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Once there was a girl named Kaylee. Kaylee has been homeschooled for 8 years . Kaylee is 8 years old her dream was to go to school with other kids and have fun with friends. Kaylee's mom's name is rihanna. Kaylee use to ask rihanna to go to school so her mom rihanna will say you don't like to stay home you are lucky to stay home when you go to school you are going to like staying home trust me swetty. Kaylee said no I am going to love school because I am going to have fun. I will have friends. I will have so much fun with my friend you don't even know how much fun I will have with my friend's .Rihanna said come on swetty you have school . I know you don't get up this early. your eggs are ready. ok mom said Kaylee . yummy mom can I have my lunch mom and my backpack ok said rihanna. rihanna said get in the car I will be in the car in a min. Kaylee said ok mom .

Kaylee says bye mom see you later. Rihanna said bye swetty I will get you after school have fun don't take bus. Rihanna gose to her house cleans and thinks about Kaylee and how she love to teach her because she all was knows the answer. *thinks how smart Kaylee is * Rihanna gose in the car to go get Kaylee from school. Hi mom!! I had so much fun at school today I met a girl named Brianna like your name mom o yea said rihanna . Mom mom can I plz have a sleep over with Brianna plz mom ok said rihanna yay your the best mom ever said kaylee thank you said rihanna. Brianna is outside can I go outside and get her of course said rihanna . omg hi Brianna hi said Brianna omg your house is big said Brianna . This is my mom rihanna just like your name said Kaylee hi said Brianna hi nice to meet you Brianna said rihanna. Ok food is going to be ready soon so go put your pj on and play with your toys and then I will call you said rihanna ok mom said Kaylee ok rihanna said Brianna come to my room said Kaylee omg said Brianna your room is so cool your so lucky to have a mom like your mom said bihanna thanks said Kaylee and my mom is a cool mom she love kid and loves to have fun said Kaylee wow your mom is fun said Brianna ok Brianna Kaylee food is ready said rihanna ok mom said Kaylee ok rihanna said bihanna ok let go put pj on and let go eat said Kaylee ok let me wash my hands said bihanna . kids food said rihanna ok mom I am washing my hands! said kaylee ok what is Brianna doing said rihanna she is siting on my bed said Kaylee come on bihanna let go eat ok said Brianna hi swetty I made tacos yay said Kaylee Brianna do you like tacos of course I like toco I love toco said Brianna ok Kaylee and Brianna come to the table said Rihanna ok mom said Kaylee yummy mom said Kaylee yea yummy said Brianna. When is your mom going to get you said Rihanna at 12:00 said Brianna ok said Rihanna ok kids time for bed said ok mom ok rihanna see you guys in the morning said Rihanna
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