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Emir: Hello coach . Can ı give you offer

Emre: Sure but not now. I am editing important files now
You can sit here and wait me


~ Two hours later ~
(Emir içinden söyler;
Thats enough What are you doing ?
(Ekrana bakar)
Are you serious?)

Emre: Yes Emir Frei , What happened ?

Emir: You know our right middle is fourty two years old.
He is very old . He can be injure. I think you should play
With me this match .

Emre : In fact we are going to sell to you

Emir:What are you serious Sir Güneş ? I’m only nineteen
Years old . Why you are going to sell to me ?

Emre: Sorry Frei I can’t do anything

Emir: Okey … Okey … Which team

Emre: İstanbul’s Parsleys

Emir: it is ridiclous the team 17th in league.

Emre: I’m sorry Frei

Emir:Can ı see the contract

Emre: Yes here . Oh wait me . I am going to find
Your contact. Aaannnnd i find it

Emir: What are you sold me for 50.000 € It’s ridiclous . Can you open my transfer page

Emre : Sure

Emir: Can you see ? My value is 5 M €
Are you joking me

Emre: unfortunately it’s true

Emir: I'm on the list of the best young players in the world

Emre: I think this news is fake. You are overrated player
Anyway yo can go out

Emir: Okey….

Emre: See you Frei

~Emir gider Emre başkanı arar ~

Emre: Hello Mr.FOREST.. Whats’up? I,m fine Thanks. Yes ı sold him for 50.000. Yes it is
Great money.

~ ….. years later ~

(Emirin milyon değerlere transfer olduğu haberleri çıkar)
(Patron Emreye kızmaya gelir)

Boss:What are you doing Emre ? WHAT ARE YOU DOİNG !

Emre: What happened Boss ? What is wrong ?

Boss: You should open Emir’s Transfer Page

Emre: Okey I do this now

(Emre şaşırır)

Emre: Mr.Forest no problem I find new footballer

Boss: Okey this sound good. How old are you ?

Emre: 39 years old he is soo young

Boss:Nice Suitable for us can you open his transfer page

Emre: Sure

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Regards; Team

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