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Now thinking about it, I just wrote strengths of RWBY characters and not Naruto ones. Giving big numbers for them doesn't mean that they are stronger than Naruto characters on average. Outliers like Maidens (Cinder and Raven) possess superior physical strength compared to a majority of genins and even non-Taijutsu user jonins but actually, even genins have some bigger feats than Maidens' giant rock breaking or throwing.

For RWBY, the average strength of the students seems around 5-100 tons of force. And it goes up to several 10,000 tons of force for Maidens.

Let me give some Naruto genin feats then:

--- Lee Feats

- Lifting up a giant tree root:
Against Dosu, Lee shoved his fist in the ground and lifted a giant tree root to defend himself. Dosu was already falling before and Lee did this in less than a second looking at the distance Dosu fell. The exact force behind this is hard to calculate but just the amount of moved mass on the screen (several m^3 of soil plus the tree root) easily exceeds 8 tons (it depends on the density of the tree but there is also pulled root still under the ground so total amount is most likely beyond 10 tons). The hard part comes from calculating compressed soil etc. but in total it could be around 30 tons of force to hundreds (if the timeframe is lower) of tons.

And Lee did this pretty casually too...

- Lee's weights:
One of the most epic moments for Naruto fans. We are not given official data for them but we could get a lower bound of it. Each of Lee's weights' dimensions are 10 cm-40 cm (the other one wasn't visible but isn't important for us). He dropped them from about 12 meters, assuming they hit the floor folded to two (they were elastic), the total surface area is 200 cm^2 or 0,02 m^2. The biggest thrown rock from the crater had 20 cm width so I am assuming that the weight sank at least 20 cm in the ground.

I will also assume this is an elastic collision and the crater doesn't exist (for finding a lower value, the actual mass will be more). Googling compressive strength of concrete tells me that it varies between 21 MPa to 50. The total energy needed to sink 200 cm^2 to 20 cm ground for 21 MPa concrete is 84,000 Joule. Since the entire energy comes from the kinetic energy of the weight and that equals the potential energy of them in the 12 meters;

each of them at least weights 714 kg. But this wasn't an elastic collision and the crater was pretty big so they will easily exceed 1 ton each realistically.

But the impressive thing isn't the mass of the weights, it's the fact that Lee is still one of the fastest when wearing them. He needs to exert massive strength each time he needs to accelerate that mass. Even his jump to that giant finger in the
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