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Unit 4 PRETEST Evolution 2019
The diagram shows fossil layers in different locations. The different shading in the diagram
indicates different types of rock.
How could fossils like the ones shown support the theory of evolution?
(A) Fossil evidence supports the hypothesis that evolution can occur at different rates in different
(B) Fossil evidence supports the hypothesis that individual organisms and populations evolve to
adapt to a changing environment.
(C) Fossil evidence provides a complete record of the organisms that once lived and are
ancestors to other organisms.
(D) Fossil evidence provides information on the allele frequency in ancestral populations.
(E) Fossil evidence supports the hypothesis that behavioral isolation contributes to evolutionary
2. New species arise when populations become ______________________________ due to
changes in courtship rituals, geographic barriers and breeding times.
a. genetically drifted
b. artificially selected
c. geographically isolated
d. reproductively isolated
3. The origin of the eukaryotic cell is explained by
a. the RNA world hypothesis
b. protocells
c. the Miller Urey experiment
d. the endosymbiotic theory
4. The theory of continental drift hypothesizes that Africa and South America slowly drifted apart after once
being a single landmass. The monkeys on the two continents, although similar, show numerous genetic
differences. Which factor is probably the most important in maintaining these differences?
a. comparative anatomy
b. comparative embryology
c. geographic isolation
d. fossil records
Use the options below to answer the following questions. For each description of reproductive isolation,
select the option that best describes it. Options may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
A. temporal
B. behavioral
C. geographical
5. An earthquake causes an ocean channel to open up on an island where a low area previously existed. The
island’s lizard population is now separated on two parts of the island.
a. A b. B c. C
6. Fruit flies recognize the appearance, odor, tapping motions, and sounds of members of their own species,
but not of other species.
a. A b. B c. C
7. Several species of leopard frogs are common throughout North America, where their ranges
overlap. Different species of leopard frogs are very similar in appearance, but the males of each
species have a unique courtship call. How did speciation most likely occur in leopard frogs?
A. Reproductive isolation occurred through behavioral isolation.
B. Reproductive isolation occurred through temporal isolation.
C. Populations were separated through geographical isolation.
D. Populations were separated through competition.
8. As Darwin explained, a small population of finches settled on the Galapagos Islands. Darwin
called these finches the founders or founding population. The founders became the ancestors of
all the finch species that Darwin observed on the islands.
How did the founders compare with other finches of the same species that remained in South
a. They were essentially identical, and had the same allele frequencies.
b. They were similar, but might have had different allele frequencies due to the small size of
the founding population.
c. They were very different, because the founders were able to fly across the ocean.
d. They were very different, because the founders had a much greater genetic diversity.
The diagram below depicts the bone structure of parts belonging to five different animals.
9. The similarities of the bones labeled A provide evidence that
A the organisms shown lived in the same type of environment.
B the organisms shown may have developed from a common ancestor.
C all vertebrate species have identical forelimb bone structure.
D all vertebrate species have the same genetic makeup.
The two photographs show the skulls of different animals. The photograph on the left shows the skull of a
dog, and the photograph on the right shows the skull of a sheep.
10. What anatomical similarity indicates that these two mammals share a common ancestor?
A Both have rounded faces.
B Both have many long and sharp teeth for chewing meat.
C Both have small eye sockets in proportion to their skull.
D Both have hinged jaws.
11. Scientists have found that American vultures and African vultures, which were once thought to belong
to the falcon family, are not so closely related. In fact, scientists now know that American vultures are more
closely related to storks than African vultures. What most likely gave scientists the strongest evidence to
come to this conclusion?
A similar fight styles
B similar behavior
C similar DNA
D similar food sources
12. The embryos of fish, chickens, and pigs have gill slits and tails. The presence of these features
suggests that
A gill slits and tails are required for embryonic development.
B pigs and chickens are closely related.
C tails only develop fully in a land-based mammal.
D these animals had a common ancestor.
13. Some species of animals have moved into caves over generations. Which of the following structures
would most likely to have become vestigial in these animals?
