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p: &2Kasa »

command /kasa [<text>] [<text>] [<number>] [<player>]:
permission: kasa.perm
permission message: &cBuna Yetkiniz Yok !
if arg 1 is "oluştur":
if arg 2 is set:
if {kasa::%arg 2%} is not set:
set {kasa::%arg 2%} to arg 2
add "&b%arg 2% &cKasası" to {kasa::liste::*}
send "{@p} &e%{kasa::%arg 2%}% &7Adlı Kasa &aBaşarıyla &7Oluşturuldu."
delete {kasa::items::%arg 2%::*}
send "{@p} &e%arg 2% &7Adlı Kasa &cZaten &7Mevcut."
send "{@p} &7İlk Önce Bir &cİsim &7Belirle."
if arg 1 is "sil":
if arg 2 is set:
if {kasa::%arg 2%} is set:
send "{@p} &e%{kasa::%arg 2%}% &7Adlı Kasa &aBaşarıyla &7Silindi"
delete {kasa::%arg 2%}
delete {kasa::items::%arg 2%::*}
remove "&b%arg 2% &cKasası" from {kasa::liste::*}
send "{@p} &e%arg 2% &7Adlı Kasa &cZaten &7Mevcut Değil."
send "{@p} &7İlk Önce Bir &cİsim &7Belirle."
if arg 1 is "anahtarver":
if arg 2 is set:
if {kasa::%arg 2%} is set:
if arg 3 is set:
if arg 4 is set:
send "{@p} &e%{kasa::%arg 2%}% &7Adlı Kasadan &b%arg 3% &7Adet Teslim Edildi." to arg 4
send "{@p} &e%{kasa::%arg 2%}% &7Adlı Kasadan &b%arg 4% &7Adlı Oyuncuya &b%arg 3% &7Tane Verdiniz." to player
give arg 3 of tripwire hook named "&b%arg 2% &cKasa Anahtarı" to arg 4
give arg 3 of tripwire hook named "&b%arg 2% &cKasa Anahtarı" to player
send "{@p} &e%{kasa::%arg 2%}% &7Adlı Kasadan &b%arg 3% &7Adet Teslim Edildi." to player
send "{@p} &7Bir &cMiktar &7Belirleyiniz !"
send "{@p} &7Böyle Bir &cKasa &7Bulunmamaktadır!"
send "{@p} &7Lütfen &cKasa &7İsmini Giriniz!"
if arg 1 is "kasaver":
if arg 2 is set:
if {kasa::%arg 2%} is set:
if arg 3 is set:
if arg 4 is not set:
send "{@p} &e%{kasa::%arg 2%}% &7Adlı Kasadan &b%arg 3% &7Adet Teslim Edildi." to arg 4
send "{@p} &e%{kasa::%arg 2%}% &7Adlı Kasadan &b%arg 4% &7Adlı Oyuncuya &b%arg 3% &7Tane Verdiniz." to player
give arg 3 of chest named "&b%arg 2% &cKasası" to arg 4
send "{@p} &e%{kasa::%arg 2%}% &7Adlı Kasadan &b%arg 3% &7Adet Teslim Edildi." to player
give arg 3 of chest named "&b%arg 2%" to player
send "{@p} &7Bir &cMiktar &7Belirleyiniz !"
send "{@p} &7Böyle Bir &cKasa &7Bulunmamaktadır!"
send "{@p} &7İlk Önce Bir &cİsim &7Belirle."
if arg 1 is "itemekle":
if arg 2 is set:
if {kasa::%arg 2%} is set:
if {kasa::itemekleyici::%player%} is not set:
set {kasa::named} to arg 2
set {kasa::itemekleyici::%player%} to true
send "{@p} &e%{kasa::%arg 2%}% &7Adlı Kasaya &bİtem Ekleme &2Açıldı. " to player
delete {kasa::itemekleyici::%player%}
delete {kasa::named}
send "{@p} &e%{kasa::%arg 2%}% &7Adlı Kasaya &bİtem Ekleme &cKapatıldı. " to player
send "{@p} &7Böyle Bir &cKasa &7Bulunmamaktadır!"
send "{@p} &7İlk Önce Bir &cİsim &7Belirle."
if arg 1 is "itemliste":
if arg 2 is set:
if {kasa::%arg 2%} is set:
open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&c&lİtem List" to player
set {_a} to 0
loop {kasa::items::%arg 2%::*}:
format gui slot {_a} of player with loop-value to close
add 1 to {_a}
send "{@p} &7Böyle Bir &cKasa &7Bulunmamaktadır!"
send "{@p} &7İlk Önce Bir &cİsim &7Belirle."
if arg 1 is "liste":
open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&2&lKasa List" to player
set {_a} to 0
loop {kasa::liste::*}:
format gui slot {_a} of player with chest named "%loop-value%" to close
add 1 to {_a}
if arg 1 is not set:
send "{@p} &e/kasa oluştur (İsim)" and "&e&l- &7Kasa Oluşturur."
send "&b&l&m=========================="
send "{@p} &e/kasa sil (İsim)" and "&e&l- &7Kasayı Siler."
send "&b&l&m=========================="
send "{@p} &e/kasa anahtarver (İsim) (Sayı) (Oyuncu)" and "&e&l- &7Belirttiğiniz Kasa Anahatarından Belirlenen Oyuncuya Verir."
send "&b&l&m=========================="
send "{@p} &e/kasa kasaver (İsim) (Sayı) (Oyuncu)" and "&e&l- &7Belirttiğiniz Kasadan Belirlenen Oyuncuya Verir."
send "&b&l&m=========================="
send "{@p} &e/kasa itemekle (İsim)" and "&e&l- &7Kasa İtem Eklemeyi Açarsınız Tekrar Yazarsanız Kapanır." and "&e&l- &7Eklemek İçin Envanterden Tıklayın !"
send "&b&l&m=========================="
send "{@p} &e/kasa itemliste (İsim)" and "&e&l- &7Kasa'daki İtemlere Bakarsınız !."
send "&b&l&m=========================="
send "{@p} &e/kasa liste" and "&e&l- &7Bulunan Kasaları Görürsünüz !."

