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" " = was said out loud, ' ' = said in their mind
Characters: Yoshii Naoki, Urakawa Sakumi, Sugao Yuuji, Takasaki Ryou
Naoki/Yoshii: 'Sejak saat itu' 'Hubungan kami berubah menjadi lebih dari teman tapi belum bisa dibilang kekasih' --- 'Since then' 'Our relationship turned into "more than friends" but not yet that of lovers'
Naoki: 'Ngh, tapi' --- 'Ngh, wait'
Naoki: 'Bukannya ini berlebihan?!' --- 'Isn't this excessive?!'
Naoki: "Bukannya ini aneh?" "Kita ngelakuin ini meski nggak pacaran" --- "Isn't this strange?" "We do this even though we're not dating"
Ryou/Takasaki: "Mungkin kamu akan mengerti perasaanmu setelah kita ciuman" --- "Maybe you'll understand how you feel after we kiss"
Ryou: "Jadikan ini cara untuk memikirkan perasaanmu" --- "Make this a way to think about your feelings"
Naoki: "Hnn...Tapi" "Ngelakuin hal ini di sekolah..." --- "Hnn...Wait" "Doing this at school..."
Ryou: "Oke, kita ketemu saat pulang nanti" "Pulang bareng lagi, yuk" --- "Okay, we can meet when you go home later" "Let's go home together again"
Naoki: "Ya meski dia bilang gitu" "Dia diamana sih?!" --- "Even though he said that" "Where is he?!"
Naoki: 'Di sini juga nggak ada' 'Dia kemana ya...' 'Tapi'--- 'There's no one here either' 'Where is he...' 'But'
Naoki: 'Aku nggak membenci perasaan ini' --- 'I don't hate this feeling'
Ryou: ''Gak mau'' --- "Don't want to"
Sakumi: "Jadi apa alasannya?" --- "So what is the reason?"
Sakumi: "Kamu mengakui kalau kamu gay jadi kupikir kamu butuh partner" --- "You admitted you're gay so I think you need a partner"
Sakumi/Urakawa: "aku bisa main denganmu" --- "I can play with you"
Naoki/Yoshii: 'aku tidak menyangka dia bakal mengincar' --- 'I never thought he would target Ryou'
Ryou/Takasaki: "saya tidak mau..." --- "I don't want one..."
Ryou: "saya hanya ingin punya hubungan" "Dengan orang yang saya cintai" "Karena itu saya tidak tertarik dengan cinta satu malam mu" --- "I just want to have a relationship" "With the person I love" "That's why I'm not interested in your one-night love"
Ryou: "Dan juga" "saya sangat benci dengan orang yang seperti anda" --- "And also," "I really hate people like you"
Sakumi: "Hmm, begitu ya..." --- "Hmm, so yes (I see)"
Sakumi: "Apa kamu menyukai yoshii-kun?" --- "Do you like Yoshii-kun?"
Sakumi: "Kurasa kamu tahu banyak dari dia" "Dan itu alasannya kamu benci padaku, kan?" "Kekanakan sekali" --- "I think you know a lot from him" "And that's the reason you hate me, right?" "Once in a while"
Ryou: "Bukannya anda yang kekanakan?" --- "Are you not a child?"
Ryou: "Anda tidak tau apa itu cinta, kan?" --- "You don't know what love is, right?"
Ryou: "Lagi-pula, saya berbeda dengan anda" "Saya ingin menjaga hubungan saya" --- "Anyways, I'm different from you" "I want to keep my relationship"
Ryou: "Apapun yang anda katakan itu tidak akan merubah pendirian saya" --- Whatever you say, I will not change my mind"
(Sakumi: ...)
Ryou: "Tunggu! Bagaimana dengan Yuuji?!" "Apa dia tau semuanya?" --- "Wait! What about Yuuji?!" "Does he know about everything?"
Sakumi: "Aku tidak punya hubungan apapun dengan Sugao-kun" "Sudah kuputuskan untuk tidak menemuinya lagi" --- "I don't have any relationship with Sugao-kun" "I've decided to not see him anymore"
Ryou: "Eh?"
Sakumi: "Aku sudah bosan denganya" --- "I've grown tired of him"
Naoki: "Ryou"
Ryou: "Naoki apa kamu mendengar semuanya?" --- "Naoki, did you hear everything?"
Naoki: "Dengar" --- "I heard"
Naoki: "aku mau bicara banyak, tapi aku khawatir sama Sugao" --- "I want to talk, but I'm worried about Sugao"
(Ryou: ...)
Sugao/Yuuji: "Bukan urusanmu" --- "It's none of your business"
Ryou: "ini urusanku!" --- "This is my business!"
