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Jennifer's Tips For Maintaining A Successful Friendship

DO focus on what you have in common. There has to be something that brought you together in the first place. In Dina's and my case I'd say it's drinking, gossiping, drinking, talking about guys, and siting by the pool...drinking. Hey, we like what we like.

DON'T bail on real friends for superficial ones. Even if a night at a five star restaurant and the VIP box at a concert sound like more fun than bowling with your bestie, resist the urge. Ditching your BF is not cool, and if you try to double book, you might find yourself in a position where you're lying to everyone, running back and forth between the two groups, and that's hard to do in heels.

DO take trips down memory lane. Reliving your glory days can bring you closer together. Reminisce about the times you drove the vice principal's car into the swimming pool or had a little too much to drink and dove head first into the pins at a bowling alley. Good times.

DON'T date the same guy at the same time. Seems obvious, but it's happened to us once. Maybe twice. And let me tell you—that can get real awkward, real fast. Of course, if you didn't know and then do find out you're dating the same guy....

DO team up to find interesting ways to let him know you found out.

Bottom line, if you're lucky enough to find someone who's seen you at your best and your worst, who really knows you and wants to spend time with you anyway, don't let them get away. I mean that literally. Sit on the hood of their car if you have to so they can't get away. It worked for me.
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Regards; Team

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