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In-Game Name: MerpAF
Steam ID(Ex. STEAM_0:0:84924966) : STEAM_0:0:138589419
Discord Name#ID: MerpAF#9506
Age: 14
Time Zone: UTC-4
Current Rank: VIP+
List any prior jails or bans and their appropriate reasoning: I only have one jail currently and that is for RDM. The reason behind it is I killed them for what I thought was them breaking my KOS sign, but when I was taken to a sit they showed video evidence that they did not break it, from my perspective they broke it but on their side they did not so I was punished for it. Since then I have made sure to be carful when it comes to such things like that.
Did you have a previous application? If so why are you re-applying?: No
List of previous steam accounts(Url link): I have no other steam accounts that I can think of. my current one I've had for over 3 years now.
Names of any previous communities that provided staff experience(Provide proof): I have never been staff on Garry's mod before. I have been staff on some other games before so I know what its like to have to deal with players.
*Why do you wish to become a staff member on Cosmic Networks: I would love to see the server grow more then it currently is. Its upsetting to me when staff members are not online and there is MRDM or MRDA going on even tho I understand it is not staff fault since everyone has IRL things at some point I would like to help the best I can for when other staff are not on. Also for when the ticket load is overflowing makes me feel bad for the staff when a single staff is handling 20 tickets.
*Reason(s) as to why you are capable of becoming a staff member: The Reason I am capable of becoming staff is because I am more mature than most people my age group, Yes I know that is the normal thing to say in a staff app but it is true. Next I am a more chill person when it comes to sits I make if the other player is a 1st time offender or feels bad I choose to let them go. Another reason would be I am online a lot of the time and when I go AFK I keep myself tabbed so I can read chat the only times I go AFK AFK is when I'm going to bed or playing a different game. The only other thing I can say is I love to help players and I enjoy doing so.
*List any skills you have that may be useful for staffing and how/why: The only things that would come close to being called a skills would be, 1, I get the hand of things fast when it comes to commands or new metas. 2, I have been playing Gmod for over 2000 hours and the server 200 Hours. 3, I have been in a lot of sits on this server and I have learnt from other staff how to handle people. lastly from being staff on other games I know how to deal with most people
Do you have any experience with role-playing servers?: I have a few thousand hours on DarkRP servers. I have had Garry's Mod for roughly 3 years now and been on and off of RP servers that range from ZombieRP, DarkRP and some other random ones.
Are you familiar with our community rules, community handbook(s), and punishment systems?: Yes I have learnt the rules the best I can. I try to let other players know some rules before they make a sit or get taken to one. I'm familiar with most of ban and jail system on the server for main things such as 1 Week for MRDM or MRDA, and jail for RDM,NLR,RDA if the player chooses to push the report and the 15 jails for 5 day ban 25 for 10day and 35 for a perma ban.
Were you referred by any staff member?: hmm Jacob recommended I applied but that's probs because I said I have been up since 3am at the time.
Do you agree that, if any of this information is deceptive or false, you will be demoted from your current staff position(if accepted) and will be permanently blacklisted from making any further staff applications?: Yes I agree.
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