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1. What contributed to the rise of totalitarianism in Europe after World War I? How did the Treaty of Versailles factor into this? What other factors existed?
2. Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?
3. How did opportunities for women increase during World War II?
4. How did the end of rationing affect the economy after World War II?
5. What were the major differences in government between the United States and the Soviet Union? Despite these differences, what caused them to unite as allies during World War II? What caused their relationship to deteriorate following the war?
6. How was President Truman’s commitment of troops to the Korean War different from previous conflicts the United States had been involved in?
7. How was the Korean War resolved?
8. What was the “Iron Curtain”? What did it represent during the Cold War? The Iron Curtain was a term coined by Winston Churchill to describe the border between the Soviet satellite states and Western Europe.
9. What was Mutually Assured Destruction? How did it prevent direct conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union?
10. What is suburbanization? When did it start to take place? How did automobile ownership change at the same time? Suburbanization was
11. What impact did television have on popular culture in the 1950’s?
12. What was the result of the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education?
13. Describe the struggle of the Little Rock Nine to attend Central High School. How did the federal government help them?
14. What was the March on Washington? When did it take place? The March on Washington was a 1963 demonstration in which more than 200,000 people rallied for economic equality and civil rights. It took place on August 28, 1963.
15. How did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 impact Americans?
16. How did the book Silent Spring impact the environmental movement?
17. Which generation participated in the counterculture?
18. What was Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society? What goals did it achieve?
19. What was the space race? What commitment did President Kennedy make as a goal of the race? The space race was the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to develop the technology to successfully land on the moon.
20. What was détente? What crisis led the United States and the Soviet Union toward this new policy?
Detente was the flexible diplomacy adopted by Richard Nixon to ease tensions between the United States, the Soviet Union, and the People's Republic of China.
21. What is the significance of the Tet Offensive?
22. What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? What was its major provision? How did it affect escalation of the U.S. military involvement in Southeast Asia?
23. What was Vietnamization? Vietnamization was
24. What affect did U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War have on American attitudes toward future conflicts?
25. Why was President Nixon eager to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China?
26. What was the movement for an Equal Rights Amendment all about? Did it succeed?
27. What has the Watergate Scandal? What changes were made to the Federal Election Campaign Act because of the scandal?
28. How did the various civil rights movements (black, Chicano, women, environment, etc.) change life in the United States?
29. Describe the impact of the migration of Americans from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt during the second half of the twentieth century.
30. What was the result of the Camp David Accords?
31. What caused relations between the United States and Soviet Union to worsen in 1979?
32. Describe the intended purpose of glasnost and perestroika. What was the actual result?
33. Explain President Regan’s strategy toward the Cold War.
34. Describe President Reagan’s policies of deregulation and supply-side economics.
35. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of globalization.
36. Why was their controversy over the presidential election of 2000?
37. Explain how President George W. Bush responded to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
38. What is the PATRIOT ACT and why is it controversial? What opposition has it received?
39. What caused the economic crisis of 2008?
40. How have computers impacted American society?
Primary Source Practice

41. What do these citizens seem to be protesting?
42. Who are they supporting, according to their signs?
43. Outside of what establishment are they protesting?

44. What was the purpose of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
45. What types of discrimination does the act specifically address?
46. Who enacted the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

47. What is the date of this newspaper? In what city was it published?
48. Who signed the Civil Rights bill to make it law (use the zoom feature to see more clearly)?
49. What were the immediate results of the new law?
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