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Describe Deputy Governor Danforth. He is the head judge of the Salem witch trials. He thinks he is fair-minded
When John Proctor appears at the General Court with evidence that the accusations are false, what does Ezekiel Cheever say? Ezekiel Cheever says that John plows on Sundays
What is the deal that Danforth tries to make with John Proctor? If he will drop charges, Danforth will not try Elizabeth for a year
In Act three, who begins to have doubts about the rightness of the witch trials? Reverend John Hale
Who is the richest man in the village who can afford to buy the land forfeited by George Jacobs if Jacobs hangs as a witch? Thomas Putnam
What does Judge Hathorne ask Mary Warren to do in court that she cannot do? Faint
What does Abigail Williams do a soon as Danforth begins to question her? Threatens Danforth
What secret does John Proctor reveal to prove that girls are lying? He says that Abigail seeks vengeance
What does John tell the court about his wife? She will not lie
How do the girls in the courtroom terrorize Mary Warren? They repeat everything that she says like they’re being possessed
Who is taken to jail at the end of act Three? Giles Corey and John Proctor
When does the climax of act three occur? In open court
At the end of act three, Hale is disgusted with what? He is disgusted with these people going back and forth with lies
What does Giles believe is Putnam’s motivation for accusing people of witchcraft? Wanting his neighbor's land
Who has signed many death warrants? Reverend Hale
What does Abigail succeed in doing in this act? She wins back Mary Warren
Why does Mary seem to change her mind about telling the truth? She is afraid Abigail
What do Abigail and the girls say they see? a yellow bird
Why does Danforth not want to find out that the girls’ accusations are false? he will be blamed for the deaths of innocent people
What is Elizabeth’s motivation for lying about John’s affair with Abigail? love him and wants to protect him
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