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both you and your height reached there peak in 6th class

most short people cant go on rollercoasters your so short you cant play with a yoyo

it must have been hard growing up i mean atleast you werent doing it long

for putting up with this i really hand it to you mainly cause you cant fucking reach it

if you decide to have kids when your pregnant youll look like the guy from monsters inc

your so short that even when you smoke weed you dont get high

when youre telling a story and say "when i was little " do you just start talking bout like yesterday

its funny how everything about you is short like your temper for example

when you were doing the lc and the invigilator said what level and you said higher did they just so NO or did they like laugh beforehand

you know when you were writing to santa to ask him to give you some extra height, did the army send it for you or did you have to do it whenever you had some off time round then

you know the good thing is if in a couple years your not getting promoted as fast as you should be atleast your used to being looked over

you know your one of the few people i accept hugs from i was always told to appreciate the little things

i know you met a celebrity recently and all i wanna know is snow white actually as nice as she seems

there is some pluses to being as small as you are shots are full drinks,you dont have to pay the vat on the kids clothes you wear,your peoples golf is alot more intresting then mine, kids menus are often times cheaper(although it probably freaks em out when you pair that with the first one🤔🤔 )

ohh mia has some clothes she grew out of if you want them

when your in a hotel is it weird that theres just a regular sized fridge in there


if you ever have a short girl child you should name her faith then you can say you had a little faith

is it weird when someone offers to give you a lift and says jump in and you have to take them literally

some of the last few jokes have been longer then you are
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