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-The family had to adapt to survive
-Gregor had to adapt to survive
-Darwinism is related to the needs and wants of a specimen
-Became an insect
-Organisms change to cope, and that organisms adapt to changes in their environment in order to survive.

Realism in his works
-Not fiction, real life, in its natural state
-Normal life in the metamorphosis

-Late 19th, early 20th century
-Artists not following old rules/norms
-Modernism is traditions have been thrown away
-Something new, something people have seen before
-Mainly Europe/North America
-Ezra Pound said it was to make it newer.
-Gregor transformed really quickly, a common thing in modernism
-The first person, POV is new.

-Life has no meaning
-3 Metamorphosis (Camel, to Lion, to Child)
-Camel carries weight, Lion is strong, Child is happiness, wealth and well being
-Related to Grete (Gregor's sister)
-She steps up to carry the whole family, then she decides

Jewish People and Prague
-Throughout their history in Prague, They were always segregated
-Inferior race
-Submissiveness, accept the situation
-They do not really have a home
-Gregor accepts the situation
-Haven't done anything but are isolated, similar to Jews in Prague.
-Don't belong anywhere
-Where not really granted equality.

-Austria-Hungarian empire
-Germans were the biggest group
-A lot of polish, Russians, Jewish
-Great tension
-Rules to make people learn different languages
-Didn't work as when one side implemented the rule, the other side would get mad
-Tensions between the two sides are similar to the tension between Gregor and his family.
-No communication between the two sides. (Two different languages in the empire).
-People die due to no communication between groups.

Time and Place
-Isolated even in your own home
-Not safe in their own
-Lodgers are like the Germans from WWII
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