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After you heard about Affandi, what do you think about him?
I personally felt that Affandi's life experience is very inspiring
Although he dropped out from school, he didnt gave up to be a painter. And i think that he was very brave to chose his own life path. Honestly i am not interested to be a painter, but for me art especially paintings is a very meaningful thing. Painters painted the canvas with feeling, and they don't need to follow any rules. They can freely express their expression by their drawings. So for me painting is a very mysterious thing because there is a meaning behind a painting. And every painters have their own character, for example Affandi that whose painting technique is characterized by directly squeezing the paint out of its tube. Thats what we called learning by experience, not by theory. My drawings is very bad, actually. Oh, speaking of drawings, i want to tell you about my experience based on Affandi's life experience. Well, my experience is not exactly the same with his experience, but I remembered about my childhood when i read about Affandi. So I have an older sister. Her name is Michelle. She is 4 years older than me. She is now a university student. When i was about 7 years old, i am interested about art. Why? Because my older sister liked to draw and she introduced me about art. She also taught me about how to draw anime or cartoon character. My sister drawings was quiet great. I cant really remember but i think she is the one who makes me love art. When i was little, my sister and I likes to watch anime and cartoon. Like sailormoon, or spongebob squarepants, phineas and ferb, and more. I think back then i watched cartoons every sunday morning. All of my friends also liked to watch cartoons so we oftenly talked about cartoons. At that time my friends and i had a drawing book that filled with random cartoon drawings. We loved to draw in each others drawing book. One day, I joined a drawing competition with my sister. But sadly I didnt won the competition. Until now i keep my drawing book and it was a very fun memory.

Oh and Affandi was a hard working person and he never gave up to be a professional painter. I had an experience about how i work hard on mathematics. When i was in elementary school, im not good at mathematics. I oftenly got bad scores. But i learned mathematic harder, as hard as i can. Slowly but sure, my mathematic score gets higher score than before. And eventhough i didnt get 100, im still grateful. So for all of you guys, remember, dont just dream, work for it.

Affandi makes me realized that life is about making yourself happy by doing what you like. Now let me tell you my experience about discretion in Loyola. When im in 3rd grade of junior high school, i registered to Loyola. It was a hard decision but long story short, i was accepted in Loyola. At that time i was confused, either to choose social sciences major or science major. My parents actually let me to chose whatever i like. After a long time, i decided to chose social science major because the lessons is very fun and interesting. I dont regret my decision and very grateful to be in X SOS C. So thanks for you guys.
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