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- ken play far back on anti eco. or always have a double matt setup b straight away. Giving them too much respect with off angle.
- matt rotates off B too quick if A smokes
- ken u should start playing next to lower at start off round, if u hear or see them > molly lower. Right now u play too passive at start and just smoke lower randomly. could be getting good info/save nades.
- 30sec left, we should 100% have 2 b playing a dedi setup. Kennan had good molly to delay but our rotates still so far that it didnt help.
- ken costed us that 3-0 round vs anti-eco. No clue why he is playing so far left upper B alone w/awp. Play right side, take shot > fall off. Also once again, should be playing super quick rotate/2 b vs AntiEcos.
- 3-2: lysander u stay top green watching ivy FAR too long. even tho they didnt show ANY presence Ivy the entire round. If you really wanna watch ivy w/awp mid round go back red so ur not seen from tcon/ladder. Terrible positioning. Should have lost that round but ken 1v2'd. Panda probably should have gotten a kill or 2 that round, but he got double ladder'd on. matt had mp7 that round cuz shit money... maybe double up ladder there, ur just playing ebox and leaving panda alone.
- 4-2: We in a 5v3 situation. We are doubling B but not playing together at all. Matt sitting cloud w/m4 watching upper. Not sure what u were expecting, but u got peeked by awp and died. Meanwhile ken alone bomb vs 2 lower getting flashed and died. If you guys played TOGETHER more would have been ez round w/5 alive. Play a crossfire or bait/switch. But u guys are literally just watching lower/upper alone, giving them 1v1's in a 5v3 situation.
- Our money CT is shit most half because of stupid mistakes like that. We rarely survived with all 5 alive.
- Tqze mp9 ladder 3 kills and they did have head armor btw. so fuck off xd
- 6-2: Matt u upgrade ur famas for m4. No clue why, ur just wasting money and if we lose round u wont have enough to buy.
- 6-2: Lysander top green w/awp once again. This time they go out ivy (smoked/molly Tqze off back halls). u get 1 but get traded. Should play closer to edge of train so u can fall off after killing 1. Later this round, panda olof watching ladder. Gets timing'd to look at Hell. Sucks but hindsight maybe just risk watching ladder. Like u didnt even move to peek hell, u just stayed open to ladder. Once again, unlucky timing, but could have gambled. ALSO the reason panda looked hell was because of matt taking 1v1 duel w/ hell guy and losing it. Matt u were obviously not shooting well this match, should be selfaware of not hitting shots and position better. you just staying alive watching off angle = MUCH BETTER play than just peeking hell and dieing.
- 6-3: Matt on deagle cuz upgraded last round. This was the round Tqze awped lower/ken upper baiting. I honestly just got fucking prefired and couldn't see him on my screen. After watching maybe i just had grandpa reactions but he really did nascar me. Now after I fucked up, my fault but round still winnable. Now kennen, initially u were just playing bait setup upper WHICH IS FINE. I died and the probably just run out B, but u peeked. Awful peek timing considering u already stopped upper. I think just let me die there and don't try to trade right away. Was pretty obvious peek. Once again, that round was my fault, just saying how you could have played it after I die to win the round.
- 6-5: This was the ken 4k inner hold. Good job, but tbh U GOT EXTREMELY LUCKY. ur solo, smoked inner right away and ran spouls. They went lower fast and saw u. If they didnt fuck their smoke sidewalk, u would have died without even getting 1 kill. Once again, I just feel like ur playing with no info inner solo. If you want to play spoul tell matt to play b from spawn and bait for u. Otherwise just sit lower with molly and play off info. Great hold tho, u capitalized on them whiffing. (great repositioning after ur first 2 kills)
- 7-5: We have 1 awp and its kennen solo B playing like he does with a rifle. HAAHHAHAH COME THE FUCK ON BOYS. IF we have 1 awp we either need it outside getting picks or making a play inside. Ken playing default solo b with awp is actually retarded. Getting no impact with it and if they execute ur 90% of the time fucked.
- 7-5: luckily they didn't go B. They did A crunch and LYSANDER ONCE AGAIN UR FUCKING TOP GREEN. You kill 1 ivy from top green but stay on their once again. the 2nd ivy guy fucks with u alot so his tconn guy can jump top blue and kill u in the back. Not sure how this wasnt the most obvious thing in the world to u. U were top green for a solid 25 seconds. gj getting 1 kill, but this was ur 3rd time playing top green in same match. If you were in diff position from start, maybe would have gotten both ivy kills and not been seen from tcon. Like hell corner next to sandwhich would have worked. This round ends up in a 2v1 for us. Ken Z w/awp just kinda hiding, cant do much. Matt spotted on bomb and decides to wide peek camera peeking right side red. Dude has 30hp, matt had 100hp. Gotta win that fight, not much to say. Ken ends up in a 1v1 postplant and just takes too long clearing positions. You gotta just tap bomb asap so he can show position. Hard clutch to win, but u played it bad. So ya lysander and matt bad plays.
- Ended CT half 8-7. Which is fucking terrible. Should have gotten at least 12-3 and should never of had to eco on CT. communication is most important. Ken I feel like u were playing B pretty poorly and we lost alot of lives/rounds because of it. Matt I think you were too rigid on A bomb site. Might as well help ken b right away if ur just gonna be staring at bomb train. Lysander u played top green too many times, but most rounds stayed alive which was good. Panda u played ladder/ebox most times. Didn't watch a bunch of u cuz ur just our 1for1 guy anyway. Do damage in that position and ur fine. I made a few mistakes myself but it was mainly because of losing lives in other positions. Still my fault tho.
- Overall on CT side I feel like we are lacking an impactful awp. We need those early 5v4's and whenever we got them it was from a rifle. We need an awp who isn't afraid to pick upper/Lower B. Go agreesive ivy/hold back green/hold from Z/hold from boost Z. Fuck, even play red train looking into tconn. We literally had 0 awp impact that entire CT half.

- T Side, no need to watch it. Not sure how we expect to win rounds with no practice. We should go into a league match having played at least 9 times on that map to know what we need to do/react. Like for example, that 2nd t side round vs their force buy. Panda u see them smoke lower B close and u just walk next to it... Fucking retarded, if other team on pistols like that they want to use those 1-ways to get picks. I can't even be mad because we literally have 0 practice on train and we never encountered that. I should have just let u die, but I went into trade like a fucking idiot. Then ken gets killed thru smoke ivy. Matt whiffs an entire mac-10 clip on 1 guy. And bam, we lost the match @ 9-8 because we got eco'd and have no depth on our t side to fall back on.
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