Ryou: "apa gara gara aku?" "Waktu aku tidak sengaja mengganggu kalian di uks" "Bukan"--- "It's because of me?" "When I accidentally disturbed you two" "Isn't it"
Naoki: "Sugao" "Kamu beneran ga masalah dengan semuanya?" --- "Sugao" "You really don't have a problem with this?"
Naoki: "Aku tau perasaanmu ke sensei sudah mulai berubah" "Gimana bisa kamu baik-baik aja..." --- "I know your feelings for Sensei have started to change" "How could you be fine..."
Sugao: "perasaanku nggak penting" --- "My feelings are not important"
Sugao: "Seberapa keras aku berusaha, hatinya nggak akan berubah" --- "No matter how hard I try, my heart won't change"
Sugao: "Kamu juga udah tau semuanya kan" "Yoshii" --- "You already know everything, right" "Yoshii"
Ryou: "Uh?"
Naoki: "Ryou!"
Naoki: "Mau kemana?" --- "Where are you going?"
Ryou: "Dasar brengsek" --- "You jerk"
Ryou: "Kamu tuh kenapa sih?" --- "What are you doing?"
(Naoki: "Tunggu, Ryou" --- "Wait, Ryou")
Ryou: "Bangsat mau mu apa sih?!" "Bukan cuma nyakitin Naoki kamu bahkan juga nyakitin Yuuji!" --- "What do you want for you?!" "Not only did you hurt Naoki, you hurt Yuuji too!"
Ryou: "Naoki dan Yuuji" "mereka bukan mainanmu!" --- "Naoki and Yuuji" "They are not your toys!"
Ryou: "Setidaknya" "Tolong berpacaran dan perlakukan Yuuji dengan benar" --- "At least" "Please date and treat Yuuji properly"
Ryou: "Saat ini dia benar benar menyedihkan" --- "Right now he is really sad"
Naoki: "Ryou!"
Naoki: "sensei"
Sakumi: "Kamu mau marah juga?" --- "Do you want to be angry too?"
Naoki: "Tidak, aku cuma sedih" --- "No, I'm just sad"
Naoki: "Saat itu..." "Saat itu aku juga merasa sangat sedih" --- "At that time" "At that time, I also felt very sad"
Naoki: "Aku yakin kalau Sugao juga merasa apa yang aku rasakan" "Karena itu, tolong pikirkan baik baik" --- "I'm sure Sugao also feels what I felt" "So please think well"
Naoki: "Ryou"
Naoki: "Makasihya... Sudah marah untuk kami" --- "Thank you... It's angry for us"
Ryou: "Bukan gitu...Aku kesel aja sama dia maaf kalau " --- "It's not like that... I'm just as sorry as he is if I'm rude"
Naoki: "Aku senang sekali" "Makasihya" --- "I'm so glad" "Thank you"
Ryou: "Karena itu" "Aku mau semuanya melepas stress yang ada dalam kepala" "ayo ikuti aku"--- "Therefore" "I want to release all the stress that's in the head" "Come on, follow me"
Naoki: "Uh, tau nggak aku nggak menyangka kamu bakalan datang" "Makasih, Sugao"--- "Uh, you know, I didn't think you would come" "Thanks, Sugao"
Sugao: "Harusnya aku nggak datang..." --- "I shouldn't have come..."
Sugao: "Kamu sengaja ya bilang kayak gitu saat aku terpuruk gini" --- "You deliberately said it like that when I was down this way"
Naoki: "Jangan ngomong gitu dong" "Don't say that"
Naoki: "Tapi kurasa kamu juga merasa tertekan karena ini" "Entah kenapa sekarang aku merasa lega" --- "But I think you also feel depressed because of this" "Somehow, now I feel relieved"
Sugao: "Yoshii" "Aku nggak pernah nyangka bakal main sama kamu" --- "Yoshii" "I never thought I'd hang out with you"
Sugao: "Aku coba buat mngelarang kamu waktu itu... Tapi sebenernya aku cemburu denganmu " --- "I tried to forbid you at that time ... But actually I'm jealous of you"
Naoki: "Eh"
SUgao: "Sakumi - Maksudu Sensei" "Aku cemburu denagn perasaanmu yang tulus itu, lalu..." --- "Sakumi - I mean Sensei" "I'm jealous of your sincere feelings, then ..."
Naoki: "Aku juga, waktu aku tau hubunganmu sama Sensei" "Aku cemburu banget"--- "Me too, when I knew of your relationship with Sensei" "I'm really jealous"
Naoki: "Kalau dipikir" "Kita sama sama suka orang yang sama bahkan dengan cara yang sama"--- "If you think about it" "We both like the same people even in the same way"
Ryou: "Sebenernya bukan masalah cemburu" "Yang harus kalian lakuin cuman jujur sama persaan kalian sendiri" --- "Actually, it's not a matter of jealousy" "All you have to do is just be honest with your own friends"
Ryou: "Si brengsek itu biar aku yang urus dan yang kalian butuh tinggal ngumpulin keberanian" --- "The bastard let me take care and all you need to do is collect courage"
Ryou: "Kalian juga pikirin baik baik soal masa depan" --- "You also think well about the future"
Sugao: "Takasaki..."
