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Plants –
 In Kingdom Plantae & are Multicellular eukaryotes
 Plant cells have
o cell walls (provides protection, structure),
 Cellulose - compound that makes up cell wall, made from
chains of glucose molecules. Gives plants structure and

o chloroplasts (organelle that contains chlorophyll for photosynthesis),
o central vacuole (stores water in cell)
 Roots – anchors plant to ground and absorb water and nutrients
 Shoots – part of the plant that is above the ground
 Autotrophs- produce their own food through photosynthesis; Producers
 Divided into 2 Groups
1. Nonvascular Plants – no tissues to transport water & nutrients
a. Can’t grow as tall
b. Cells must be in direct contact with moisture
c. Sperm must swim to egg through water droplets (sexual
d. Includes mosses, liverworts, and hornworts
2. Vascular Plants have a Vascular System - an internal transport
system for water and dissolved materials
a. xylem tissue to carry water and minerals upward from the
b. phloem tissue carry sugars made by photosynthesis from the
leaves to where they will be stored or used
Vascular Plants are subdivided into two groups:
1. Seedless vascular plants
a. The reproductive cell of a seedless vascular plant are called
spores. Reproduces sexually
b. Includes club mosses, horsetails, and ferns
2. Seed-Producing vascular plants
a. Seed - a structure that contains a plant embryo and a supply of
food inside a protective covering.
b. Reproduce sexually (pollination – transfer of pollen from
anther to stigma) and asexually (vegetative reproduction –
taking a cutting from and plant and growing a new plant)
c. 2 types of Seed-Producing Vascular Plants
1. Gymnosperms - have naked seeds in cones
a. Conifers – cone-producing
b. Includes pine, cedar, spruce, and fir, Cycads,
2. Angiosperms - have flowers that attract pollinators
and produce fruit with seedsa. Pollination - Seeds are formed when an egg or
ovule is fertilized by pollen in the ovary
b. Examples: Flowers, fruit trees, tomatoes, grasses

Annuals – complete life cycle in one year
Biennial – complete life cycle in two years
Perennial – Complete life cycle in more than 2 years
Petals are colorful & sweet smelling to attract pollinators.
Stalk/Stem holds up the flower giving support to the flower. Also provides a
highway for water & food to supply the plant with its needs.
Ovary - The ovary will become the fruit that protects the seeds.
Ovules - once fertilized by pollen (plant sperm), will become the seed.
Sepal- protect the petals when the flowers are still a bud and supports petals
Pistil - The female parts of a flower. It contains the ovary, the style, and the stigma.
Stigma - The part of the pistil that catches the pollen.
Stamen - The male parts of the flower; Responsible for producing pollen.
Anther - Located on the top of the filament and holds the pollen until mature. Once
the mature, they burst open releasing the pollen.
Pollen - The fertilizing element of flowering plants, made of fine, powdery, grains or
 A leaf is broad and flat to capture lots of sunlight.
 Main function is Photosynthesis!
 Cuticle: A waxy layer that covers the parts of a plant that are exposed to air
like leaves and stems. It keeps plants from drying out.
 Stomata – small openings within the epidermis of a leaf that allow gas and
water to pass through
o Stomata are closed during day and open at night
o Close in hot weather to prevent water loss
 Photosynthesis
o Carbon Dioxide + Water + light energy = Glucose + Oxygen
o Occurs in chloroplasts
o Plants take in carbon dioxide from air, water from roots, and use
sunlight to produce their food (glucose) and oxygen. Gas molecules
(oxygen and carbon dioxide) and water go in and out through
 Cellular Respiration
o Glucose + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide + Water + ATP Energy
o Occurs in mitochondria
o Energy is produced and used by plants to carry out processes:
reproduction, growth, transporting sap, etc
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