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Location, Offense, Venue

L: Ply
Offense: Trespassing on county property, refused to leave the property after many warnings

When recording details of the offense for a traffic sitation, there should be three elements described, the natiaure of the event, the location

Other Citaions:
Short description of the crime alongside the location


Approach from behind, put handcuffs, ensure no dangerous items, transport
Fill out arrest report on the computer using LOV

Executing Search Warrants:
Sometimes on patrol I will come across a search warrant that was out on a subject, I must follow certain steps to make sure the outcome is safe and correct, depedning on what the search warrant is for, it ususally is vehivles being searched.
Take the car to the closest and safest CD
Ask to take video or photo of the inventory GUIs of cars, one by one,
Keep illegal stuff in inventory or trunk
Make arrest if needed,
go to the warrants and let the judge know its done

Miranda Rights:
You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do can and will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attoreny, one will be provided to you.
You can excersise these rights at any time and not have to answer or make any statements.
Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you. Having these rights in mind, do you wish to speak with us?

Read miranda rights
Ask if they want a lawyer or a private conversation with one coming
attorneys can answer for client or say they shouldnt answer
if an attorney is abusing, report it to a member of the Ethics committee
cant be allowed in if armed
must provide proof of BAR
dont repeat questions

PC or search warrant to owner cant search if I don't have PC or warrant

Firstly, ensure the driver had abandoned the vehicle and is unable to move themselves, smash the windows and drive it yourself.

Use baton to gain access, drive to a safe place, shoot it and explode it.
Supervisor can give a burn permit, a burn warrant is authorized, or you and/or the division has been specifically updated with a burn permit

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Regards; Team

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