Ryou: "ngomongomong" "aku udah ngomongin perasaanku ke Yoshii"--- "by the way" "I've already talked about my feelings with Yoshii"
Sugao: "Oh gitu ya" "sudah kuduga" --- "Oh I see" "I knew it"
Naoki: "Hah kamu apaan sih?" "Kenapa tiba-tiba ngomongin itu, Ryou!" --- "What are you doing?" "Why suddenly say that, Ryou!"
Ryou: "Diem deh" --- "Deem, bro"
Ryou: "abisan Naoki selalu ngomongin orang itu tiap sama aku" "aku kan juga bisa cemburu, hmph"--- "Naoki's speech always talks about that person with me" "I can be jealous too, hmph"
Naoki: "Heh?"
Naoki: "tapi kamu ngga-" --- "But you dont-"
Ryou: "Tau ah gelap" --- "Whatever"
Sugao: "Takasaki enerjik banget ya..." --- "Takasaki is really energetic..."
(Naoki: "Haha")
Naoki: "Soalnya Ryou tau gimana rasanya disakiti" "Jadi dia ga bisa tinggal diam" --- "Because Ryou knows how it feels to be hurt" "So he can't stay quiet"
Naoki: "Tentangmu..." "Dan tentangku juga" --- "About you..." "And about me too"
(Sugao: ...)
Sugao: "Yoshii" "Aku minta maaf" --- "Yoshii" "I'm sorry"
Sugao: "Aku sudah ngelakuin hal yang sangat jahat padamu" --- "I did something very bad to you"
Naoki: "Nggak papa" "Aku seneng bisa ngobrol sama kamu" --- "Nothing" "I'm happy to be able to chat with you"
Sugao: "..." "Aku tahu kalau ini bukan sesuatu yang pantas aku bicarakan setelah kejadian itu" --- "..." "I know that this is not something that I deserve to talk about after that"
SUgao: "Tapi, aku..." "Tetap nggak bisa ninggalin dia sendirian" --- "But I..." "Still can't leave him alone"
Sugao: "Aku nggak mau menyesal meskipun aku tau kalau aku nggak punya peluang" --- "I don't want to regret even though I know that I don't have a chance"
Naoki: "Begitu ya..." --- "Oh, I see..."
Naoki: "Aku yakin kamu bisa melakukanya, Sugao" "Lakukan yang terbaik semampumu" --- "I'm sure you can do it, Sugao" "Do the best you can"
Sugao: "Yoshii" "Makasih" --- "Yoshii" "Thanks"
Naoki: 'Apa tidak apa-apa jika berakhir seperti ini...' --- 'Is it okay if it ends like this...'
Naoki: 'Aku yakin Sensei tidak akan berubah' 'Meskipun dia sudah menyatakan perasaan' 'Tidak akan ada peluang untuk mereka bersama' --- 'I'm sure Sensei won't change' 'Even though he has expressed feelings' 'There will be no opportunity for them to be together'
Naoki: 'Tapi dia masih...' --- 'But he still is...'
Naoki: 'Aku harus' 'Menyampaikan perasaanku padanya dengan sungguh-sungguh' --- 'I must' 'Convey my feelings to him sincerely'
Naoki: 'Untung aku pernah nanya alamatnya' 'beneran dia tinggal sendiri' --- 'Good thing I asked for his address' 'He really does live alone'
Ryou: "Naoki?" "Ada apa?" "Kita kan baru pisah barusan" --- "Naoki?" "What's wrong?" "We just separated"
Naoki: "Aku, maaf aku tiba-tiba datang tapi ada yang mau aku omongin" --- "I, sorry I suddenly came, but there's something I want to talk about"
Ryou: "Kamu kan bisa nelpon aku." "Yaudah, masuk dulu" --- "You could've called me" "Alright, enter first"
Ryou: "Ha?!"
