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The truth is often more disappointing. Lucas did this as early as episode 4. Jawas. Empire Strikes back had goofy yoda, and RotJ had Ewoks. But everyone ignored that because they'd never seen anything like a new hope before, and Empire Strikes back was (I think) the first cliff hanger/twist mainstream movie ever. And RotJ mostly rode off those coat tails and delivered a serviceable ending.

My absolute favourite aspect of the Star Wars universe is how incredible diverse it is, in the sense that crazy aliens, magic warrior monks, high tech bounty hunters, pirates and smugglers and space cowboys, can seamlessly coexist with any number of things I've not mentioned. It looks real and lived in, it looks like a vast galaxy filled with countless stories and adventures in every shape imaginable.The prequels made a lot of missteps, certainly, but Darth Maul was cool, and his arc through The Clone Wars and then Rebels was fantastic. Speaking of The Clone Wars, the prequels gave us the clones, who are awesome!

And honestly, Ewan McGregor's take on Obi-Wan Kenobi is my favourite of the two, as good as Guinness is, McGregor just resonated with me in a different way for whatever reason. Star Wars has never been a serious war drama with a space-fantasy backdrop, it's pulpy and campy adventure set in a weird galaxy full of weird stuff, there are certainly serious aspects to it, very much so, but I don't feel that's ever been the heart of Star Wars. I once saw someone make a lot of good points for that like how jar jar's bumbling around the battlefield closely resembles drunken boxing/ drunken Kung fu and that nobody could possibly be that lucky without trying. Also when he talks to the senate is seriously looks like he fore wave mind controls them. Not to mention the bad guys in the second and 3rd prequel come out of nowhere and feel tacked on like they were never intended to be bad guys in the first place.

Honestly if jar jar had turned out to be a sith lord pretending to be an idiot to get close to his enemies it would have been an infinitely better and deeper story in my opinion especially if jar jar turned out to be the darkest and most cut throat baddie in the starwars series.I swear I remember reading something during the development of the original trilogy that we were going to feel very "betrayed" by a certain character we thought we trusted at some point. I remember waiting for it and really hoping it wasn't going to be somebody like Obi-Wan... and then no unexpected betrayal ever came. And what is the deal with that quote about Jar Jar being the key to getting everything working? The comic relief character is the key? I really do wonder if Lucas originally intended for an evil Jar Jar "phantom menace" but dropped the concept out of fear of backlash when everybody hated the character. It would have been huge and made him one of the most fascinating characters in the series. Damn pity.Well even more simply, lest we forget the "it's not a story a Jedi would tell" meme is a story about how Darth Plagueis the Wise taught his apprentice Darth Sidious aka Emperor cum Senator Palpatine how to cheat death (who then """ironically""" kills Darth Plagueis). So we know Palpatine knows how to cheat death because Episode 3 practically said so in 50 foot tall glowing neon letters. So obviously Episode 9 will be about how Rey, Finn, Poe, Rose, BB-8, Lando and Chewie find all 7 pieces of the Horcrux.

They also established very early on that Jakku (Where Rey came from) has some importance in Palpatine's plans. There was a hidden vault there guarded by Elite stormtroopers, which we still have no idea what's in there or why. And it's the place the Empire fell.So I'm sure Palpatine's got some plans-within-plans tomfoolery going on.I'm hopeful Jakku's importance comes up. There was a very specific shot in the Rise of Skywalker trailer where an A-Wing is shot down, but in the background is an orange sky and an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer, not the Resurgent class the First Order uses. So I'm hoping it'll be a flashback to the Battle of Jakku.
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