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I wake up at 6 in morning next to jack -_- I get up and put on some dark dusty blue overalls with a tight long sleeve crop top and red baseball cap I put my hair in messy double fishtail braids and I grabbed pots and started to bang them in jacks room jack jumped and put on his mask and said "what the heck!!!!!!!! that was loud!" he looks at me and said "good morning idiot number 3" "excuse moahhh!!!" is said loudly jeff walks in and said "ITS 6 IN THE MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY ARE Y'ALL DOING UP!!!"
"I'm going get my knife and kill y'all" he said me and jack look at each other.... I walk up to jack and take off his mask and say "you look better with it off" Toby walks in on us and says "JUST KISS ALREADY!!!!!" we walk out and I turn around before jack passes me and Toby pushes jack he falls on me and well we uhhh kissed.....Toby took a picture and did a girl scream everyone came out of there rooms "what is it now Toby" said slenderman me and jack are red and just stood still
Toby showed everyone the picture Jeff started laughing so much I started walking backwards I didnt see the stair I a fell down "Bev!" jack yelled "ow my head" I said jack said "are you ok?" "mhm" I started to laugh "whats so funny" said jack "I fell down the stairs very stupidly" I said while layghing he helps me up and slenderman said that I can go with them when they do there killing thing "do y'all just kill for fun?" I said "pretty much" said Jeff (I know it doesn't make sense but yeaaaa) I'm still red for the kiss of corse toby had to scream "BEVIE AND JACK LOOK LIKE TOMATO'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "wait i have a gift......A SHIP GIFT!!!!!! I has a nick name for y'all" "no no no please don't" we said "since I call you bevie You guys nick name is... JACKIE!!!!!" screamed toby "pfftt hahaha hhaha HAHAHHAHAHAHA" said slenderman *cricket noise* "that was weird" I said "You what I'm going into town I don't give a Crap if someone sees me again" "i'll go with you" said jack "ok" "lets go" we left and when people saw us they actally didnt call anyone they just ran we got icecream and went to the park walking in town we stopped jack grabbed my hand and we kept walking when we got to the house we forgot we where holding hand and toby of corse screamed in delight "how was your date *wink wink*" he said "it wasn't a date" we said "then why are you holding hands" said lulu
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