A eyes
B ears
C teeth
D legs
14. The Devil’s Hole water system is part of a large underground aquifer in Death Valley National
Park. After the last Ice Age, around 10,000 years ago, as the water dried up and the land turned
to desert, separate pools of water formed. Populations of pupfish eventually became isolated in a
few of these waterholes and springs and then evolved different adaptive traits to become distinct
species over time. This kind of __________ likely occurred because each water pool was
inhabited by a few surviving individuals of the original larger population. A change in
__________________ following a large reduction in population size is called a _____________.
A. genetic drift; habitat conditions; polygenic effect
B. genetic drift; allele frequency; bottleneck effect
C. polygenic drift; allele frequency; bottleneck effect
D. polygenic drift; genetic equilibrium; polygenic effect
15. In a population of pea plants, 36 plants are homozygous for the dominant trait giving yellow
peas (YY), 48 plants are heterozygous for the yellow pea trait (Yy) , and 16 plants have green
peas (yy). What is the frequency of alleles in this population? (Use this formula p
2 + 2pq + q
2 = 1)
a. Y = 0.75; y = 0.25
b. Y = 0.50; y = 0.50
c. Y = 0.60; y = 0.40
d. Y = 0.40; y = 0.60
16. Height in humans is an example of a polygenic trait. Which types of natural selection
can affect polygenic traits?
I. directional selection
II. disruptive selection
III. stabilizing selection
a. I. only
b. I. and II. only
c. II. and III. only
d. I., II. and III.
17. A beetle species that lives deep inside trees invade a forest where a population of
woodpeckers lives. Only woodpeckers with longer beaks are able to reach these beetles
and feed on them. The shorter-beaked woodpeckers are at a disadvantage over the
longer-beaked ones.
Which type of pattern of natural selection of woodpeckers would occur in this scenario?
18. The Hardy-Weinberg principle is a relationship between the frequencies of alleles and
the genotype of a population that can only hold true if
A. No mutations occur.
B. Mating is non-random.
C. Genetic drift occurs.
D. The population size is small.
SB6e. Develop a model to explain the role natural selection plays in causing biological resistance
(e.g., pesticides, antibiotic resistance, and influenza vaccines).
19. Temporal isolation occurs when two different populations
A. develop different mating behaviors.
B. become geographically separated.
C. reproduce at different times.
D. interbreed.
20. How can bacteria evade antibiotics? SB6e.
A. Acquiring resistance genes or gene clusters
B. Moving locations
C. eat the antibiotic
D. Stop regeneration of bacteria
21. What will not happen if humans do not finish a full antibiotic prescription? SB6e.
A. The bacteria will not completely be eliminated.
B. The bacteria will become resistant to that particular antibiotic
C. The bacteria will become weaker
D. The bacteria will not be contaminated.
22. If an antibiotic is introduced to a cow population, and humans ingest those cows by eating
the meat, will those humans possibly no longer be able to use that antibiotic in order to fight of
bacteria? SB6e.
a. No, the humans that eat the meat will not be exposed to the antibiotic.
b. Yes, the humans that eat the meat will be exposed to the antibiotic and now that antibiotic
may not be effective in humans.
c. Antibiotics do not work in humans
d. Yes, the human will be exposed to the same exact amount of antibiotics that the cow
ingested and will now have the same bacteria as the cow.
The table below lists the response of bacteria to several antibiotics. A score of 0 means that the
bacteria were not sensitive. Sensitivity increases as the score increases. Use the table to answer
the following question(s).
Antibiotic Sensitivity
Ampicillin 3
Bacitracin 0
Cephalosporin 0
Penicillin 0
Pifampin 0
Streptomycin 3
Tetracycline 2
23. Which of the following antibiotics killed bacteria most effectively? SB6e.
A. Penicillin
B. Bacitracin
C. Tetracycline
D. Streptomycin
24. Which of the following antibiotics had no effect on the bacteria? SB6e.
A. Ampicillin
B. Tetracycline
C. Cephalosporin
D. Streptomycin
25. A student set up an experiment to study plant growth located on the window ledge of her
classroom. The soil, type of plant, age, size of plant, and amount of water given to each plant was
kept the same in both setups. The only difference in the experiment was that one plant was in the
sunlight, and the other was covered with a box. The plant growing in sunlight with No box
covering it was the:
A. Hypothesis
B. Dependent Variable
C. Control
D. Procedure
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