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I started liking nature at a young age, I loved the sounds of the birds dancing in the air and the feeling of the green blades beneath me. I was starting to find all of these different problems that were affecting nature, So I started to take an interest. I wanted to figure out how to prevent or even solve some of the problems affecting the environment. After further research I found something called an environmental science. Environmental science is basically someone who helps the environment. I found out that if you want to pursue the passion of environmental science you must understand life sciences, collecting and interpreting data, and how living and nonliving organisms affect the environment.
Believe it or not, but environmental science depends on your knowledge in life science. Life sciences is the structure block of environmental science because you must be able to know and react to how organisms adapt and thrive. Say for instance, you want to see when a drought occured for your field study exam, you can use a trees life lines (bars on a tree to see how old it is) to see how affective the drought was. You can tell this by how far apart the life lines are from each other. The longer the life lines the longer the drought. “Life science is a science that deals with living organisms this science consists of biology, medicine, and sometimes sociology.”(Merriam-Webster.2019) The reason that this type of science is important to environmental science is because if you need to go in the field to study (which is pretty much the fridge of ingredients for environmental science) you must know how to safely handle specimens, animals, amphibians, “Humans can be exposed to pathogens from poorly managed animal feces.”(P.M.C. 2017) If you don't then you might be putting yourself at risk of exposure to deadly animals, death, and exposure to toxins. Alternate career options for this profession may consist of Market Research Analyst, Business Development Manager, Competitive Intelligence Analyst, Product Manager, Management Consulting, and Quantitative Analyst. These are just some of the alternate career options for a masters degree in life science.
If you want to become a environmental scientist you must know data like the back of your hand. You must know how to collect data because inaccurate data collection can impact the results of a study and ultimately lead to invalid results. Research is concerned with testing hypotheses derived from theory and being able to estimate the size of a event. Data is also important because your studies depend on your knowledge of the subject so if you have a inacurit sight of what you are dealing with then you might mess up what you were working on for the period of time you were working on it, “data is the raw information collected from any study.”(Environmental 2019) If you get inaccurate data you will be at a bad risk on your exams. Don't mess up your data, if so then you are putting your job and sometimes even the environment at risk. The importance of data is so you can have an accurate sense of what you are dealing with alternate ways to fix it through a formula. You always want primary data because this is the data that you have collected strait from the environment and is new and accurate, however if there is primary there is secondary data. Secondary data is data that has come from someone else and can lead to inaccurate measurements and results this can be a risk that can ruin every little thing you have worked one. ”But the most important difference is that primary data is factual and original whereas secondary data is just the analysis and interpretation of the primary data.” (Surbhi 2016)
Environmental pollution is currently one of the biggest problems facing the world and can be catastrophic to the environment. Environmental pollution is defined as “the contamination of the physical and biological components of the earth/atmosphere system to such an extent that normal environmental processes are adversely affected.”(Elsevier B.V. 2019) “In the United States forty percent of rivers and forty six percent of lakes are too polluted for fishing, swimming, and aquatic life”(Do something 2015) witch will have a harsh withdraw to the environment. Burning fossil fuels and other forms of minerals can lead to many deaths and illnesses, not only in animals but also people. Some water pollution actually starts as air pollution, which settles into waterways and oceans to cause danger and difficulty for the marine life in those spillways. Dirt can be a pollutant, Top soil or silt from fields or construction sites can runoff into waterways, harming fish and wildlife inhabitants. To help stop these effects from happening we can all stop throwing recycle in the trash and start riding our bikes to stop gas fumes from rising in the air. These air fumes can cause greenhouse gas to continue to make the earth hot. Environmental science can help prevent this by treating garbage disposals, creating filters in the streams to filter the water and anything that can be physically created to help people, animals, and the earth.
As you are concluding this paper I hope that you have learned how to pursue the passion of environmental science. I hope you remember that life sciences, data, and affecting the environment are the key points that you need to know in order to have fun and be safe being an environmental scientist. I also hope you can have as much fun as i do learning and thriving in this subject area.
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