, he closed his eyes and snickered. He got out of the bed and grabbed onto some clothing, then throwing a pair of clothing at Taco. "Put some clothes on, Taco! Be glad nobody heard us.. I'm guessing these walls are soundproof.."
{~}Takuro Funere{~} | ★ WeaponYesterday at 11:41 PM
She was exhausted by the time they finished almost having everything took out of her her. Her energy had drained out of her, what they had just did only made her more dedicated and faithful to him. She hoped the room wasn’t sound proof, so others would know she was getting pleasured by her god. She had slowly looked up at him throwing clothes at her.”Y-Yes Sir!” She had decided to put on her clothing that he had given her.”I wish they weren’t soundproof...”
{~}Takuro Funere{~} | ★ WeaponToday at 12:01 AM
@Ketsueki | One Star Meister
Ketsueki | One Star MeisterToday at 12:33 AM
"You wish they wheren't? Why so, so everyone could hear us?" He turned around, putting on a pair of underwear and pants leaving him topless. He looked over towards Takuro and had that delinquent grin, though it felt more welcoming this time. "Say sir with more confidence!" He found the sir and master and daddy thing as a thing she was catching up on, he thought she had a certain king for it so he'd let her say sir or master whenever she seems fit. He laid down on the bed and looked over towards her. Before grabbing onto Takuros clothing before she was able to put them on. "Wait... Your dirty and messy from when we :LewdApprove: Go take a shower.."
{~}Takuro Funere{~} | ★ WeaponToday at 12:50 AM
She had still been covered in a strange substance, but her head had gone to mush.”I want them to hear that you’re taken and how much I love you~!” She opened her arms for you, she looked at his delinquent grin. But she had given him s small smile to match the scary grin.”Yes Sir!” She shouted, she giggled. She then flinched as he reminded her of her dirtiness. She had almost gone senseless.”S-Sorry Sir it seems as if we have to take a shower I will clean you!”
Ketsueki | One Star MeisterToday at 12:54 AM
He opened his arms, to grab onto her, and drag her ass to the bathrooms. "You smell..! And I can clean myself.." He tried to stop himself from going to soft with her, because it was breaking his delinquent personality, he had brought her into the showers and got her in, looks like he had to undress again because he was seemingly smelly himself. He hopped into the shower with her and kinda just stared at her before pulling out a body wash and handing it to her. "Hurry up, i've got things to do..."
{~}Takuro Funere{~} | ★ WeaponToday at 12:57 AM
She giggled. As you dragged her off she had kept her calm expression, she was pulled off into the bathroom. She didn’t mind if he was so soft with her or so rough cause she could see right though him, her black short hair had white streaks in them.”Ah~! So pushy but that’s fine~!” She giggled.
Ketsueki | One Star MeisterToday at 1:03 AM
He signed, beginning to place some of the body wash on his hands and began to wash her off. "Your dirty, a complete mess.. Maybe next time I should n u t inside and use a birth control pill.." He started on her shoulders, down to her hips, then going onto parts that I cant say cause I know kai likes to clown. His face was grungy but like said she knew what he was really thinking.
{~}Takuro Funere{~} | ★ WeaponToday at 1:08 AM
She had gently smiled as he rubbed body wash all over her, she could feel his hands graze each part of her body. She has began to weakly smiled.”I would be happy with that, but who needs the birth control pills!” She was already so set on having babies despite that, she has a bright red blush on her face.
Ketsueki | One Star MeisterToday at 1:11 AM
"S-So we won't get children..? Taco, we're in highschool.." He continued, he was finish rubbing e v e r y part of her frontal body, thus turning her around, he began to rub and clean up her back and lower body before completely finishing. He grabbed some hair shampoo and placed it on her hair, beginning to rub and play with her hair, causing him to run his hands though her silky hair. "You know, I think i'm getting better for using you, even if your not a spear, my brother would get jealous.." He snickered, back to the delinquent look.
{~}Takuro Funere{~} | ★ WeaponToday at 1:21 AM
“Well hopefully one day we do, one day we’ll start a family...and then have 190 kids...and I’ll be your blushing bride and we’ll get married and get driven away together on a carriage.” She had gently smiled. As you turned her around and began to rub her back now with your hands cleaning her she weakly smiled. As you had began to play with her short hair she slowly turned toward you, she had weakly pressed her hand against her hips.”I’m happy you’re getting used to me! I’m glad you could swing me around like that! When you swing me around and slam me into the objects just being in your tight grips makes me want to~!” Suddenly there was a splash on the floor and no it wasn’t the water. It was nectar.

Alesandro | One Star MeisterToday at 1:28 AM
Ketsueki | One Star MeisterToday at 1:28 AM
My guy
{~}Takuro Funere{~} | ★ WeaponToday at 1:29 AM
Ketsueki | One Star MeisterToday at 1:30 AM
"190 kids...? W-Wait, hold on, your going to fast-" He watched as she had suddenly turned around to see a smile, but a one that creeped him out at most. He really was getting used to her, being that it was their first time together and first times in general they have grown substantially fond of each other. He knew that since she was his weapon that he'll be close to her throughout his whole experience within DMWA. Until he suddenly felt something hit the tubs floor hard, more harder than the water, he looked down to see nectar, mixed in with the floor. He suddenly knew this girl crazy. This was going to be hard to continue in the shower. "O-Of course we will, wait until we get out of this highschool.. Okay?" He patted her head, this could go two ways, either she gets calmed down and flustered or he had ignited her even more.
{~}Takuro Funere{~} | ★ WeaponToday at 1:32 AM
Ketsueki | One Star MeisterToday at 1:33 AM
Oh boy
Alesandro | One Star MeisterToday at 1:33 AM
im purging
Ketsueki | One Star MeisterToday at 1:33 AM
quickly copies and pastes everything
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