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Hey, Chelsea!

Thank you for your wishes <3 Our letters are so fucking delayed, that I'm responding for your new year's wishes a month later :cryingemoji: and at the same time i want to send you back another wishes. Happy Chinese New Year!
May the luck be with you!
Uhm, that's a depressing question haha I feel like I don't live my life recently, just existing, didn't do anything interesting :| I spent New Year's Eve with my friends, chilling and drinking a little bit, it was quite fun.
I got winter holidays in one week, but i'm not planning anything coz i know i'm gonna study XD

Sometimes cheating is not wrong imo, i used to do it with useless classes, not related to IT, like biology or chemistry. At least you got rid of stress

How many years are studies in China? You are still 20 and you will graduate this year? That's so quickly. If i count correctly i'll be 24 when i graduate. Yes, of course shcool has some advantages, like keeping regular contact with friends, but i have to disagree with you. I think there's much more time after finishing education, you don't have to waste few hours everyday on homework, studying for exams. 8 hours at work and that's all, after, you can do whatever you want. In my case, i have somtimes extra classes after school and i lack of time for my things. Don't have to mention about stress coz i bring this up so many times lol :D
Engineering cost sounds interesting, what made you choose it over French? Maybe your friends chose this major and you wanted to go with them? Or maybe you thought that's gonna look different?
What was your strongest subject at school? Did you like any especially?
every cloud has a silver lining, maybe in the future it will turn out you made good decision, who knows?

I'm very competitive so I had to beat up your record :D But for real
Ugh, that's not gonna work out ;( You know, what I said about messaging more frequently. I really want to talk with you, but due to lack of time i can't. When I was younger I was wondering why everyone is saying that they don't have time, like how busy you must be, to not have a time to spend
an hour with your friends, but now i understand, it's so fucked up when you get back from school, and then you have to do homework, extra classes, etc. even if you have few hours, you are so done with everything that you don't wanna do anyhting but chilling on the Internet
If you are okay with short letters, i have time to write them everyday, but longer ones only at weekends. Let me know. :(
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Regards; Team

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