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Daily tasks:
brush teeth/scrape tongue (get Ali to do it too)
feed Binoo (morning/night)
pray 5 daily prayers (after fajr, read Quran w/without trans.)
do hw/read Quran w/Ali
playtime w/Binoo (15mins x2)
brush binoo's teeth/clean his litter eod (M,W,F,Sun)
give Sodaba Cedarbrae books
write wudhu/namaaz
do ears sag as u age
think of earrings/perm jewellery after shower
ask school Q's and prepare Q's to ask after. Get coop form signed/to office & ask any questions bout summer courses/osap/deferral. Make sure u get OSAP/ur summer courses underway
prepare outdoor bag (glasses, wallet, water bottle, lip balm)
clean backpack/binder (sign coop form)
watch teeth vid/how to brush binoo/ali/mine how long to floss/brushing and flossing vids (clean teeth after)
see eyebrow vid/pics (how clean they do their brows and how much of it is left on top)
look up ac's online
update resume (utsc/merit award 2 years in resume/stem camp)
get Ali to look at brushing teeth vid
read habits of 4.0 students

to do list:
clean phone apps/photos/photo bucket
plan outfits in notes/see what to get rid of/look for pillow case (after u plan a week's worth of clothes, straighten hair)
check/delete emails (+ delete email's search history from pc), add things to notes if needed
put up storage room/kitchen curtain
see which email to deactivate and which to use (bahara.khalil/16) OR to make a new one & create new pass. Check which one dad's phone is synced to?
delete acc's of things u don't use like pinterest/snap/hallmark etc. Remove petsmart from indeed and make existing accs (aliexpress etc) look nice
go to doctor for period/allergy testing
save photos from reeba/umair
organize gmail/photos from gmail
give books/jacket back
find rec centre activities for all of us
take qurans to masjid
sell beds, bags, carpet, couch pillows with the gray throw box, TV, textbooks on fb, trampoline, Ali's car, Sara's dresses
finish swing drawing w/Ali at the park
go over driving rules/prepare for driving test
find jobs indeed for self and mom (library/ywca/bus monitor/rec centres/utsc/kijiji)
msg hospital to shadow
get money back from OSAP
change drivers license address/other things like library card
look at library events for Ali
look into ontario drug benefit program
visit cornell/give card & choc
start frequenting the masjid
memorize 99 names of allah
draw (finish butterfly/pinterest drawings)
clean storage/balcony
school list:
put in summer courses (poetry skills) after finalizing registration for summer. Make syllabus ahead of time and read up on teachers
thoughts list:
ones in bold
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Regards; Team

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