on inventory click:
if {kasa::itemekleyici::%player%} is set:
if event-item is not air:
add event-item to {kasa::items::%{kasa::named}%::*}
send "{@p} &e%event-item% &7Başarıyla &b%{kasa::named}% &7Adlı Kasaya Eklendi !"

on place of chest:
if "%{kasa::liste::*}%" contains "%tool's display name%":
set {kasa::loc::%location of event-block%} to uncoloured tool's display name
create holo object "%tool's display name%;&eSağ &7Tıklayarak Aç !;&bSol &7Tıklayarak İçindekilere Bak !" with id "%{kasa::loc::%location of event-block%}%" at location 2.5 meters above block
send "{@p} &7Kasa &2Başarıyla &7Yerleştirildi."

on break of chest:
if player is op:
if {kasa::loc::%location of event-block%} is set:
if player is sneaking:
delete {kasa::loc::%location of event-block%}
delete holo object "%{kasa::lock::%location of event-block%}%"
send "{@p} &7Kasa &cSilindi !"
cancel event
send "{@p} &7Kasayı Kıramassınız !"

on left click on chest:
if {kasa::loc::%location of event-block%} is set:
if player is not sneaking:
open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&c&lİtem List" to player
set {_a} to 0
loop {kasa::items::%{kasa::loc::%location of event-block%}%::*}:
format gui slot {_a} of player with loop-value to close
add 1 to {_a}

on right click on chest:
if {açlılıyor::%player%} is not set:
if {kasa::loc::%location of event-block%} is set:
if player has 1 tripwire hook named "&b%{kasa::loc::%location of event-block%}% &cKasa Anahtarı":
cancel event
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&b%{kasa::loc::%location of event-block%}% &cKasası" to player
remove 1 tripwire hook named "&b%{kasa::loc::%location of event-block%}% &cKasa Anahtarı" from player
send "{@p} &7Kasa Şu Anda &2Açılıyor. &cBol Şanslar !"
set {_x} to a random integer between 30 and 30 + size of {kasa::items::%{kasa::loc::%location of event-block%}%::*}
set {_b} to 0
set {açlılıyor::%player%} to location of event-block
set {_adx} to 0
loop 9 times:
add 1 to {_adx}
set {_item%{_adx}%} to a random element out of {kasa::items::%{kasa::loc::%location of event-block%}%::*}
wait 1 ticks
loop {_x} times:
add 0.5 to {_b}
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&b%{kasa::loc::%location of event-block%}% &cKasası" to player
set {_a} to a random element out of {kasa::items::%{kasa::loc::%location of event-block%}%::*}
set {_yz1} to {_item2}
set {_yz2} to {_item3}
set {_yz3} to {_item4}
set {_yz4} to {_item5}
set {_yz5} to {_item6}
set {_yz6} to {_item7}
set {_yz7} to {_item8}
set {_item2} to {_item1}
set {_item3} to {_yz1}
set {_item4} to {_yz2}
set {_item5} to {_yz3}
set {_item6} to {_yz4}
set {_item7} to {_yz5}
set {_item8} to {_yz6}
set {_item9} to {_yz7}
set {_item1} to {_a}
set {_dsax1} to 0
loop 27 times:
if {_dsax1} is not equal to 4 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 22:
format gui slot {_dsax1} of player with gray stained glass pane named "&7Ödül Belirleniyor..." to close
if {_dsax1} is equal to 4 or 22:
format gui slot {_dsax1} of player with nether star named "&cÖdül" to close
if {_dsax1} is equal to 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17:
set {_randmlc} to {_dsax1}-8
format gui slot {_dsax1} of player with {_item%{_randmlc}%} to close
add 1 to {_dsax1}
play raw sound "random.pop" at player's location with pitch 1 volume 5
loop {_b} times:
wait 1 ticks
set {_a} to {_item5}
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&b%{kasa::loc::%location of event-block%}% &cKasası" to player
play raw sound "random.levelup" at player's location with pitch 1 volume 5
set {_dddn} to 0
loop 27 times:
if {_dddn} is equal to 4 or 12 or 14 or 22:
format gui slot {_dddn} of player with nether star named "&cÖdül" to close
if {_dddn} is equal to 13:
format gui slot 13 of player with {_a} to close
if {_dddn} is not equal to 4 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 22:
format gui slot {_dddn} of player with dark green stained glass pane named "&2Ödül Verildi !" to close
add 1 to {_dddn}
wait 3 seconds
give {_a} to player
close player's inventory
wait 1 ticks
send "{@p} &7Tebrikler Kasadan &e%{_a}% &2Kazandınız !"
loop 5 times:
delete {açlılıyor::%player%}
wait 2 ticks
launch ball large firework colored dark blue and dark red at location of event-block timed 0
cancel event
send "{@p} &7Yeterli Anahtar &cYok &7Gereken Anahtar &8[&b%{kasa::loc::%location of event-block%}% &cKasa Anahtarı&8]"
cancel event
send "{@p} &7Zaten Şu Anda Bir Kasa &cAçıyorsunuz &7!"

on place of tripwire hook:
if player's tool's display name contain "&cKasa Anahtarı":
cancel event
send "{@p} &7Kasa Anahtarını Yere &cKoyamassınız &7!"
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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