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Facility Management

Creating, Managing, and Monitoring Facilities from the Top Down

Orig -The EMS Facility Management Module is the foundation of information collection, dissemination, review, monitoring and reporting. Through the EMS Facility Management, facilities can be set up to identify critical information about the company’s operational details. Top-down hierarchies can be set up to identify distinct buildings within each facility and individual room, lab or work locations that can be identified and segregated to multiple sub-levels such as storage cabinets, chemical benches, and special-use locations.

M - Our facility management module is designed to be the foundation of information collection, monitoring and reporting. Through this module facilities can identify critical information about their operations, top-down hierarchies can be set up to identify distinct buildings, individual rooms, labs, workstations - and further into sub-levels such as storage cabinets and special-use locations.

Q: Connected in real-time with Google Maps, the Facility Module can pinpoint building locations on a map and list chemical container, Safety Data Sheets, waste containers and radioactive materials for emergency response, training and inspection and monitoring of the hazards in the facility.

O - Through the EMS Facility Module, a variety of automated monitoring tasks can be created that simplify information processing and reporting. Storage and hazard limits can be set for specified locations, with automated notifications through email sent to authorized personnel when an event that triggers a monitoring activity are identified.

M - This module can automate a variety of tasks that simplify information processing and reporting. Storage and hazard limits can be set for specific locations and notifications can be automatically sent to the appropriate personnel.

Audits and Inspections

O - The EMS Audit and Inspections Module is used to keep an inventory of all safety equipment in a specific location. It may sound simple but is in fact a very useful tool, which features exceptional technology.
Chemical Safety has specifically implemented EMS Mobile in order to be able to “scan in” bar codes while on the move and then upload the data to the main EMS application. Using your mobile device (PDA, iPad) you can “scan in” all safety equipment in a specific location such as fire extinguishers, fire blankets etc.
However the great advantage of this module comes when inspection procedures have to be adhered to. Chemical Safety has developed a unique Mobile Inspection Wizard, which allows individual customers to produce a fully customized set of questions that match their inspection procedures. These questionnaires can be loaded on a choice of mobile devices which can be carried on the inspections. Answers can be entered on the spot as rounds are made. On the iPad, photos can be taken and attached alongside the answers. This is quite useful when a situation that is out of compliance.
AIPG (Automatic Inspection Procedure Generator), an add-on utility, is wholly based on XML. It automatically generates an XML description of the set of procedures input by the user by following a simple wizard. The full set of descriptions is then loaded on your PDA. You are now ready to scan your equipment.
This module includes printing safety labels, customized reports and more importantly includes email notification. Based on a preset “To Do List” the system automatically notifies by email the person responsible as well as its supervisor.

M - The EMS Audit and Inspections Module keeps and inventory of all safety equipment in a location, while this task seems rather simple its utility is immense and the technology impressive. Chemical Safety has implemented EMS mobile in order to allow for real time safety equipment inventory updates.

Using this modules Mobile Inspection Wizard, inspection requirements are easily met and monitored. Inspection questionnaires are customizable to fit your inspection, users can input answers during the inspection as well as photograph and document the facility components that need attention.

The AIPG (Automatic Procedure Generator), an add-on utility is based on XML and generates an XML description of the procedures chosen by the user. Once called upon the full set of descriptions is loaded to your mobile device where you can then print labels, customize reports and set up email notifications. Based on a preset "To Do List" appropriate personnel and their supervisors receive an email.

Permit Tracking

O - The EMS Permit Tracking Module allows facility personnel to record all operating permits for the site including permit dates, associate Regulatory Agency information, costs, renewal dates and other necessary details. Source and sample data can be recorded and can be converted into useful reports that compare permit parameters to field data. Scanned permit documents can be attached to each permit record.

Coupled with the EMS Task Management tool, EMS Permit data can be automated so email reminders are sent for actions such as renewal dates and fee payment notifications. Automatic alerts of potential permit violations can also be created and emailed to appropriate personnel for review and potential corrective action.

M - The EMS Permit Tracking Module helps personnel record operating permits for their site including dates, associate regulatory agency information, costs, and other details. Source and sample data can be recorded and converted into reports that will compare permit parameters to field data. Documents can be easily scanned in to this module and attached to permit records for a seamless library. This module coupled with the EMS task management tool can be automated to send email reminders for events such as renewal dates, payment notifications, and potential violations.

Industrial Hygiene

O - The EMS Industrial Hygiene tool is a tool that allows IH personnel to define industrial hygiene monitoring data for specific chemical and for specified individuals and locations. This includes defining required IH test types and methods, establishing targets, and recording test results which can then be converted into useful reports that compare IH limits to test results.

Coupled with the EMS Task Management tool, EMS IH data can be automated so email reminders are sent for actions such as upcoming testing requirements. Automatic alerts of potential risk related information can also be created and emailed to appropriate personnel for review and potential action.

M - The EMS Industrial Hygiene tool allows personnel to define industrial hygiene monitoring data for specific chemicals, individuals, and locations. This includes defining required test types and methods, establishing targets, and recording test results that can then be reported on. Coupled with the task management module industrial hygiene data can be automated so that email reminders are sent for upcoming test requirements, potential risk related infomation.

Project Work Order Management

O/M -The EMS Work Order Module allows facility operation personnel to create work orders as well as assign timelines, personnel, equipment and costs to projects. Here you can attach documents, photos, videos and other useful data to specific locations.

System Configuration and Administration

As an enterprise level system, EMS has built-in tools that allow administrators to create and manage site-specific configurations of the application. This includes creating automated system settings, assigning group and user access/operation rights, creating User-Defined Fields (UDFs) as needed, and supporting group and user-specific custom functions.

Project and Task Management - Done
Integrated Adhoc Reporting System - Done
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Regards; Team

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