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@wow raider Hi everyone, following some feedback from some of our raiders and also from how the officers and I feel things have been going so far this tier we're going to introduce a 3rd raid day for clearing heroic mode to allow us an environment for those not doing as well to show they are good enough for mythic, and for us to fairly evaluate recruits in a competitive raiding environment. The new raid day expectations will be the same as the mythic nights bring focus and do your best to prove you deserve a mythic spot.

From now on mythic night invites will be who I consider the most committed and best performing people, starting from the first boss onwards. Whilst I've been trying to get everyone geared and up to speed on the early bosses it's still taking us a significant amount of mythic raiding time to even get to the current progress boss and this will only get worse the later in the tier we go, due to the linear nature of the zone. As such mythic performance, heroic performance and overall commitment to the guild will dictate invites.

Performance is gauged by
- knowing the tactics, correctly doing the encounter, without needing me to coach
- avoiding death
- reacting to whatever random things happen during encounters
- DPS ONLY parsing for your ilvl. I am not expecting everyone to be parsing orange, but parsing lower than blue for your ilvl bracket is not acceptable if we want to be a cutting edge guild. Consider there are 40,000 logs for your class/spec. There are 2,500 for your ilvl bracket out of those 40,000. Let's say 10% of all of those kills are people cheesing the encounter to push their logs (note: It is way less then 10%). That leaves a top 2,250 for you to aim for. Of those 2,250 heroic logs only 25% of them will be from people that are mythic raiders as mythic raiding is a niche part of the game. Parsing sub 50% on heroic kills for your ilvl means you're doing worse than random people in pugs. Special compensation is made to anyone I put on a shit job for that specific encounter.

Friday night raid will remain as it is, a kickback casual raid if you can be bothered to log on, any and all alts socials and friends are welcome to join. As I personally can't commit to a 4 day schedule it may not even run but Fridays that I can make I will make sure to run it in the same manner as it is currently with the exception that I won't put any expectation at all on getting very far. Considering the shitshow the last couple of weeks this will probably be of some relief for me.

In addition to the new raid day I would like to also reiterate the expectations for mythic raiders as we've not been being strict enough. Flasks, food, enchants, gems & vantus runes are now provided by the guild and as such I expect all of the raiders to be bringing their own potions to mythic progress (I don't care if you pot on farm or not), as this and repairs should be the only expense you have to cover. Yes this includes me, I know I haven't been setting a good example.

AT LEAST ONE M+ on or above 10 should be being completed every week if you are a main raider, it is free 410+ gear and progress towards 415 azerite gear. There are groups running constantly throughout the week you can join.

Can you vote on this post using T(u)esday or (T)hursday to let me know availability.
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Regards; Team

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