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Good afternoon, Miss Zarinah and Miss Koh, today my purpose for attending this meeting talk is not to pursue ( ) or complain what already happened but is to let you know what is the reason that Jia En is getting bullied.
So please do not scold or punish them or talk to them or ask them as I do not want them to misunderstand and think that it was Jia En or me that complained to you, which might lead them to feel angry and bully Jia En more. I really need and will appreciate Miss Zarinah if you and the other subjects teachers will help to keep a lookout and observe so that you all can stop the bullies on time and catch them red handed when they bully my daughter again as Jia En told me that they were very unhappy that I had called their mother and confronted Joelle.
I will start from Joelle, Joelle and Jia En used to be PAP classmates so they know each other for more than 8 years. Last year, they became classmates again and once, they had a misunderstanding between a classmate called Zuying ( ) in school and at tuition and I had talked to Joelle’s mother and I told my daughter to stay away from her unless Joelle crosses the line. I asked my daughter to say back in order to defend herself from the bullying but this could not stop her from bullying till last week.
As for Javier….grandmother story…must start from Gabriel, last year Gabriel thought Jia En cyber bullied his friend in Instagram so out to revenge on behalf of his friend, he started to verbal bully Jia En but I confronted him and talked to the friend’s mother and this matter was settled. But Javier was unhappy about me confronting Gabriel as he are good friends with Gabriel so he started to verbal bully Jia En and I confronted him and told him that this matter was settled and it was none of his business why he bullied Jia En.
Because of these, he was not happy about it until now so he off and on keep verbal bully Jia En.
As for Lance, because he and Javier are good friends and Jia En told me after the synthesis copying incident happened, Joelle, Javier and Lance always call Jia En mastermind, shout at her or even accused her for copying wen xuan’s answer for science when Jia En won first in Kahoot assignment @ computer lab.
After all of that happened, I had already messaged you in Class Dojo.
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