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package com.codington.module6;

* Topic: Inheritance
* Instructions:
* Zoo class overrides the methods inherited from the interface RidesHosting
* Zoo hosts High Thrill rides.
* The variable zooRide is used to represent different types of rides.
* The zooRide value is 1 if the ride is a Low Thrill ride for Children and 2 if the
* ride is a High Thrill ride for teens and adults.

public class Zoo extends Fare{

//TODO 1 - implement RidesHosting interface
public Zoo(double serviceTax){
super.serviceTax = serviceTax;

private int noOfAnimals = 0;
String[] animalNames;

//TODO 2 - Declare a local private integer variable to hold number of animals value and initialize it to zero.
//TODO 3 - Declare an array of String to hold animal names and initialize it to empty string.
//TODO 4 - Declare an instance of Safari class with private access modifier and assign null value to it.The Safari class will be composed in Zoo class.
private Safari safari = null;

//TODO 5 - Declare a local private integer variable to hold zoo ride value and initialize it to zero.
private static int zooRideValue = 0;

//TODO 6 - Create parameterized constructor of Zoo class that takes a double value, service tax as an argument.
//TODO 7 - Invoke superclass's constructor by passing the service tax argument value.
//TODO 8 - Generate the setters and getters for the instance variables.
public int getNoOfAnimals(){
return noOfAnimals;

public void setNoOfAnimals(int noOfAnimals){
this.noOfAnimals = noOfAnimals;

public String[] getAnimalNames(){
return animalNames;

public void setAnimalNames(String[] animalNames){
this.animalNames = animalNames;

public int getZooRideValue(){
return zooRideValue;

public void setZooRideValue(int zooRideValue){
Zoo.zooRideValue = zooRideValue;

//TODO 9 - override assignRideCategory() method by assigning the high thrill value to the zooRide instance variable.
// Hint: use the HIGH_THRILL constant defined in the RideHosting interface.

public void assignRideCategory(){

/*TODO 10 - override the getRideDetails method and complete its implementation by following below instructions.
*TODO 10.a- create a string variable rideDetails and initialize it with null Value
*TODO 10.b - Check the value of zooRide,
* assign the string "Low Thrill Rides for Children" to rideDetails if the zooRide is a low thrill ride and
* assign the string "High Thrill Rides for Teens and Adults" to rideDetails if zooRide is a high thrill ride
* TODO 10.c - return the rideDetails.

public static String getRideDetails(){
String rideDetails = null;

if(zooRideValue == 1){
rideDetails = "Low Thrill Rides for Children";
else if(zooRideValue == 2){
rideDetails = "High Thrill Rides for Teens and Adults";
return rideDetails;

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