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Canada day 2005

Every year since Charlie and Scott became friends and teammates the Virtues and the Moirs have celebrated this day with each other. They rotate the house at which they hold it and this year it falls on the Kate to host the party.

At the ilderton rink

The local team have reign of the rink with the boys on the ice shouting explicits at each other and the sound of the ice being carved beneath the blades of the skates. It is for the reason many of the girls you find at the rink have actually joined, you can find them in the stands during their practices.

During this particular practice one of the them has caught the attention from the stands “Number 14 is cute, who’s he?”

Scott Moir. The loudest of all the boys off the ice and possibly the most technically skilled on his skates which draws a lot of attention from the girls in the stands and well everybody else. As his parents own the rink, him and his brothers have been thrust into pretty much every type of skating the rink has to offer.

“Do you think he’d go out with me today?”

“It’s canada day and he’s a Moir. Everybody knows they’ve already got plans Elise”. And this is true. The rink shuts early on Canada day so that they can skip off to prepare for the get together. “Besides you’ve got no chance with him, he’s so caught up in Virtue they might as well be dating” her friend tells her like it’s the most obvious things in the world.

“Wait like Tessa Virtue? As in Charlie’s sister?” She asks incredulously.

“Yes,’ she sighs exasperated,’they for sure have a thing going on. I mean I’d be shellshocked if they didn’t”

Ever since Scott’s known Charlie he’s also known Tessa. She’s 2 years younger then her brother and similarly her siblings and her were shoved onto the ice at early ages but none of them pat Charlie liked it enough to stay which is how she ended up dancing. Her friendship with Scott is more complicated than even her family can fathom and it’s something everyone including themselves fails to understand but they’ve accepted it because they’re happy where they are. Everyone believes them to be a couple because they act like one: they constantly walk the school halls together, he waits for at her locker, she waits for him at the end of hockey practice, he watches as many of her performances as he can.

Today is no different. Tessa says hi to all the staff on her way to rink side 5 minutes before the end of practice and waits patiently. She always says she never minds the walk there but what nobody will say out loud is that it’s a good 20 to 30 minutes walk from her house depending on the speed she walks at.

She’s been noticed by the 2 girls in the stands, “oh hey look that’s her right now. Just sit and watch and you’ll finally understand El”

The whistle blows signalling the end of practice and the boys all pile out of the gate but as the owner son Scott’s always left to pack up the equipment. Charlie goes to Tessa, “oh hey little sister’, he looks back at Scott and smirks, ‘you come here to spend time with your boyfriend?”

Tessa gives her brother her famous glare “we’re not dating Charlie”. Scott looks for Charlie when he’s out the gate and put away the goals seeing him with Tessa he smiles. Charlie sees an approaching Scott and turns to the locker rooms to join his team “whatever you say Tess” he laughs and fades off into the distance. Tessa let’s out a groan and shoved her face in her hands, “giving you grief T?” Scott laughs and gives her a wide grin when she looks up at him smiles. “Nothing unusual’, she gets up and gives him a light hug as he’s still all dressed in gear and a soft,’ hi”. “Hey kiddo’, and she lets go,’ is that all I’m getting? That’s not a proper hug y’know” Scott laughs at her and puts his arms out again trying to iniate another hug. Tessa slaps his arms away from her and gives him a stern look while her eyes crinkle with laughter, “go get out of your gear and then you can have another one’, she comprises,’ I’ll be here”. After a wolfish grin Scott speaks up, “deal kiddo” and he retreats in the direction Charlie had just gone to get changed.

After watching the scene play out before from, the girls turn to one another, “you see?”
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Regards; Team

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