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19th march 2020

I am standing on an empty battlefield where every man has fallen. As I gazed up at the sky darkness is the only thing I see the great and lonely emptiness with not a star in sight, no love, no light, no hope. The extinguished sun left such a gapping hole like the global annihilation that has consumed the ground on which my feet rest on. I had always thought that I would grow old surrounded by people who I cherish the most but no more. Life is such a virtue, a miracle which we only appreciate when it's gone.

I have relived this moment time and time and time again, resetting just so I could see them again but how long? How many times can I live through this torture? Why me! Am I a bad man, I know for fact im not a good one but I thought I would be somewhere in between. the question is will I put myself through this again shattering my heart like glass. I suppose once more won't hurt anyone , except from me.

19th march 2019

Have you ever felt as if your life just doesn't make sense? Like a piece of the puzzle is missing from it? Every second of my life I have questioned this but people just called me crazy, saying that I am just imaging it but I know that I'm not things just don't fit right.

My name is Hugo, I'm 25 and live in the New York city. I'm engaged to the most pulchritudinous brunette in the universe. She is an angle tied down to redid earth wishing to fly but stays just for me. I work for a company called miracle workers whose only goal is to save the whole of creation from dieses, famine and anything that will come in our way. Its not that we want to be immortal per say it's the need to only die after a long and for filling life where we can say that we are ready to go.n

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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