Ryou: "Tunggu" "Ap- Kamu kenapa sih" "--- "Wait" "W-What are you doing"
Naoki: "Ryou"
Naoki: "Makasih sudah bersamaku" --- "Thanks for being with me"
Naoki: "Aku baru sadar kalau aku harus ngomong ini sekarang" "Karena kamu, aku bisa seperti sekarang ini"--- "I just realized that I have to say this now" "Because of you, I can be like this now"
Naoki: "Saat aku terpuruk, aku bisa bangkit lagi karenamu" "Karena itu," --- "When I'm down, I can rise again because of you" "Therefore,"
Naoki: "Aku mau jadi orang pertama yang mendukungmu" "Saat kamu merasa lelah dan sedih di masa depan" "Aku ingin membuatmu bahagia" --- "I want to be the first person to support you" "When you feel tired and sad in the future" "I want to make you happy"
Ryou: "Nao-"
Naoki: "Aku cinta kamu" --- "I love you"
Naoki: "Maaf ya sudah membuatmu nunggu" "Ryou, kamu mau jadi pacarku?" --- "Sorry for making you wait" "Ryou, do you want to be my boyfriend?"
Ryou: "Bodoh" --- "Stupid"
Ryou (I think?): "Bego ah" "kamu mikir apa sih" "mendadak banget" --- "Negligible" "What do you think" "Really suddenly"
Naoki: "aku tau" "Maaf ya" --- "I know" "Sorry"
Ryou: "kangan ngagetin aku kaya gini ah" "Bodoh" --- "I wonder how rich I am (?)" "Stupid"
Naoki: 'Aroma tubuh Ryou' 'apakah dari shampoo yang ia pakai?'--- 'The smell of Ryou' 'what shampoo does he use?'
Ryou: "Naoki, kamu..." --- "Naoki, you..."
Naoki: "Maaf!" --- "Sorry!"
Ryou: "Nggak apa..." --- "It's okay..."
Ryou: "Aku senang" "Naoki" --- "I'm happy" "Naoki"
Naoki: 'Imut' --- 'Cute'
Ryou: "Berhenti" --- "Stop"
Ryou "Tunggu" --- "Wait"
Naoki: "Kamu baruaja-" "cuma dari itu?" --- "You just-" "Just from that?"
(Gemetar = shake/tremble)
Ryou: "Cepat mingir" "Gantian!" --- "Hurry up and get down" "Change/Turn!"
(Kesal = annoyed)
Naoki: "I Iya" --- "I Yes"
Naoki: "Umm Ryou, Jangan memaksakan diri" --- "Umm Ryou, Don't push yourself"
Ryou: "Aku bisa! Aku bakal ngelakuin sampai selesai" --- "I could! I'll do it until it's finished"
Naoki: "Jangan lepasin" --- "DOn't release it"
Naoki: "Ma-Maaf" --- "S-Sorry"
Ryou: "Sudah ku duga..." --- "I knew it..."
Ryou: "kamu gak bisa menahannya , kalau disentuh orang yang kamu suka" "Aku juga seperti itu, Naoki"--- "You can't hold it, if you are touched by someone you like" "I like that too, Naoki"
Ryou: "Ap-Apa?" --- "W-What?"
Ryou: "Jangan" "Jangan disitu!" --- "Not" "Not there!"
Ryou: "SUdah..." "Cepat sekarang" --- "Already..." "Hurry up now"
Naoki: "Boleh aku masukan sekarang?" --- "May I enter now?"
Ryou: "Aku sudah tidak tahan lagi" "Cepat" "Masukan" --- "I can't stand it anymore" "Hurry" "Put it in"
Naoki: "Aku mencintaimu" --- "I love you"
Ryou: "Tunggu" "Aku baru" --- "Wait" "I'm new"
Naoki: "Maaf, aku ga tahan" --- "Sorry, I can't stand it"
Naoki: "Sangat Hangat" "Di dalam Ryou" "Basah sekali" "Nikmat sekali" --- "Very warm" "Inside Ryou" "Very wet" "Very enjoyable (feels good)"
Naoki: "Aku sudah tidak tahan?" "Boleh aku keluar sekali lagi?"--- "I cannot stand?" "May I come out one more time?"
Ryou: "S-Sekali?" "Kamu mau berapa kali?" --- "O-Once?" "How many times do you want?"
Ryou: "Berhenti" "Aku keluar" --- "Stop" "I'm coming"
Ryou: "Naoki, aku cinta kamu" --- "Naoki, I love you"
Naoki: "Mmh...Aku juga" "Aku mencintaimu, Ryou" ---"Mmh...Me too" "I love you, Ryou"
Naoki: 'Setiap kali kami bersentuhan, terasa sesuatu yang hangat' 'Memenuhi hati kami' --- 'Everytime we touch, something feels warm' 'Fullfilling our hearts'
Naoki: 'Ini pasti takdir, ' 'Saat kau bersatu dengan orang yang kamu cintai' 'tidak hanya tubuh, namun hati juga' 'akan terisi dengan perasaan hangat seperti ini' --- 'This must be fate,' 'When you unite with people you love' 'not only the body, but also the heart' 'will be filled with warm feelings like this'
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