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Emberstar - orange tom with red tabby stripes with amber eyes
Thunderclaw - white tom with blue eyes
Medicine cat:
Shadowpelt - black she-cat with gray front paws with icy blue eyes
Apprentice - Redfin
Ambertooth - tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Lightpool - pale ginger she-cat with blue eyes
Smokestone - gray tom with green eyes
Cloudtuft - white she-cat with blue eyes
Thunderclaw - white tom with icy blue eyes
Beetlefur - dark tabby tom with green eyes
Creekmist - tabby tom with green eyes
Badgerstrike - black tom with a white streak down his spine with amber eyes
Crowshade - black she-cat with green eyes
Cliffstep - gray tom with green eyes
Whitepelt - white tom with blue eyes
Stormcloud - dark gray she-cat with dark blue eyes
Mudstorm - tabby she-cat with light blue eyes
Breezemoon - ginger she-cat with green eyes
Robinfeather - tabby she-cat with green eyes
Mousetail - brown tom with dark green eyes
Hazelfur - dark tabby she-cat with green eyes
Bramblegorse - tabby tom with green eyes
Honeyshine - pale ginger she-cat with light blue eyes
Sandbreeze - pale ginger she-cat with blue eyes
Icetail - white she-cat with blue eyes, formerly of SandClan
Ashblossom - gray tom with dark gray stripes with blue eyes
Featherheart - gray she-cat with slightly darker stripes with blue eyes
Bumblefrost - white tom with near-black stripes with amber eyes
Dawnfur - white tom with amber eyes
Ravenheart - black she-cat with a white muzzle and tail-tip and blue eyes
Risingheart - ginger she-cat with amber eyes
Acornstream - ginger she-cat with amber eyes
Applefur - tortoiseshell tom with amber eyes
Dovefur - pale gray tom with a fluffy tail with green eyes
Graypelt - dark gray she-cat with bright green eyes
Shadefur - dark tabby she-cat with green eyes
Thunderheart - dark gray she-cat with dark blue eyes
Darkfang - near-black tom with amber eyes
Redfin - reddish ginger tom with amber eyes
Rainsplash - blue-gray she-cat with light blue eyes, permanent queen

Silverleap - pale gray tom with dark blue eyes
Breezemist - dark gray tom with amber eyes
Shadowstrike - dark gray tom with amber eyes
Goldenpatch - golden she-cat with darker golden spots with blue eyes
Leopardwillow - golden she-cat with brown spots with green eyes

Splashstar - white tom with blue eyes
Alderspring - reddish ginger tom with green eyes
Medicine cat:
Sandyheart - pale ginger she-cat with blue eyes
Spottedhazel - tabby she-cat with purple eyes
Oakbelly - brown tom with a dark brown stomach with green eyes
Shadeleap - black she-cat with amber eyes
Bluestream - blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes
Whitefrost - white she-cat with ice blue eyes
Eaglewing - light brown tom with blue eyes
Berrycloud - pale ginger she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice - Sunpaw
Stoneheart - gray tom with blue eyes
Apprentice - Tigerpaw
Sunheart - golden she-cat with green eyes
Silverfang - silver tom with green eyes
Duskleaf - dark gray tom with green eyes
Bramblepool - tabby tom with green eyes
Sparkleaf - pale ginger tom with green eyes
Frostwhisker - white she-cat with blue eyes
Goldenflame - golden she-cat with blue eyes
Quickleap - tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Cindertail - gray tom with amber eyes
Riverbreeze- blue-gray she-cat with amber eyes
Pebblemist - gray she-cat with blue eyes
Ashwing - gray tom with amber eyes
Deertail - tabby tom with amber eyes
Gravelstep - pale gray she-cat with blue eyes
Rockface - gray tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Sunfire - golden she-cat with green eyes
Tigerpelt - tabby tom with blue eyes
Webfang - silver tom with blue eyes

Juniperstar - tabby she-cat with green eyes
Stoneshade - dark gray tom with green eyes
Medicine cat:
Brindleheart - tabby tom with green eyes
Apprentice - Flamepaw
Petalstone - gray she-cat with green eyes
Snowheart - white she-cat with amber eyes
Copperdusk - reddish ginger tom with amber eyes
Applestripe - ginger tom with an orange stripe with green eyes
Birchbriar - pale ginger tom with blue eyes
Oakwind - tabby she-cat with green eyes
Mousepelt - gray tom with blue eyes
Cloudpelt - white tom with amber eyes
Moonrose - white she-cat with icy blue eyes
Sunnydream - pale ginger she-cat with amber eyes
Palewish - pale brown she-cat with amber eyes
Flamepaw - flame-colored she-cat with one amber eye and one blue eye
Spiderbark - black tom with amber eyes
Mosswing - silver she-cat with green eyes
Ravenspirit - dark gray tom with icy blue eyes
Maplemist - reddish ginger she-cat with amber eyes

Hazelstar - tortoiseshell she-cat with brown spots with purple eyes
Thornspring - golden tom with green eyes
Apprentice - Flamepaw
Medicine cat:
Dustlight - dark tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice - Molepelt
Oakthorn - tabby tom with green eyes
Dawnflower - white she-cat with blue eyes
Whitetuft - white tom with amber eyes
Duskstorm - dark tabby tom with dark blue eyes
Marigoldpelt - pale ginger tabby tom with green eyes
Daisyheart - pale ginger she-cat with amber eyes
Grassmoon - tabby she-cat with green eyes
Blizzardfur - white she-cat with amber eyes
Bounceclaw - black she-cat with dark green eyes
Redpelt - reddish tom with blue eyes
Deerpelt - tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Flamesong - ginger she-cat with blue eyes
Mothfur - pale ginger tom with green eyes
Pigeonpelt - gray she-cat with blue eyes
Gravelstripe - pale gray tom with green eyes
Molepelt - brown she-cat with blue eyes
Flamepaw - ginger she-cat with blue eyes
Crowkit - dark gray tom-kit with green eyes
Stonekit - gray she-kit with blue eyes
Goldenkit - golden she-kit with amber eyes
Lionkit - golden tom-kit with amber eyes
Sparkkit - ginger tom-kit with amber eyes
Twig - dark tabby she-kit with blue eyes
Tiger - tabby tom-kit with green eyes
Heather - golden she-kit with purple eyes
Smokefur - gray she-cat with blue eyes
Kits - Crowkit and Stonekit
Mate - Marigoldpelt
Firewish - ginger she-cat with amber eyes
Kits - Goldenkit and Lionkit and Sparkkit
Mate - Squirrelstar
Comet - dark tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Kits - Twig and Tiger and Heather
Mate - Marigoldpelt
Sweetwatcher - white she-cat with amber eyes
Foxstone - pale gray tom with amber eyes

Non-Clan Cats

Scorch - ginger tom with amber eyes
Birch - pale ginger tom with dark blue eyes
Ash - dark gray tom with green eyes
Frost - white she-cat with sky blue eyes
Pebblefang - dark gray tom with amber eyes

Kittypets and loners:
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