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Robotic Goods-To-Person Technology In Automated Picking System Is Becoming A Hype!

Since the emergence of the automation, the demand for the solutions that can bring complete automation in the warehouse is at its peak. Multiple warehouse automation companies are developing different automation systems keeping the demand and benefits in mind. Talking about the automation solutions, one that is growing popular amongst all, is automated picking systems.

The automated warehouse picking systems in a warehouse are directly meaning to the implementation of the semi-robotic or completely robotic technology, increasing the work of human pickers. However, in the realm of the automation solutions, there are lots of options to choose from, yet the most effective tools that can fit in your business environment, work with your team and can be easily integrated into an existing store procedure quickly and seamlessly is what you need to have.

The automated picking solutions with the robotic good-to-person technology are able to reduce the walking time, shorten the picking routes, support the perfect picking or packaging as well as integrate with the existing warehouse management systems (WMS). Not only this solution can be used in e-commerce and manufacturing but also in the broad spectrum of industries such as retail, food & beverages, transportation, medical tools and more.

Advantages of Our Automated Picking Systems :

The benefits of an automated picking system in a warehouse are quite far beyond the negligence. These systems are not just efficient, they also offer cost-effectiveness for the store and retrieve layers along with the cases without a pallet for meeting JIT (just-in-time) order fulfillment requirements.

The systems are packed with robotics goods-to-person technology and are capable of automatically picking the products from the inventory-in singles or groups that are further palletized as well shipped to the consumer. When the automated storage and retrieval system is completely equipped with the automated order picking systems, the store picking or packaging procedure is expanded in multiple ways as mentioned below:

Improved pallet develop efficiency as well as quality
Capable enough of handling most package types
Enhanced traceability with 100% order accuracy
Minimum picking labor & the risk of repetitive manual handling
More flexible and compact designs, fitting into existing footprints
Reduced manual costs associated along with the picking full cases

An Overview About Fulfillment Automation: Robotic Order Picking :

From the robotic palletizing systems, which are capable enough of developing mixed-case pallets for automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and unloading trucks, the era of the warehouse automation is here now and that too with the robotic goods-to-person automated picking systems in a warehouse. The completely order picking bots are developing more sophisticated meaning there has never been a better time for including them in the order fulfillment.

About GreyOrange Pte Ltd.

Being in the industry for more than ten years, GreyOrange has successfully established itself as a leading supplier of automated picking systems in warehouse, which is coupled with the robotic goods-to-person (GTP) technology. The company is nailing the odds and leading the market with its innovative GTP technology embedded with put-pick-to-light, sorters (parcel sorter and linear sorter) and butler as well. These all the solutions are not just possessing the high standards but also coupled with some of the innovative and advanced features and functionalities. Apart from the products, the company is backed by a team of highly efficacious, skilled and enthusiastic professionals, possessing a rich experience and knowledge in providing robust support to the customers. Their exceptional skills at providing help to clients and solving their queries with intellectuality have also been a reason that the company holds a higher degree of customer satisfaction. Talking about the products, the company does provide the best-in-class products as in systems and solutions. In case of any programming or efficiency error in the product, the company has a policy of either repairing or replacing it with the fresh ones. To know more about the organization, please visit the official website at

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