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Imperialism/Colonialism- Gaining a political control of a country by a foreign area or people
Scramble for Africa- Imperialism of Africa done by Europeans, Ethiopia and Liberia were the only countries not colonized, wanted to imperialize for gold, spices, and silk, felt it was their duty to help the lesser people.
Berlin Conference- Conference where 14 european nations met to establish the rules for dividing Africa. No african ruler was invited, no guidelines were set for how to treat the natives, and ethnic and tribal boundaries were disregarded. This conference allowed the King of Belgium to inhumanely cut off the hands of those who didn't work hard enough.
King Leopold II- King of Belgium who ordered the hands be cut off of children and adults who didn't work hard enough, ruled using fear
Pandemic/Epidemic- rapid spread of a disease that spreads through human populations across a large region
white man's burden- imperialize and civilize the lesser black men from their native state
F.W. De Klerk- 7th president of south africa who was friends with Nelson Mandella and worked to abolish apartheid
Nelson Mandela- leader of military wing of the African National Congress. Worked to abolish apartheid and became first South African President
Apartheid- legal racial segregation in South Africa (legal discrimination)
Hutus- Majority of Rwandan population (80%), were laborers and farmers that came from South Africa
Tutsis- Minority of Rwandan population (20%) elite and political leaders, came from Egypt
Interhamwe- Hutu extremists who had a militia and committed genocide against the Tutsis
Nation State-
Stateless Nation-
Homelands- a person's native land where they're born in
Pass Books- Used in Rwanda to identify Tutsis and Hutus, helped segregate them. Example of symbolism
Genocide- purposeful killing of a racial, political, or cultural group
1 stage- Classification (putting people into groups, black or white, hutu or tutsi)
2 stage- Symbolization (intends to separate further by colors, dress, and apply them to members of the group)
3 stage- Dehumanization (Hate propaganda, speech, posters aimed at the victim group. Invokes superiority of one group and inferiority of another)
4 stage- Organization (State organizes, arms, and supports groups that conduct genocide against victim group)
5 stage- Polarization (extremists drive groups apart, laws are passed that forbid social interaction, political moderates are silenced)
6 stage- Preparation (Weapons secured, victims are separated and defenseless)
7 stage- Extermination (mass killing begins, committed by government, exterminating the "pests" of society)
8 stage- Denial (extends the crime to the future generation of victims, tactics of denial are predictable, continues the intent to destroy the group)
Atlantic Slave Trade-
Movement – The Atlantic Slave Trade effected many different countries around the world by culture diffusing out and assimilated
into other cultures.
Region – Culture/Climate/Physical features help unify this area of the world. Africa is very diverse because of its’ enormous size. The regions are broken up by physical geographic features.
HEI – Africans in certain regions have to be ingenious to maximize resources like water, to help maintain a civilization.
Location – Because of its location and abundance of natural resources, fueled by the need for resources for the Industrial Revolution, Africa was at the heart of imperialism.
Place – The Transition Zone of Africa is entirely rural with people living mostly in small villages.
Africa is known as the dark continent because very little was known about Africa by the Europeans.
The only european presence in africa was mostly slave related, slave ships would arrive and trade their items for west african slaves
Africa is known as dark continent because of the little information known about it from european colonists. mostly used for slave related reasons such as transatlantic slave trade
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