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Perspectives: Darkfang, Fluffy (kittypet, goes by Echo [Echocall]), rarely Stonestripe

1) Risingheart tries to get with Stonestripe but he refuses and Thunderheart comforts her
2) Pebblefang returns and tries to kidnap Icetail, but Thunderclaw defends her, nearly dying in the process
2.5) Maybe he dies, maybe someone else does? If he does: Bramblegorse replaces him. If not: he doesn't.
3) Echo runs into some rogues that give her a cut in her ear and scare her away from her Twolegs
4) Echo finds a group of loners that let her in for a bit
4.5) The group eventually kicks Echo out because she's a terrible hunter
5) Darkfang is very grouchy because everyone around him is getting a mate and settling down but he still wants to run freely
5.5) Darkfang runs away to become a rogue like the ones Pebblefang is working with
6) Echo hears about the Clans and plans on avoiding them but curiosity takes over and she searched for them
6.5) She is actually very far away from them and it takes a lot of walking to get even close
7) Risingheart gets with Mousetail and Featherheart is happy that he found someone that truly loves him back
8) Darkfang and Echo meet, and Darkfang falls in love immediately
9) Echo forms a group with a few other Twolegplace kittypets and one of them has a crush on her as well
10) The tom that likes her is killed by the same rogues that drove her away from her Twolegs, and Echo mourns him as she would've taken him as a mate
11) Darkfang tries to form a sort of Clan and become the leader but the rogues don't understand
12) Darkfang finds Pebblefang alone and they train together before Pebblefang leaves to try to get back at Icetail again
13) Echo challenges Darkfang for leadership and he is demoted to deputyship
13.5) Echo's sister is found, fatally wounded by a fox, and one of the rogues heals her as best they can
14) Echo's sister dies, and Echo becomes very depressed, longing to return to her Twolegs
14.5) Darkfang comforts Echo and she develops small feelings for him, but not enough to want to be mates with him
15) Pebblefang lures Stoneheart into IceClan territory and tries to kill him to get revenge on Icetail, but a patrol scares him off before he can finish the job
15.5) The rogues attack the camp again, but stronger, and manage to take one of Emberstar's lives
16) Emberstar has Featherheart and Ashblossom lead a patrol to the rogues' camp and find it deserted, and get ambushed again
17) Darkfang tries to impress Echo by catching a bird out of a tree and falls but is fine
17.5) Echo reprimands him extensively "like a queen to her kit" which makes Darkfang think of Stormcloud fondly
18) Echo and Darkfang both feel homesickness but stay in the group for each other's comfort
19) Two of the rogue cats become mates, and Darkfang realizes that that's what he wants with Echo, but doesn't ask her because she's pining after another cat
20) Icetail, Stormcloud, Featherheart, and Stonestripe team up to try to run Pebblefang out of Clan territory for good
20.5) Stonestripe accidentally kills Pebblefang because he threatened Featherheart's safety as well
21) Darkfang and Echo have major crushes on each other and everyone knows but nobody says anything
22) Echo finds a tom (old enough to be a senior warrior) in the forest and takes him in and they both also have crushes on each other
23) The tom knows about Pebblefang's wrongdoings and immediately sees that Darkfang is his son, so he tries to kill Darkfang
23.5) Darkfang scars the tom and proves that he is stronger than an older warrior
24) Echo convinces Darkfang to take her back to the Clans, but Darkfang has an idea
25) Darkfang attempts to make a new Clan but the other Clans resist
25.5) Echo and Darkfang can't agree on a name, so they reuse the name ObsidianClan to show their power
26) Echo has a vision that leadership isn't her duty, and she hands her leader position over to Darkfang, becoming deputy instead
27) ObsidianClan realizes they need a medicine cat but nobody steps up so Flamefur comes over to help until they get a medicine cat
28) Echo is offered a warrior name and refuses initially, but then agrees after thinking it'll bring her closer to Darkfang
29) Echocall and Darkfang become mates and the older tom tries to get with Flamefur
29.5) Obviously, he fails
30) Darkfang and Echocall become mates but decide to develop their new Clan first before having kits
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