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MLP Next Gens

Applejack x Rarity

Though the two were certainly opposites in many ways, and might not seem like what others think of an ideal couple, Applejack began to slowly harbor a crush on Rarity. It grew bit by bit over time, and though she didn't always devolve into a stuttering mess every time they were around each other, Rarity was aware of her friends crush- and one day, after getting a bit tipsy on wine, eventually asked her out a stuttering AJ on a date- and it was all history from there.

The two eventually got married and had two children together due to Discord- he basically switched Rarity over to a stallion the first time for shits and giggles, but sulkinlgy agreed to not so the next time with AJ.

Honeychrisp- Rarity and Applejack's son and their oldest child. He's seen as a pretty relaxed and subdued individual most of the time, and is a real piece of work when he's pushed too hard to get angry. He's pretty massive for a stallion, managing to tower over Big Mac as well at his age, though similar to his uncle is seen as a bit of a "gentle giant". He isn't really close to his younger sister, due to their age difference, and him leaving for Manehatten when she was pretty young. He's a pretty humble pony, due to AJ disallowing her wife from spoiling him rotten from a young age, though still appreciates some of the finer things in life, and can be quite the dramatic when he wants to.

When he was younger, he was one of the late bloomers for cutie marks, and was usually ignored or bullied by some of his peers also due to his massive and gangly size. He always tried his best to make both of his mothers proud of him and began to do think it'd be best if they would do so if he'd get into something that involved both of their own talents which was untrue. Honeychrisp's cutie mark actually relates to singing, more so involving country music then anything- he came to accept it soon after meeting AJ's close friend, Countess Colratura, who helped him pursue this career soon after. Despite what he thought before, both of his mothers are definitely proud of him, and he moved to Manehatten to gain a bigger name for himself, which he is slowly doing due to the endorsement of his mentor as well. He's known for his songs about friendship, self confidence, and simply being a good pony.

Violet Blossom- Rarity and Applejack's daughter. Unlike her older brother, she is seen as more outgoing to her peers and is known for her bouncy, vibrant energy. She can be a bit snobby or entitled at times due to Rarity managing to squirm her way into spoiling her younger daughter, and has a pretty close relationship with her cousin, Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara's daughter. She doesn't have a cutie mark yet, but it most likely will relate to something with writing. She's an avid follower of the Daring Do books and can babble for hours about stories she can seemingly pull out of nowhere.

Pinkiepie x Cheese Sandwich

Out of all the nextgens, the two had kids the fastest and were the first out of all of them to get married. They basically clicked off of each others energies and when Cheese finally came to stay in Ponyville, they quickly found themselves to be quickly expecting afterwards- which made both of them endlessly thrilled and happy, though also married a bit afterwards in order to try and hide that. They now have 5 kids, and adore each and every one of them.

Cheesecake- The oldest out of Pinkie and Cheese's children. Known to be the opposite of her parents in terms of energy, Cake was always a bit more reserved then her parents in some ways and a bit more of a private person. She still adores both of them very much(though has a closer bond with Cheese), as with her little siblings, but sometimes feels left out of the feeling due to not having the same boundless energy as the rest of them. Though she isn't the same level of emotional constipation as her aunties, she still relates to them a bit more- she is also Honeychrisp and Comet Tail's close friends, as all three of them are the closest in age, but bears no interest in either of them romantically.

Cake, similar to her parents, eventually finds out she has a talent in baking- especially desert based items such as cakes, cookies, pies, etc, and was one of the first amongst her class to get her cutie mark, briefly leaving her in isolation from both Comet Tail and Honeychrisp for a short while because of this. She opens a small pastry shop in Equestria on her own since she feels the only way she'll ever feel happiness is following her talent, though is certainly very, very lonely now and keeps frequent contact with her family...

Party Favor- The second oldest of Pinkie and Cheese's children and born a very close year after Cheesecake. Unlike his sister, he regains all of his parents energy doubled, though can be seen a bit obnoxious due to his permanently ever growing optimism and rarely ever having a smile leave his face. He refuses to look at the dark side of things and really doesn't confront his own negative feelings a lot, especially over Cake, who he's slightly mad over leaving their family. He tends to use this pent up energy at the local gym, and is scarily fit despite looking so skinny.

Party Favor specializes in stand up comedy, and is known for his philosophy of "no pony should ever just not laugh!", and often tests his jokes out on his younger twin siblings, to both of their disdain as he is known for his cheesey, very uncle like jokes that aren't exactly getting any better.

Lemon Zest: The third oldest of Pinkie and Cheese's children. Lemon is known to be a bit on the sour side, and is extremely blunt and straightforward, and has been known to get into fights because of this. She keeps a pretty straight face on at all times but still can keep up with her family, and will promptly kick your face in if you dare to insult any of them. She also unashamedly was one of those who insulted Cheesecake for leaving their clan and is currently not talking to her at all, and refuses to do so even when asked to by her parents or twin. She is extremely loyal to her family and them alone.

Zest, as she is called, unlike the rest of the family isn't really into rocks or desserts. She is a renown artist who has already made a small fortune with her works, which she basically uses to help fun her family's misadventures, and is quite content with her life as the moment.

Key Lime Pie: Zest's twin sister and the forth oldest. Unlike Zest, Lime is known to usually have her head in the clouds, and strangely enough, is actually a Pegasus somehow- which neither of her parents can really explain, similar with Zest and Cherry Bomb being unicorns. She is known to blurt out her thoughts at the moment she is having them and looks up to Treehugger a lot. Despite her seeming ditzy, she isn't dumb as others thinks she is and knows so, and sometimes finds bemusement with missing with others.

Lime, similar to Zest, doesn't really have a talent similar to the rest of her family. She is an avid follower of mother nature and has a talent involving floral arranging, with her mark being a flower crown. She adores giving them out to people on the streets and those who she likes a lot, and treats her product with upmost care.

Cherry Bomb: The youngest of all the siblings, she came as quite a surprise to both Cheese and Pinkie- though still quickly embraced the idea of having a young foal again despite all their children being old enough to live on their own, practically. Cherry, similar to Party Favor in a way, is known to be a pretty cheerful kid and often tells pretty twisting stories, though there's something definitely... Off, about her. She's also known to get pretty violent with her words suddenly when she knows shes being threatened and has a pretty short temper, and is known to fight with others on a sudden whim.

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