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Perspectives: Icetail, Shadefur

1) Shadowstrike and Silverleap retire
2) Icetail, despite protesting, is forced to return to SandClan by Splashstar. Splashstar rejects her and Badgerstrike's kits and separates them
3) Badgerstrike & CO. protest this action, causing a battle between the two Clans
3.5) In the battle, Honeysong dies protecting an apprentice (undecided) and Barkheart dies protecting Bramblegorse and CO.
4) Snowy, Teddy, Spot, and Chocolate return to IceClan with Ash from rogues (Chocolate's mate) for help on delivering their kits
5) While in IceClan's care, Chocolate dies during kitting and Ash blames it on Ember[star]

6) Loners leave with kits and live with mountain cats with Shadowpelt's help
7) Icetail flees SandClan and becomes a loner
8) Badgerstrike, Bumblefrost, Dawnfur, and Ravenheart all leave to find her, but Badgerstrike is found by a patrol with Dawnfur and is forced to go back to camp and stay in for the time being
9) Loners leave with kits and live with mountain cats (Shadowpelt's idea)
10) Icetail flees SandClan and becomes a loner, living on the edge of Clan territories

11) Badgerstrike, Bumblefrost, Dawnfur, and Ravenheart all leave to find her, but Badgerstrike is found by a patrol with Dawnfur and is forced to go back to camp and stay in for the time being
12) Ravenheart and Bumblefrost return without Icetail. Bumblefrost is badly injured but recovers with minor scars
12) Emberstar and Splashstar send out search patrols to find Icetail, Hazelstar and Juniperstar eventually joining in
13) Icetail is found, and Splashstar lets her stay in IceClan
13.3̅) Ravenheart falls in love with Mousetail, who has a crush on Crowshade
13.6̅) Mousetail and Crowshade become mates but do not have kits
14) Skyheart and Waspclaw develop a mutual crush and leave to live with the mountain cats
15) Breezemist and Goldenpatch retire after (but not because) he finds out where Waspclaw went
15.5) Petaldust (old age) and Creekclaw (heart issues) pass

16) Juniperstar loses a life against the rogues which pushes Emberstar to propose that they send patrols to search the whole territory for any trace of the rogues
16.5) Patrols find nothing but do find Flint hunting in FogClan and SandClan territory. Shadowpelt escorts him back to the Horde and greets Waspclaw and Skyheart (finds out Skyheart is a queen)
17) Brindleheart announces his parents' names, Spottedhazel is punished severely but not exiled
18) Molepaw gets full medicine cat name and Brindleheart takes on an apprentice
19) Shadepaw is made a warrior with Featherheart's kits
20) Ashblossom gets a vision about the Horde and tells Shadowpelt
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