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I am a 22 year old Pakistani girl who was born in Canada. My family and I moved back to Pakistan from Canada when I was 8 years old. I am 22 now, almost done with university. However, my parents are adamant that i get married before I continue to pursue my education. My father is a very wealthy man, and he has been paying for all years of my college. But, he is physically, motionaly, verbally abusive. He has been this way to me and my mother for as far as I can remember.

The issue of marriage is more than just my parents bugging me about it. They have gone out of their ways to find men for me to marry. My mother threatens me to basically imprison me in the house unless I marry someone of her choice. This seems like a forced marriage to me than an arranged marriage. I am not allowed to even see these men. I have ABSOLUTELY NO interest in marriage. I just do not want it. I am not ready, as I am only 22. Aside from this, I have no freedom either. I am not allowed to travel alone, even with the money that I make myself. My parents have always controlled me. I am scared for my future, because if I do end up getting married to someone I don't even know, it could very well ruin my life forever. But my parents see it as "dishonorable" if I don't listen to them. I can NOT seems to change their minds about this. So, I have been thinking of running away. Since I have a Candain Passport, I could contact the consulate in my city and tell them of my situation. I can also easily fly back whenever I please.
But, I feel guilty. I don't know if I want to do this. I have been so sheltered all my life, I am scared of how I will live alone and provide for myself. I also feel bad because my father has paid for everything for me. But at the same time he is so abusive. I am so confused. I want to leave because I feel like I deserve better than to be married off at 22 to a stranger, but at the same time, I know that if I leave, I will most likely never hear from or see anybody in my family ever again. Please help and give advice, I am just so lost right now.
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